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Mafia Round Two: Game Thread

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With 8 players, 5 is the majority.

TemplarFrost (5): Star1228, featherquill, Diego Havoc, Sparkleheart, SilverThorn.

Tyler008bon (1): TemplarFrost

Now under the conditions of the last game, the day would end here, but I'm going to prolong it slightly for two reasons

  1. Not everybody has got their votes in
  2. There is a role that can drastically change the outcome of this night that has only thus far been included in this game (Governor, just for clarity :P) And the Governor can only make his/her decision during the day to stop a lynch or not.

So I'll keep this day going for another hour starting...Now! :D

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(sorry I have been missing as of late, I almost forgot about this place)


Six votes are in, and 5 are for Templar.

I am not a Changeling, and Silver wasn't. The latter you all know for sure. The former is just my word against whoever wishes to challenge it.

2 players have not voted, one if which is me.

5 ponies with jobs remain, making it likely that there are one or two Changelings.

8 ponies: 5 have jobs and 3 don't. At least 1 of those jobless ponies is a Changeling, likely 2.

Unless all five of the voting citizens have jobs, then the Changelings are using our votes against us to cut our numbers down during the day, meaning that Templar is innocent.

I can't vote for Templar with the odds against him being a Changeling are so high.

If the odds are wrong and Templar is a Changeling, then the nonvoter is my next suspect.

But with no evidence against Templar other than my feeling and the way he defends himself, I cannot feel right about voting to arrest him.

Vote: no arrest.

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He voted for me because of the way I felt whenever he talked (we are talking to each other as ponies, just wanted to clarify), but until the evidence stacks up, I won't take the side of a feeling over overwhelming evidence.

I heard that in their final days, the Ponyville ponies were almost never in unison or harmony over who to arrest, and that is why the town was lost. But we are in harmony, and the Changelings could very easily use it against us.

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(My bad guys, I lost track of time and forgot about ending the day yesterday :( There's still some things I need to sort out in regards to the game so this day will be continuing, I know it's probably dragging and I apologize, if you guys can please bare with me, I'll have things sorted soon.)

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Tyler, your logic could hold true for literally anypony being voted against. The fact that it's Templar makes no difference. The odds are against any of us for being a changeling.

The fact is that we have to take a risk in order to win.

I'll agree with Feather on this. We are taking a risk, but we still can come back if we make a mistake. If we are right, we are giving ourselves a huge advantage over the changelings.

If Templar turns out to be innocent, then I'll apologise, but for now I think he's the best bet.

I heard that in their final days, the Ponyville ponies were almost never in unison or harmony over who to arrest, and that is why the town was lost. But we are in harmony, and the Changelings could very easily use it against us.

So if we're divided, the changelings use that against us. If we're in harmony, the changelings use that against us. Seems like we're not doing too well :/

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With 8 players, 5 is the majority.

TemplarFrost (5): Star1228, featherquill, Diego Havoc, Sparkleheart, SilverThorn.

Tyler008bon (1): TemplarFrost

No arrest (1): Tyler008bon


Everypony gathered around as the sun began it's daily descent, about to convict a pony they voted to be a Changeling. Many ponies shouted hate towards him and many had sympathy for him, however nopony was sure if he was genuine or not. The mayor stood promptly and addressed the convicted.

"We, the ponies of Cloudsdale find you guilty, of the crimes of espionage, kidnapping and treason. It is with a heavy heart, that I-" Suddenly, the mayor found himself cut off as a messanger pony approached screaming and shoving a letter into his hooves. The mayor looked over the document and as he did, his eyes widened and he turned towards the crowd.

"A...a letter from the Governor...The suspect...is free to go..." The mayor stated as a series of shocked gasps filled everypony's ears.


TemplarFrost is free to go!

Night 2 start!

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(Sorry for the delay everybody :/ I'm still waiting on one more person to put in their night action. But if they don't send me it, I'll just have to randomize and move the game along. Again, sorry for the delay)

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(Okay, just had to randomize it)


By the second night there was no doubt, a sinister cloud forming over the city. Ponies became hard to trust, even friends found themselves compelled to convict each other. During the dead of night, a lowly guard was making his rounds, doing what he could to keep the citizens of Cloudsdale safe...Little did he know what waited around the corner. He turned sharply at a junction and saw a group of dark mysterious figures fleeing from a house carrying a large bag. The officer would have given chase but the perpetrators were long gone before he even got a word in.

The officer decided to investigate the house the figures had fled from, and inside, he found nothing. Everything was a mess, all of the house had been torn piece to piece by what looked like clawed individuals. There was nothing stolen though...Except...it's occupant...

Star1228 has been captured!

Star1228 was a vanilla townie!

Day 3 start!

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