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Glittarra Glam [Final]


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Roleplay Type:World of Equestria

Name:Glittarra Glam


Age: Mare


Eye Color:Light Blue

Coat Color:Silky White

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style:Sky Blue, usually is braided at a long length. Her tail is the same.

Physique:The same as an average mare

Cutie Mark:A roll of sparkly, white, fabric


Occupation:Fashion Designer

Motivation:She hopes to one day become the top designer

Likes:Designing clothing and shopping.

Dislikes:Bugs and spiders.

Character Summary: Glittarra Glam was a Manehattan pony. She loves the busy streets and the fabulous shops. She especially likes her family fashion and jewel store: Glam Jewels and Fashions. The 'fashions' part was added when Gittarra got her cutie mark when she was a little filly. She wanted to buy a dress for her mother but all the ones she could afford were ugly. She thought that anypony could make a better dress than those dresses. Then,an idea for a dress popped into her head. She went to get materials to make a dress. When she gave her creation to her mother, Glittarra's cutie mark appeared. Her mark (roll of white fabric) meant that she was good at making clothing. It means that she loves to get ideas from not as good looking dresses. To Glittarra, Manehattan wasn't just some fancy city. It was home. The stores would all be full of ponies wearing the latest fashions. Fashion was highly important in Manehattan so Glittarra was always careful to not create a fashion don't. Glittarra Glam is still going to school. Fasion Academy that is. It's the top design school in all of Equestria where mares like her learn more about fashion. She lives in a 3 story mansion not too far from where her parents' condo is. Her best friend is Artisa Stroke, a famous artist in Manehattan. Every morining, Gittarra goes to Fasion Academy and then goes on to work at Glam jewels and Fashions. Glittarra also has a lot of fans in Manehattan wearing her newest creations. All of her dresses and clothing are one of a kind so there will never be a fashion embarrassment in the city.

Glittarra also went to the Genius Academy for Gifted Fillies. That is where she met her best friend: Artisa Stroke. The Academy is a school for fillies who are talented in things like art or technology. The school is best known for the art the students create. There are also other classes for fillies with other talents such as building things and designing clothing.

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A good start here, but I feel like there's so much more I could know about the character. Give her some hype! Some background! The application is your chance to show everyone what makes your character who they are.

I'd like to see a little more in her summary is what I'm saying. What was her life like growing up in Manehattan? Did she go to school? Did she always spend her time with her parents? What was her social life like? Her cutie mark story is cute too, but I want to know what that cutie mark mean to her. Does it represent her love of improving a pony's image? Does she love seeing her designs and ideas come to life as they're worn by others? Things like that.

Mind you, you don't have to write a huge novel about your character if you don't want to. A short couple of sentences here or there simply expanding on the character a bit.

If you can do that for me, I'll have no problem stamping this for you! :)

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