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Mafia Round Two: Game Thread

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I could assure you that the Governor is not a changeling. He only relived me due to lack of evidence. Which you really do seem to have a huge lack of.

"Hey guys, this Pony over here, he talks funny, and something feels 'off' about him, he's definitely a Changeling, lets arrest him!"

Really guys? well I can't say I've had enough of this charade. I'm not going to give out my personal life, just to cater to some "suspicions" you guys might have. I've already have already given you my alibi. If you believe it, that's fine. If you don't, then that's just tough.

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(OOC: Man, this game is boring as hell until the last couple days, isn't it?)

Well, he haven't got any real evidence to go by. The best I can think of for now is to find some way to randomly pick someone to arrest. I figure it would give us a better chance than just sitting back and letting the changelings pick us off one by one. If we can find someone to trust to do it randomly...

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1 hour remaining.

Due to a rather disappointing amount of inactivity in the game I'm giving one more hour, if a good number of people haven't voted in that time I'll make one more extension and send you all PMs.

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Okay, okay, lets try and get some new info.

We know the governor saved Templar. We know that several people here suspect Templar of being a changeling. We don't know for sure that the governor is on our side. I have my suspicions as to who the governor is, but I won't say it out loud, just in case they are on our side and wish to remain hidden. I also doubt the governor can save themselves from lynching (not certain, but that seems like it would be an odd rule).

So I'm calling on the governor to come forward and explain their reasoning to the community. They don't have to, but it might help put us at ease, and maybe give us some new insight we can use.

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I admit that it's a theory that only works if both Templar and the Governor are changelings. It's more likely that the governor is our our side, but it's a possiblity that I'm not sure we should rule out yet.

While we're here, Templar, I think that perhaps we've been a little hard on you, so I'd like to give you a chance to explain your side of the story. Yesterday you voted to arrest Tyler because he was quiet and quick to accuse. Do you still think he should be a suspect?

(No disrespect to you, Tyler, just think we need to hear him out and get as much info as possible)

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Alright, since Sparkleheart was the only one to vote, I'm going to have to extend the game yet again.

I'll be sending out PMs to everybody who needs to get in a vote and or night action, so they can send me said actions via PM.

For now, I'm going to end the day then go into the next day when everything's been sorted out.

Night 3 start!

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And time is up again!

The votes for Day 3 are in. (Some had to be randomized sadly)

No arrest (1): Diego Havoc

Featherquill (1): DarkAura

TemplarFrost (1): Tyler008bon

Tyler008bon (3): Featherquill, Silverthorn, Sparkleheart

Silverthorn (1): TemplarFrost

Tyler008bon has been lynched!

Tyler008bon was a vanilla townie!


With the continued problem of the Changelings sneaking past Cloudsdale defenses, everypony has been on edge, the police more so than others. With a lot of tension building in the department, ponies were getting harder to trust with every passing minute. The officers had to rely on their close friends, and even they could be Changelings!

Two run of the mill officers were making their rounds one night, one male, one female. They were caught off guard by a rustling in a nearby alleyway. Naturally the two of them went to investigate, thinking they had managed to capture a Changeling...The reality would be rather ironic to say the least...The two officers that entered that alleyway didn't come back that night...

"I hope this isn't a repeat of Ponyville...I hate reruns." A mysterious pony retorted as he watched from a distance with a rather disgusted looking blue stallion standing next to him.

DarkAura has been captured!

DarkAura was the cop!

(I thank all of you for putting up with all these extensions and delays and hopefully we can get this game running at it's best. I ask all of you still participating to please post frequently and to have your votes in relatively early so the game doesn't drag out more than it already has. The people who still didn't PM me their votes and or night actions I will be sending one more PM to, and if they do not respond within a certain time, most likely the duration of this day or a set time, they will be removed from the game. And that's pretty much it, have fun! :D)

Day 4 start!

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Well that's just great. We've lost our tracker, our cop, another villager, and the first person we managed to arrest was innocent. *sigh*

Let's see who's left...

1) featherquill

2) DiegoHavoc

3) Sparkleheart (moi)

4) Silverthorn

5) Templarfrost

So... Five of us. That means no more than two changelings, otherwise we'd be overrun by now. Though if there are two, and we fail to catch them TONIGHT, then we're screwed.

Silverswirl was taken after voting for... themself.

Star1228 was taken after voting for TemplarFrost.

DarkAura was taken after voting for featherquill.

The changelings might be trying to take out people who vote for them... Or might be picking off random people to keep us all paranoid. So I'm not sure how much use that might be.

So that's what we have to go on. Nothing solid, but I guess it's better than nothing?

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Eep! Okay, kinda nerve-wracking now.

Some of the votes were randomised? I hope Tyler wasn't lynched due to the RNG.

For anyone wondering, I chose no arrest simply because I didn't think we had enough information to make an informed descion. I actually expected others to do the same, but I guess people were eager to lynch.

DarkAura was the cop, and she voted featherquill, right out of the blue I might add. Kinda like she knew something we didn't. Perhaps she would have had a chance to explain had the changelings not taken her.

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DarkAura was the cop, and she voted featherquill, right out of the blue I might add. Kinda like she knew something we didn't. Perhaps she would have had a chance to explain had the changelings not taken her.

But then DarkAura's vote might have been randomized. So yeah, the cop would probably have a better idea of who to vote for, but then we can't be sure it was actually their vote.
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