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The Return of Discord [Open]

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Thank goodness she's a pegasus Wildfire said grimly The room we're in is at the top of the largest spire in Skyhaven. When she looked over at Balance he seemed to be a colt in Sugarcube Corner. So you like reading huh? this is Fireheart's personal study, so I advise you don't touch any of his books She grinned teasingly.

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"Me? Oh, no, these books look, OUCH!" Balance yelled, suddenly grabbing his head. What was that for?! And how did you do that?!

First, you'd look strange if you were looking at books like that, and said 'no those books look boring' and second, I'm in your brain, I can do what I want.

"I mean, yes, I absoulutely..." I can't lie to her! She saved us!

Then make an excuse!

"I mean...I like good books." Balance said, finally settling on something. It wasn't a lie, he did like good books, but those books didn't look good. He backed away from the shelves, remembering Wildfire's suggestion.

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Emotion squealed as he got to 0, exactly when the Megaspell would go off and he would finally leave his mark on Equestria!

You can imagine his disappointment when he only HEARD the explosion,"Oh come on!" He screamed at the heavens.

"You forgot to activate it's magi-lock to ensure it couldn't be removed. Didn't you?" The monotone of voice of Logic sounded almost condescending.

"Y'all ca' do tha't? Wel' damn...." He cursed and slowly brought hinself to his heavily damaged hooves,"You recken that there taint going ta do anything? Ah'm guessing she threw it into that canyon over yonder...Ah like this Mare!"He said with a grin.

"Considering those deep depressions have their own Eco-system. It would be safe to assume that it has become it's own wasteland. The high levels of taint would kill or mutate any animal living there.I would not advise exploration." He calculated, in a few years, the animals and resulting creatures would cause much trouble for whoever wins this war.

"Well, we ain't getten paid for sitten 'round. Ah'll let the tech repair itself while we track down the target....ah can't wait ta get a'hold of that chicken..." He mumbled the last part under his breath, giddy about getting his vengeance.

Still weakened, Logic took control and used his(?) highly advanced magi-tracker to search for where the target had run off to.

"61.234621% magical presence detected. Further data being collected." He announced to the empty space around him(he also picked up some very minor radition. Though it was amazing that it reached up this far.)as he looked upon the ancient fortress, before entering after a cry of "Magical artifact detected."

When he saw a glowing portal leading to a new area, he could only say,"It was not logical to leave this open. A Discordian Unit could easily follow the target into this." He then trotted into the mystery location,charging his Advanced weaponry and Basic weaponry alike.(Causing some more sparking, but the auto-repair was taking care of that.)

"Release your arms and surrender.Any other course of action will result in Complete and utter termination." He promised as Emotion broke threw," Ah came ta kick flank and chew hay. And ah ran outta hay!" The chaotic right brain announced and fired several shots around the library, an action that would of made the original Quantum weep.

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Amber wheeled around again in surprise, seeing a cloaked figure in the doorway. She got herself in front of Rainbow Dash protectively. "Guards, get her in the portal, just in case."

RD snorted "I can take care of myself. 'Sides, that sounds like a lost foal, right? Come here little fella..."

Amber motioned to the guards to get RD moving. "Ponyville is Discorded again, nothing is as it seems Miss Dash...Please hurry with these guards so you can get your wing fixed." She lifted her wand defensively "You! Remove your hood slowly."

RD was hustled toward the portal as the pegasus kept looking over her shoulder at the scene. "Okay, okay, i got the picture. I'm a famous VIP now, huh."...

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Zilen narrowed his eyes, this one was smarter then the other residents of Ponyville he had encountered...wait...she was from Canterlot.He could practicly smell the poshnes of that city on her.

Stepping closer towards the mare, he began makin sobbing sounds,"W-why? A-are you going t-to hurt me? P-please don't h-hurt me..." he begged in his foal voice and prepared to take out the guards when he got in range.

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Balance turned instantly as the android pony entered the room. He knew not to talk, but was looking around for anything to do, though found nothing very obvious to do. He hoped Wildfire had some crazy traps planted around that she could use. He made a quick look at Fluttershy, who was thankfully near Nemesis, so she could be protected. He knew to stay put and shut up, though prepared to jump out of the way at any moment.

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(sorry for being MIA there guys...btw about to stop fighting Discord......hit and run time...)

