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Hurt/Heal WAR! Who is Best Pony?

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So when there are only two ponies left, and several people are aggressively gunning against one of them are you going to wonder why they hate her so much? All of the remaining ponies have lasted a long time, and the goal is to get to one.

I think you are the first to remember this.

I'm pretty sure the only pony that no one has "hated on" is Derpy.

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Fixed it. Meant to add the hurt in, just forgot.

Still, I am amused!

Could you clarify the power-up for this round? Will the ponies be eligible to be hexed or powered, or will they be immune from those effects as well?

Also, more food for thought (new ones bolded):


*Prince Blueblood's Hubris: Hexed ponies recieve a temporary max health equal to their current health at the time they recieve the hex

*Iron Will's Efficiency Seminar: If you do exactly 3 hurt points to a hexed pony, it will do 3 bonus hurt points

*Manticore Rampage: Whenever a pony is petrified this round, hexed ponies lose 10 health

*Diamond Tiara's Blackmail: Effected ponies lose 9 health, and have the resulting value set as their new max health

*Lost in the Diamond Dog Cave: 42 hurt points are divided and distributed evenly across the hexed ponies (round up if necessary).

*Cockatrice Stare: When ever a player makes his/her vote for the day, effected ponies each lose one health

*Windigo Plague: When a pony directly above or below in the list is hurt, this pony also takes that damage.

*Running from the Timberwolves: Effected ponies can be healed a maximum of one point per player per day

*Ahuitzotl's Death Trap: Double all damage to effected ponies

*Grayed out by Discord: Affected ponies cannot be healed for three days.

*Poison Joke: The next time the affected pony would be powered-up, the power-up will fail on that pony

*Hydra attack: Affected ponies lose half their health (rounded up)

*Discord: hurt votes cast at 17 minutes after the hour do triple damage


*Cheerilee's Humility: Powered ponies recieve a temporary min health equal to their current health at the time they recieve the power-up

*Owlowiscious on guard: The TOP vote getter recieves Owlowiscious' help in detecting attacks. Subtract one from each attack. Owlowiscious has 21 health, and can be attacked, but not healed.

*Wonderbolt Awe: If you do exactly 3 healing points to a powered pony, it will heal 2 bonus heal points.

*Apple Family Reunion: Whenever a pony is brought to full health for the first time in a round, other powered ponies get 10 health

*Element of Laughter: If someone tries to hurt an effected pony, they will instead be healed one point

*Element of Generosity: When this pony is healed, the pony above and below also get +1 to their health

*Element of Magic: 42 health points are distributed evenly across the powered ponies (round up if necessary)

*Element of Loyalty: Each time an effected pony, and an adjacent non-hexed pony is hurt, subtract one from the damage

*A day at the spa: Whenever the pony is healed or hurt, it also get +1 to their health

*Phoenix Feather: Sets a ponies minimum health to 1. Removed when the pony gets hexed. Only given to the TOP vote receiver

*Saphire Shores' Concert: The affected ponies are hard to find in the pit. You can't hurt them more than one point per day

*Zecora's Cure: The next time the affected pony would be hexed, the curse will fail on that pony

*Starswirl's Stasis Field: Affected ponies are transported three days into the future! They can't be hurt or healed in that time


*Palace Guard Reset Button:

Hexed ponies that have more then 30 health will be reset to 30 health.

Hexed ponies that have any positive boosts, like a raised maximum, will lose them.

Powered ponies that have less then 30 health will be reset to 30 health.

Powered ponies that have any negative boosts, like a lowered maximum, will lose them.

*Zombie Ponies are Real: Any petrified pony that receives a power-up or hex differential of 2 or greater (positive or negative) comes back as a zombie. Zombie ponies start with 12 health and cannot be healed. Their name will be prefixed with "ZOMBIE".

And again, feel free to use these as inspiration. Adjust the numbers/stories/names/mechanics/whatever at will.

This is one frustrating game.

Explain why please? Is there something we can do to fix it?

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Still, I am amused!

