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The Return of Discord [Open]

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Yeeehaww! Came a cry from above before a orange streak blew past Balance and tackled the discorded robot and knocked it back several feet. The strange orange pegasus turned to Balance and said. Hey man you must be Balance, Fire thought you would need help so he sent me and our friends after the others. I'll tell you who I am later for now just get to Skyhaven. The stranger then turned back at the robot as it started to rise back on its feet.

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Balance raised an eyebrow at the situation. Not that he didn't trust the pony, she seemed very honest but... What's with the accent? We're not in New Braunfols. He ignored that for the moment, and ran off, still levitating a very scared Fluttershy, who didn't seem to notice the new pony. He found the trail again, and started galloping down the road towards the castle. I hope that pony is fine.

She seems strong, that accent only makes me more confident of that. She's probably fine.

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Quantum growled as he felt himself be pushed back, wanting to take care of this loser before his target got away, the pink haired Earth Cyborg shot several beams of various neon colors, using the blinding ligh as a distraction before he pounced at the new comer and giving him a mid-air buck to the face.

"Y'all got In ma way, going ta enjoy Killlen you!" The former inventer laughed cruely and prepared a heavy barrage.

This punk wants a fight? He will get more then that.....he wondered how he felt about being cremated...

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After easily dodging the pathetic excuse of a laser barriage, Wildfire jumped in close to the robot and kicked in the face. She quickly flew back before it had time to react then took off in the air taunting it all the while. When she knew she was at the correct hight Wildfire divebombed the robot. When she collided with the machine pony a mushroom cloud of fire was sent into the sky. Wildfire quickly turned and flew after the pair she was helping to escape not bothering to check and see if the machine was finished becuase her only mission was to safely escort Fluttershy and the unicorn Balance. She caught sight of them on the trail of Everfree and landed next to them and said. Ok i think we're safe for now. So I bet you're wondering who I am huh? Hey there Flutters hope you're doing ok. How's Angel?

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Balance was a good distance ahead, and no longer heard the sounds from the robot. He fell over from exhaustion, and dropped Fluttershy. Then, the new pony flew up to them. "Yes... I'd like to... Know who... You are..." He said between puffs of air.

Fluttershy tried to help Balance, who she was beginning to trust. She wished she could do something to help him, but had nothing with her. She felt bad for leaving without bringing extra things. She was about to say something, when the pony who was fighting the robot flew up to them. She believed she could trust this pony, who was defending her. She asked her about Angel. She was surprised that the pony knew about Angel. She dug into the ground with one of her hooves. "A-Angels fine..." That was a lie, however, because Angel turned into a whole other strange creature, who ran off from Fluttershy's house, so she had no idea what was happening with Angel. The thought of Angel brung a tear to her eye.

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Wildfire remembered that she and Flutter only met once and she gave herself a facehoof groaning aloud. Fluttershy you don't have to afraid I'm here cause Fireheart sent me to escort you to Skyhaven. Do you remember? We met there when you and the other five came up asking about the Elements of Harmony, well it's was mostly Twi asking all the questions. Anyways I'm Wildfire the first Element of Honesty pleased to meet you Balance. Now that introdutions are done we have to leave before that robot catches up.

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Balance stood up, stretching out his acheing muscles. "Okay, I'll go. Are we at least close to the castle?" He looked back. The pony didn't seem too close. He then remembered that Amber and Nemisis were also escorting different elements. "Did you sent people for Amber and Nemesis? I know Nemesis can take care of himself, and much more, but if Amber loses her new wand, she's dead."

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Fire gave a nod saying. Don't worry about them Fireheart wouldn't lrt tham fall to Discord or his minions. Now lets go we're not far. Just up the pat a little more and the castle will come into view. She said with a tone of urgence as she moved behind them and gave them a push with her wings before taking the lead.

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"R-right." Balance responded to Wildfire, though still slightly worried about Amber. He marched along with Wild, trying to ignore his aching muscles, and eventually the castle came into view. "Oh thank Celestia!" Balance yelled. "Woops..." He realised he should be quieter, so the robot wouldn't know where they are.

