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About Myself: Hello everyone, call me Laina. I used to live abouts the United States but have recently since moved on to New Zealand. In my free time I enjoy horseback riding, knitting, baking, gardening, hobby farming, reading, playing games on this hurr computer, and hiking. I've also become an avid birdwatcher since the move.

How I found Canterlot.com: I googled "My Little Pony Friendship is Magic roleplay" and this was the first thing that popped up.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I heard about the show from a friend around the time it first came out. I didn't have the Hub so I keep up with episodes thanks to YouTube.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Twilight Sparkle
I'm not much of a talker as I'm always afraid I'll say something stupid, completely embarrass myself, and forever be shamed on the site. I've left quite a few roleplaying sites as I was afraid I'd done something stupid. I'm very non-confrontational and prefer a nice, laid back atmosphere.

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Hey Laina!

I think you'll find here the laid-back, welcoming atmosphere you're looking for. Just see above if you doubt me!

There's a genuine attitude of encouragement and gentility here. Looking forward to seeing you around the forums, and perhaps in some RP.

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I'm afraid you're not allowed to leave. Service is mandatory, and you've been drafted. Welcome to the rest of your li- Canterlot.

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Welcome to the forums, my friend! Also, don't worry about sayin' something stupid! Why I always do something stupid before and after I get up in the morning. But you know, I'm not ashamed of my stupid moments. Everyone has them and ya just gotta take 'em in stride, right?

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