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Do your friends accept your bronyism?


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They don't. Nor do I shove it in their faces. I'm surrounded by pretty much 9gager's, 4channers, and a few redditors. Thats my "friend" group.

Everyone else? They just turn a blind eye, or mock something they don't understand completely. To which I don't bother educating them, because its a waste of my time.

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I got lucky when I told an Anti-Brony to watch the first two episodes before he makes anymore fun of me in front of everypony. I am sure you have all heard this before. I told him last Friday to watch those two episodes over the course of the weekend. He came back from the weekend telling me this:

"At the first episode, I was like god**** it. Why do you make me watch this ****? This is incredibly gay." Second episode? I had to watch it to understand why you wanted me to watch it. I was getting a hold of the story. By the time I finished that, I wondered what the next episode would be."

He then continues to tell me that the haters of this show should first give the show a chance before they criticize it. He also told me Fluttershy is best pony. So he watched the first seven episodes and basically told me he was sorry. Kind of ironic how easily one can like the "show for 5 year old girls" after having such a rude bias. All in all, he's now a brony.

That is my little spiel on conversion.

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My classmates are okay with it. However, I have an anti-brony friend and hates it whenever i talk about ponies or whenever there are pictures with ponies. Then in classed I showed him some brony-made songs and he was actually suprised and quite speechless :D

You know, I'm wondering how my anti-pony friend feels about a pony artist and brony being signed to Kontor... I'm likely not going to bring it up unless he does though. He'll probably be pissed that a Brony will probably get the chance to stand on the same stage as his favorite trance artist before he will XD (ATB). (and if you don't know, I'm referring to Archie who recently got a contact)

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I have one anti-pony friend, and he is in college now, so I hardly see him anymore. The one that converted me has also converted nearly all of our friends (Three are being stubborn, but one is breaking). She is insane with recruiting, I'm afraid she might go for teachers next.

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I have one anti-pony friend, and he is in college now, so I hardly see him anymore. The one that converted me has also converted nearly all of our friends (Three are being stubborn, but one is breaking). She is insane with recruiting, I'm afraid she might go for teachers next.

You know, that sounds like my manager... I told her about ponies, and she admitted to being off put at first... She started watching a week ago... She is now honestly probably all caught up. In the process of watching she converted 2 friends, which in turn converted 2 siblings. She is currently working on a third friend who is having an existential crisis because he apparently already tried and didn't like it, but now all of his friends are getting into the show and is considering rethinking it. Here is the caveat to that story... He was a friend of mine in hs (that I fell out of touch with). I'm currently debating contacting him and telling him I was the one who got her into it.... And the apologizing because she is persistent XD.

Oh yeah, and we totally spent most of the last work day talking about ponies. So awesome.

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You know, that sounds like my manager... I told her about ponies, and she admitted to being off put at first... She started watching a week ago... She is now honestly probably all caught up. In the process of watching she converted 2 friends, which in turn converted 2 siblings. She is currently working on a third friend who is having an existential crisis because he apparently already tried and didn't like it, but now all of his friends are getting into the show and is considering rethinking it. Here is the caveat to that story... He was a friend of mine in hs (that I fell out of touch with). I'm currently debating contacting him and telling him I was the one who got her into it.... And the apologizing because she is persistent XD.

Oh yeah, and we totally spent most of the last work day talking about ponies. So awesome.

I wish I had coworkers that liked ponies...

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I honestly dont give a pile od manure whether all of my friends accept it or not. I have one brony friend IRL and he's the one who converted me. Lucky for him he's uncovered a sound group of bronies in his school (he's still in highschool im in college) not as fortunate for me their seems to be acceptance of my interests at school but not much real interest in the show other than one other person who is still a budding closet brony at most. I'm trying to get him to branch out more into the fandom by drawing him and other closet bronies out by looking at pony pics on my laptop or I'll start watching an episode in the cafeteria and see who comes over to watch with me. At the moment I am preparing to introduce my mom to the show. I just recently told her I watch it and told her the basics of why I do and couldnt have asked for a better result. She said in the most sincere voice "Wow that sounds really cool!" amongst other positive comments. So really I was more concerned with family knowing mostly my sister and my dad. They arent the kind to let me live it down and I have to deal with them on a daily basis, so the grief is best dealt with by being avoided. Friends however I couldnt care less, any good friend of mine anti brony or not isnt going to give me too hard of a time, and when then do start pulling out the anti brony hate I punish them by spamming their facebook with pony pics.

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Most of the people I have opened up to are neutral about it. They accept me for who I am, odd as I may seem to them. To my friends, it's just par for the course with me.

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My friends made me become a brony... well pegasister. My best friend started watching it and my other good friend started and then a few week later, I stared watching it. I'm pretty convinced that I could get my brother to watch it. But Over all, my friends are cool with my brony-ness.

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