Fluttershy trotted with them, keeping aware of her surrounding, scared of every slight movements in the trees. She saw the large castle, towering over them. She remembered the old bridge that Rainbow Dash fixed, still slightly scared of it falling. She decided to fly above the ponies, in case it did fall.

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(Careful Fireheart, your getting very close to having a bunch of Mary-Sues. And try not to control other people's characters, please.)

Quantum began laughing hysterically as he satin the middle of a massive crater, he suddenly stopped laughing as his organic eye seemed to go out of it and the robotic eye lit up, "Why are you laughing? You allowed the target to escape and allowed all your shots to miss." The monotone voice pointed out, before the eye process reversed.

"Why am ah laughing? Because am ah bucking genius!" The voice of emotion declared.

"According to previously collected data. This is false." The voice of logic quickly commented.

"Oh yeah? Well buck you too buddy! Anywho...ya know that special explosives the boss gave us ta blow up that Apple orcad? Ah attached that ta her hot flank while ah let er pound me! It'll blow up half the Everfree when ah send out a magi-wave! Including us!" He laughed madly, befor Logic took control.

"You did what? That is increasing our chance of death by I would highly advise not detonating the magi-mine." The left brain suggested....

"Buck that! This is going ta be fun!" Emotion declared as his sparking circuits began to glow until it became blinding, a moment later, it stopped suddenly...all was silent....

That would change in a moment...no matter what happioned to the mine something was going to blow up, be it the target, that Pegasus, or the forest.

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Nemesis had already arrived back with rarity on his back he looked around and said to her "I think we are the first ones back"

rarity jumped of nemesis back and paid no attention to her surroundings "oh well darling, while we wait I can fix you up with a new colour for your....armour?"

Nemesis took a few steps back "Thanks but no thanks...I think I'll stick with red...well until I need to do a stealth mission..then I'll visit you" he chuckled at the idea of his red armour been coloured dark blue or black.

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After crossing the bridge, Balance saw somepony fly to the castle. Not just a regular pegasus flight, it looked like when he first saw Nemesis. He wasn't sure to trust this. "Hey Wild, do you think that was Nemesis or that evil robot-pony thing from before?" He then thought he heard a beeping nearby. Fluttershy squealed and hid in a bush. "Wild, shut off your... Whatever that is."

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(OOC: Sorry delays. Just remembered that one of the other players was running a human and twilight both in this thread. Is that player still around? Untill I hear one way or the other, I've found Rainbow Dash instead. )

Amber Wands looked around the Library in growing panic "Miss Sparkle! Its an emergency! DIscord is rampaging again! Where are you?!"

A baby dragon poked his head out from the stairwell to the second floor, then looked back up the stairs "Come on out Rainbow Dash! Its two royal guardsponies and a unicorn!"

Amber gasped as the cyan pony came out, her wings on backwards. She was on the verge of tears "Tell me you can undo this? I came here hoping Twi was around."

The mare gulped "I can try. if not, Fireheart at Skyhaven can! That's where we are meeting up with the Elements!"

RD sighed "Right, lay it on me egghead. Lets see what ya got."

Amber closed her eyes and tapped her new wand on Dash's forehead... "Dispell!"

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A robed figure fell from a large tree into a heap, it slowly rose and examined it's surroundings.

"Oh? Time for me to do my part....joy.." The voice sighed, okay....what was he supposed to do? Oh yeah. Capture the Element of Magic, why did he always get picked for this sorta stuff?

"Hello? Anypony around?" The hooded figure asked, if one looked close enough, they might see stripes covering a white face.

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"no no no purple clashes with my blue visor and power cores" nemesis said towards rarity. The two got into a rather deep discussion over what other armour colours nemesis could use.

"Hmmm oh! how about mustard yellow darling? It would really bring out the blue on you and works well with that black backpack of yours" rarity said as she walked around nemesis, studying his design.

Nemesis thought about it for a moment "mustard yellow eh?" he said then added "Okay that can be for when I'm sent out to desert regions...Hmmm okay! How about white with patches of light and dark grey for the snowy regions?" He asked looking to rarity

Rarity s******ed slightly "oh darling those colours would simply not fit you at all.."

OOC: Nemesis and rarity are waiting at the meet up point so I'll wait till more show up. ))

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Amber gasped as the library door swung open behind her, a dark shilohette standing there. after a moment, Amber ahemed when a familiar voice called from the door. "Doctor! I am glad its you. We thought it was Discord's minions."

