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I got called out today.


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So today at work (grocery store) I was ringing up a woman's stuff, who had three little girls. i noticed an MLP coloring book and mentioned "Which of of you girls is the one who likes My Little Pony?"

One of the little girls said that she did, then the mother looked at me and asked "Do YOU like my little pony?"

I froze for a split second, only managing to say 'uhh...' before she added, "Are you a brony?"

I laughed, i was kind of surprised that she knew. apparently her 24 year old brother got her daughters hooked, and she liked the show too. it was kinda funny, although i dont think the guy bagging understood what was goin on...

It was my first relatively positive public brony experience, so i'm kinda happy about it ^_^

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I would have done the same thing in your shoes. Uhhh is basically all you can say when caught off guard like that. I have yet to have an encounter with anyone who knew about the show outside of the internet but I don't think it's going to stay that way long now that i have a Derpy shirt :P .

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Mine was a McDonalds clerk when I was hunting for the McDonalds toys back in May(or was it march?).

It was like my 3rd run and no-one up till that point had any idea what a brony was. I asked the Casheer which colors of the girls toys they had, and he said.

"Do you want AJ or Rarity?"

AJ was the one I was missing, so I got that, we brohoofed, I had food, and I went on the rest of my daily errands. Now that I think about it I probably should have gotten his name and number. *sigh*

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Cool! I haven't been called out yet, excepting my friend's wife asked me what episodes I had seen but it really doesn't count because told her about it beforehand. She just brought it up again when we met on Wrdnesday and she showed me her stuff! Mostly stuff from HT but she has the mane 6 blind bags and a few of the other toys! Also, she has 88 Whisper beanie babies too lol.

EDIT: T9 can bite Tom.

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Wow, nice stories here!

I can't say I've had any public Brony encounters. Closest thing to that was when I first bought something Brony-related at Hot Topic, and when I turned around and was facing the window with said shirt (The grey "BRONY" shirt), this group of 20-something year old guys pointed and yelled "BRONY!". I laughed a bit, xD

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What a really cool story! I was at the mall the other day (looking for pony merch at Hot Topic) wearing my Pinkie backpack and a little girl freaked out about it, it was really cute!


The Hot Topic I went to out of town had someone who pronounced it "brownie" and a girl with a confused look on her face.

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