The young alicorn stood up again and took a deep breath......he exhaled and smirked at discord... "well...its been fun discord but i gotta go...oh and by the way...incase you were wondering, my name is Lightning Shadow...see ya!" he used his magic to send a cloud of dirt and dust fly up and block him from view...by the time it cleared he was far away and high up......he smirked as a bolt of lightning struck......it was because of the beam of light he sent up before...the bolt hit discord...Lightning used his magic to send a mental message to all friendly ponies in the area...it said 'PLEASE...ANYPONY WHO HEARS THIS PLEASE HELP ME...JUST RAN INTO DISCORD...NEED A SAFE PLACE TO RECUPERATE...PLEASE RESPOND...FROM LIGHTNING 'CARMANA' SHADOW.' as he finished sending this message he prayed someone would answer......

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What in Equstria! Fireheart's attention was directed at the sound and light going off at one of his towers. At the top of the tower he saw lasers firing randomly in all dircetions. He teleported himself into his study with a pop and when he entered the room lasers were hitting hiscollection of spellbook. he looked down the pony who was firing the laser with the look of pure rage written on his face. Wildfire nudged Balance to get his attention saying. Remember when I said "don't touch his books"? Well this is what happens. To put it short, touch Fireheart's books and there'll be hell to pay. As Wildfire said that Fireheart's fire like mane ignited into it's magical form amd the room began to drastically heat up at an alarming rate. I think we shuold get out of here before his fuse goes off.

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"Okay, I won't be touching his books then." Balance told Wildfire with a slight amount of fear in it. "We were told not to move, sorry. I need to protect the elements, and that involves not moving so this pony won't shoot me." Balance stood in place, in slight fear of Fireheart destroying the pony. First he'll destroy him... Then he'll destroy me! OH CELESTIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Shut up.

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Discord yawned as he saw the young Alicorn fly off,"What a stupid name." He mumbled and turned to walk off, before being struck by a lighting bolt.

Hm...must of hurt.

Despite the fact that the little punk wasn't nearly as powerful as Tia or Luna, it still stung.

"In my name! That tickled!" He laughed threw the slight pain he was feeling, he would get that punk later...first he had to take care of his oldest friends...


Logic acknowledged the new threat that had appeared.

"Threat level: Omega. Activating advanced Magi-field." He monotoned as a thick looking pink shield of energy rose to surround him.

"Be advised: Any further aggression will be punished with immediate termination." He warned as he began charging his Omeaga level weapon.

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While Fireheart was distracting the android, Balance was slowly walking backwards towards the elements and Nemesis. Once he was close enough, he whispered to them. "Nemesis, take the elements and run. I'll hold him off as long as I can, just find a place to hide until this thing is taken care of."

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Lightning gasped for breath...he saw the everfree and beelined for it......he landed in the darkest part of the forest...and entered his home...he grabbed his supplies and took off with a final glance at his home...a black tear fell...he sent a new message 'IF YOU CAN HEAR THIS...I WILL DO WHAT EVER IT TAKES TO STOP DISCORD...PLEASE HELP ME TO SAFETY......IM DESPERATE...IM NOT SURE HOW MUCH LONGER I CAN LAST...PLEASE...HELP......I......- - -' he past out mid flight...and crashed in the middle of a field...his message leaving a trail to him that only non-discord alies could follow......his gems glowed amplifying the signal......

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(OOC; waiting for the Dr to respond, might as well pad the scene a bit more...)

Amber cast a shield spell in the form of a yard wide orange disk and pushed it forward toward the hooded figure to make it back up "If you dont remove that hood, so help me I will! Guards! Get Miss Dash and the dragon out NOW!"

Spike yelled "What?!" as he was scooped up, while the other swept a wing around RD and ran forward with the blue pegasus mare, both headed for the portal...

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Zilen sighed, he wasn't fooling anyone...aw well. Time to do his job.

"Hm. Your hypocrisy I can't describe. So I shall simply......nevermind." He sighed and jumped into the air, the hood flying off, showing a bored looking Zebra.

Zilen turned his jump into a roll and fell in front of the guards,"Not.So.Fast. Give me the location of Miss Sparkle or I will be forced to use lethal force."