Rainbow Dash bounced on her hooves "Did it work?!" and looked a her back, seeing one of her wings was normal, but the other was still backwards. "Oh Ponyfeathers!"

One of the guards motioned to the door "Please, Miss Wands, Doctor, lets get her back to Skyhaven before something happens."

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The clocked figure shook his head as Nopony seemed to notice him, just as well, he heard some very tough sounding voices.

Lowering hinself so he appeared far shorter then he actually was, he filled the doorway and began speaking,"E-excuse me....b-but do y-you know where m-my parents are?" he asked in a pathetic voice that would usually come from the mouth of one far you get then he.

He looked over his foes as he waited for a response, some very elite lookijg guards...some quick nerve hits should take care of them before they could cause trouble.

Then there was the Earth Pony, the Pegasus, a Unicorn(not the target,unfortunately) and even the baby dragon he had been warned of in the dossier.

He prayed that he wouldn't have to hurt them.

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Fireheart poped back to Skyhaven with a screaming, swearing, grey Applejack. He looked around only to find that the robot pony and Rarity have returned. Worry grew on Fire as he aproached the duo seeing that they were in some conversation. As he drew closer he heard what he was expecting. Rarity was trying her best to convinve the robot in changeing his armor. Fire laugh silently to himself at the silly scene before him. I'm glad you two made it saftly. I asure you had no trouble?

Hunh? Waht are you talking abo... Apon turning to look at her back she noticed a small device attached to her flank. A bomb? Really? You're going to sink this low and place a bomb on me?! Wildfire sighed in frustration and attempted to pull of the device. Unluckly it was just out of her reach and she looked at Balance. Can you help me get this thing off?

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"A-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-A BOMB?!" Balance yelled, starting to panic. Calm down!


Pull the stupid bomb off, that's how.


Balance approached the bomb fearfully, and used his horn to pull it off. It beeped again, and he flinched, sending it flying down to the river they just crossed. "Okay, I think we're fine... We're fine, right? It's not a megaspell, right? Please say it's not..."

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Wildfire quickly took off and caught the bomb before it got out of sight. When it was firmly in her hooves she flew over the bridge and dropped the device into the gaint crevice in which it disappered into the darkness. She relanded next to Balance and attmepted to coaxe Fluttershy out of hiding with little success. That thing was a type 1000 mega bomb. It might have seemed small, but trust me it would turn all of Everfree into a wasteland if it were to go off. Now that it's safe let's get back to Skyhaven.

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"Type 1000 mega bomb?! Are you sure that crevice is big enough to hold that?" The way Wildfire described the bomb, it did sound the the megaspell, from a book he read when he was younger about Equestria in a nuclear fallout. Balance heard a noise come from the crevice, which then caved in. He nervously walked towards the castle, and Fluttershy eventually came out from her bush, following the group in fear.

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Yes i'm sure now let's go. Wildfire once again took the lead and entered the castle. When she was in the main room she looked around and spotted and odd looking arched in which proceded to walk up to and placed a hoof on it saying. Waygate, estaplish link to Waygate Skyhaven. Then came a humming sound and the arch began to glow a low blue. Suddenly a portal opened up revealing a large library and a pedastal of water in its center. Come on. She said and walked right through

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Balance and Fluttershy entered the portal. Balance was amazed by the large array of ancient looking books. Or at least, half of him was. Wow! You know how much history must be in these? I'm in heaven!

Meh. They look pretty boring to me.

Boring?! There is nothing boring about history!

There is everything boring about history. I don't know how you can stand this.

We WILL read, if we have free time. At least one book!

Okay, fine, if it will shut you up.

While Balance was looking at the shelves, Fluttershy saw Rarity, though didn't see the robot. She ran up quickly. "Rarity! I'm so sorry we missed our weekly get togethers! I was about to go, then some strange pony entered my house! I was so scared! Then I heard about Discord and-" She then saw the robot, and instantly shut her mouth.

Oh, so she talks to her, but us? No, we're too big and scary to talk to her.

She's worried about missing some weekly get together? She needs to sort out her priorities.

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