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So i have a little issue here... I love MLP, and i love this board... But it's REALLY FREAKING HARD to tell who's male and who's female on here... With half the people having female characters as their avatars, i find it hard to distinguish the two! "Oh hey, she seems nice, maybe i should send her a PM *clicks profile* BUCK! It's a guy! *rage face* "

It's not a huge thing i know, but you know how you talk differently to certain people... like you wouldnt speak in the same tone, manner or use the same words to your parents as you would your friends, or say the same things to your non brony friends as you would your brony friends... know what i mean? It's just a little annoying...

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oh, I KNOW D:

I hate it D:

so many guys with cutesy avatars, I just assume they're all female XD I've never guessed a girl to be a guy on canterlot though.

I've decided that even though girls are the minority on canterlot, everyone is female until proven otherwise :l then in the likely circumstance that they're a guy, I can just say that I assume everyone is female until proven otherwise. good logic, Angie.

the big problem that I have is that I like to draw my friends, but I prefer to draw females. when someone who I want to draw who I thought was a girl turns out to be a guy, it's a real disappointment

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You know...

I wonder if I'm a guy...

Or if you're a guy...


... I'm keeping my eye on you, transgender from Mars....

Where's the fun in knowing?

Its like a Christmas present.

I dunno, that's ONE package i dont want to find unexpectedly...

oh, I KNOW D:

I hate it D:

so many guys with cutesy avatars, I just assume they're all female XD I've never guessed a girl to be a guy on canterlot though.

I've decided that even though girls are the minority on canterlot, everyone is female until proven otherwise :l then in the likely circumstance that they're a guy, I can just say that I assume everyone is female until proven otherwise. good logic, Angie.

the big problem that I have is that I like to draw my friends, but I prefer to draw females. when someone who I want to draw who I thought was a girl turns out to be a guy, it's a real disappointment

'Everyone is female until proven otherwise'... I can't help but think of the COPS opening... "All users are female until proven male in a court of law"...

But anyway, i just like talking to girls more than guys sometimes.... i feel a bit more of a connection i suppose, so that's why i like to know.

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I love everyone. There. Problem solved. There go I treat everyone with the same amount of care. I don't ever favour or talk to a sex differently. In real life or on the internet.

The only difference I use is a she/he or her/he and that quickly fixed with a swift statement of their gender. I only talk to someone differently if their personality seems volatile and needs extra kid gloves.

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I've decided that even though girls are the minority on canterlot, everyone is female until proven otherwise :l

As I've already said, that approach destroyed my mind and reconstructed it in matter of seconds. It's like a well aimed slap in the face too all sexists on the web.

But anyway, i just like talking to girls more than guys sometimes.... i feel a bit more of a connection i suppose, so that's why i like to know.

Uh... that's natural. Opposite genders find it much easier to talk with each other to be honest, as they enjoy their companionship much more. And that's a perfect explanation why I know more women personally, meanwhile they know much more men.

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