Could you clarify the power-up for this round? Will the ponies be eligible to be hexed or powered, or will they be immune from those effects as well?

Hmm, I think they'll be entirely removed from votes for that round, including hexes and power ups. Makes more sense that way. For three days, it's like the affected ponies aren't even on the list.

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Hmm, I think they'll be entirely removed from votes for that round, including hexes and power ups. Makes more sense that way. For three days, it's like the affected ponies aren't even on the list.


I have a suggestion for a new rule. Let me know what you guys think:

At the point where there are only 8 ponies left, new ponies can no longer be added to the list.

The cheesiness that I am trying to avoid is getting to the end, only two ponies remain, and are both nearly petrified, and then someone adds Lotus to the list and she wins out of nowhere, or at least throws the competition into chaos when people were coming to terms with it nearly being finished. Everyone has had plenty of chances at this point to add anyone who has been left out.

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I don't know. At this point, I think if someone wanted to add a new pony to the mix it might make things kind of interesting. Could add an unexpected dynamic and shake things up...

*is seriously considering adding Gilda to list if Rarity is eliminated... :blush: *

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It's silly how I somehow stopped caring for this game suddenly. I guess that fact of Rarity being best no matter the result finally started to satisfy me to an appropriate extent :)

And perhaps also because people value vengeance too highly in here. Even higher than I do ._. wouldn't like to gain new, bad habits ^^

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I don't know. At this point, I think if someone wanted to add a new pony to the mix it might make things kind of interesting. Could add an unexpected dynamic and shake things up...

*is seriously considering adding Gilda to list if Rarity is eliminated... :blush: *

Feel free to add Gilda! Adding new ponies is part of the game. I don't want to stop people from adding their favorite characters, I just want them to be added early enough that they don't warp the end game.

It's just completely against my nature to actually use hurt votes outside of getting a tactical advantage, even though they are far more effective then heals.

So the flavor of the game makes it hard for you to make the strategically best moves? You don't like the idea of hurting anyone? I'd agree that hurting and hexing is weird, but this is also a game, and I am able to strip away the flavor to get to the strategy.

And perhaps also because people value vengeance too highly in here.

I can think of one occasion in the last month that someone acted with what seemed like vengeance. Am I just missing it? The more common emotion I see is sadness over a lost favorite rather than anger.

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So the flavor of the game makes it hard for you to make the strategically best moves? You don't like the idea of hurting anyone? I'd agree that hurting and hexing is weird, but this is also a game, and I am able to strip away the flavor to get to the strategy.

Well, the problem are those who had their favorite eliminated and now just keep playing to destroy the others one by one. Imo, that has nothing to do with strategy. But based on the rule mechanism of the game, it's more effective then playing defensive, unless you have the numbers on your side.

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Well, the problem are those who had their favorite eliminated and now just keep playing to destroy the others one by one. Imo, that has nothing to do with strategy. But based on the rule mechanism of the game, it's more effective then playing defensive, unless you have the numbers on your side.

So my first (Fluttershy) and second (Celestia) choices were eliminated, and I am playing for my third at the moment, and if she is petrified, I will play for the next highest surviving pony. I think playing for your next favorite pony is a fine reason to keep playing. And to get the pony to victory, the other ponies stand in the way. That said, if my top five were all gone, I might care less.

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So my first (Fluttershy) and second (Celestia) choices were eliminated, and I am playing for my third at the moment, and if she is petrified, I will play for the next highest surviving pony. I think playing for your next favorite pony is a fine reason to keep playing. And to get the pony to victory, the other ponies stand in the way. That said, if my top five were all gone, I might care less.

There are plenty here who don't have a pony in the running anymore... XD

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There are plenty here who don't have a pony in the running anymore... XD

From my perspective, the more the merrier. If I had to choose between seven players who are trying their best to win, and fourteen players of which seven just want to play the game, I would take the fourteen every time. Note that there is a difference between people playing for fun, and those who enjoy griefing the other players. Griefers make many types of games less fun, but I don't get the impression that we have that problem.

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