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What are your thoughts on Fox News comparing bronies to a baby-person on live tv?


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FOX, bringing you absolute crap that is not at all opinionated or totally biased!

What did I just say... look lets not start this Okay everyone has there own opinions they are entitled too and you want to know the truth ALL news networks are opinionated or totally biased its The way it works

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What did I just say... look lets not start this Okay everyone has there own opinions they are entitled too and you want to know the truth ALL news networks are opinionated or totally biased its The way it works

That's why I don't watch any news stations. I get my news from other sources now.

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... Yes and Im one of the ones who watches it and Compares it to the other media outlets and have yet to find one of the actualization as to why its bad true

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This is... actually news to me. So now, because we watch a show, we cannot work due to an obsession? Woah, woah, woah, back up here........ I was about to go on a rant for a second, then I realized it was Fox news. They're paid to make people look bad....

But while news stations are always opinionated, there's a difference between opinion and fact. They mentioned that we "Cannot work", and that is stated as a fact. It is a very false fact. Isn't there some form of, I dunno, editor, in there who can catch those or something? That's just a flat out lie that's being spread to the nation, not someone's opinion.

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woah you back up ITS NOT FOX NEWS! first and for most and that is untrue My friend They are payed to report the news and they do Better than all the other news stations out there

third off The show on witch this all happened Is an opinionated Talk show so Again There is no Teeth to Anything They Say

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Okay, after taking a few minutes to translate, what I got was "This show isn't Fox News, Fox news is an amazing news show, and this is a stupid talk show that's opinionated." Now, I wouldn't know whether this is Fox news or not, I don't watch Fox news. You might be right there. But even then I think you missed the point of my post. There's a fine line dividing opinion and fact, and this show crossed that line. I don't care how few people actually believe it or not.

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Okay, after taking a few minutes to translate, what I got was "This show isn't Fox News, Fox news is an amazing news show, and this is a stupid talk show that's opinionated." Now, I wouldn't know whether this is Fox news or not, I don't watch Fox news. You might be right there. But even then I think you missed the point of my post. There's a fine line dividing opinion and fact, and this show crossed that line. I don't care how few people actually believe it or not.

I don't think that's entirely the point DarkAI is trying to make. It's more than it just being an opinionated show.

This program wasn't intended to be seen nationally (looking it up, it seems to have come from a local St. Louis Fox station). It's only being seen outside of its specific region because it was put on Youtube. And no, there probably isn't an editor, or any people being paid for rigorous research. It's broadcast television, probably with a very small budget. Really, it's kind of not many steps up from public access. I again, really don't know what people are expecting from this sort of program.

And again, it certainly doesn't have anything to do with the national Fox News cable network. I can't defend what was said on the program, as it was hopelessly idiotic, but attacking Fox News for this is really kind of unreasonable I think. It really kind of strikes me that people are just jumping at the first chance to bash an easy target. :/

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