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"alright so they're gone in the portal but still where is twilight?" he asked "with out her equestria will be held up in chaos for ever!" he said with a worried look on his face "im suppose to protect every planet including this on ohh this is bad"

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Amber gasped as the zebra jumped over her after unmasking and blocked the way.

Amber raced over while Rainbow Dash was yelling at the zebra "Oh Yeah!? She aint here stripy! Are you blind as well as dumb?"

Her guard hurriedly put a wing over her mouth.

Amber nodded thanks and raised her wand "She is not here so I suggest you leave peacefully! Guard! Go with the Doctor! Get them to the Tardis! I'll hold this... this... Minion at bay!"

Seeing the bright colored unicorn racing over to challenge the zebra, Spike broke free of the guard and ran to the Doctor and whispered "I last saw Twilight near the refugee camp outside of town! Hurry!" The guards now galloped toward the Doctor "Hurry, Sir. lead the way!"

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Balance was trying to focus on ways to take down the android, or ways to distract him while the elements ran, but he kept thinking of the same thought over and over. Somepony being injured and needing help, or something like that. He wasn't sure what to do at the time, he couldn't really help him while he was trapped, and if he attempted any spell to get his attention, it would end in him being shot. He hoped the other ponies would remember this message after the android pony was defeated.

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Zilean shook his head as he heard the Rainbow one's words,"It is rude to insult one based on their race. I could easily call you a chicken." He pointed out as he watched the guards try and get to the door and a little unicorn come up to face him.

"You can not win. I will make this quick and non-lethal." He promised and rushed his foe,bringing up his hooves and jabbing at her horn and neck.

"My name is Zilean. And Discord has vowed to leave my homeland alone in exchange for my services. I am sorry." The. Unicorn at least deserved to know who was helping to bring the fall of her country.

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the doctor held his key tight the guard looked confused "ugh sir thats just a key" he said to the doctor "hold on" said the doctor then the tardis started to materialise VWOOOM VWOOOM when it materialised the doctor opened the door to let them in

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Alright you leave me with no choice buddy. Without warning Wildfire grabbed to colt under his forelegs and flew out the window down to the courtyard.

Meanwhile Fireheart reached out and melted the robot's silly cannon with little effort. Don't think you can challenge me little robot. Just as you don't challeng your master you don't challenge me. And with that Fireheart kicked the robot out of the portal and closed it before saying Tell your master that Order will not fall to such pathetic weaklings.

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"BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Balance screamed as Wildfire grabbed him and started flying. He hated unprotected heights. He would love seeing this from behind a fence, but being held by a pony wasn't what he considered fun. They finally landed in the courtyard. Balance felt confident that Nemesis and Fireheart could protect the elements, so all of his fear was gone, now that he was out of danger, though the message that was in his brain was still lurking there.

That's not you, right?

You would know if it was me. This sounds WAAAAY to different from me.

"Wild, do you hear that pony? It sounds like he needs help."

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Logic layed on the ground inside the castle ruins, trying to process what had happioned,"Cr1t1c0l D0m0ge t0ken..." He sprutted out as he began sparking profoundly.

Suddenly, the organic eye came into focus despite the fact that the mechanical eye stayed lit.

"W-where am ah?" A very scared voice asked and looked it self over,"Wha-what is this? What happioned to me?" He asked in fear before screaming in pain as the False eye glowed brighter.

"Be silent. Sending out distress signal and activating self-repair protocalls. Going off-line." He monotoned as both eyes seemed to either stop glowing/close.

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RD gave a muffled retort to the zebra as the guard kept his wing over her mouth, racing up to the Doctor.

Amber Wands gave a scream as the zebra lunged at her Her wand formed another shield like a glowing warrior's shield which raised up to stop the strike at her horn. the thud on the shield rocked her back, giving his hoof a glancing blow on her neck, dazing her for a moment. She threw the shield forward at the zebra to try and push him back and keep him there.

"*pant* FOAL! You believe him?! If it were that easy, the Princesses would not have used the Elements on him! Even Discord does not know what he will do tomorrow. He might randomly decide to break his word, or roll back time so that he never gave it to begin with, or any number of bizzare ways around that."

Meanwhile the guards, Spike, and RD were racing into the strange blue box. One called to her "Miss! We cant leave Rainbow Dash! You have to come to us! Hurry!"

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