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Slazer last won the day on August 7 2014

Slazer had the most liked content!

About Slazer

  • Birthday 03/31/1995

RP Characters

  • Character 4
    Crown Jewel
  • Character 3
    Valiant Warrant
  • Character 2
    Elena Greywing
  • Main Character
    Memory Lane

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Fiction writing, history, MLP: FiM, gaming, roleplaying, rock music, and far too many other things.
  • Location
  • Gender

Role Play Information

Contact Methods

  • Skype
    calix.revera1 (Please PM me before adding me there)
  • Steam
    [AJSA] Crescent Quill

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Parasprite (5/9)



  1. Gonna be a bit inactive for a while. Starting college this week on top of writer's block.

  2. Robin Williams was my childhood. You will be sorely missed,..

    1. tacobob


      Yeah, I actually found myself to be really depressed over this..Even shed a few tears..I haven't really been following his stuff lately..But the more I think about him, the more I realized how much he was part of my childhood. His shows...his movies..I never met the guy, but I've met people who have, and it's always the same story. He was awesome. Friendly..Brilliant. The world just got a good deal sadder without him.

    2. Corsair


      Most of the time, celebrity deaths don't mean a whole lot to me. This one, though, this one hurts...

  3. There are some days where the only reason you can keep going is because of a friend or friends who helps nudge you along. Otherwise, you'd just fall to pieces.

  4. Mmmm, seafooooooooood... Seconding Robikku, then I'm gonna go cry in a corner because I'll never taste this perfection.
  5. Sorry for my inactivity, folks. My internet imploded on Friday and just now came back up; if there's anywhere I need to post at, do send me a message about it!

  6. Memory Lane answered Applejack's request for bits with a confused look, glancing down at the two gold coins he had already placed on the stand and then back up at the farmer-filly's eyes. "Um... I did, already. You said two bushels for two bits, right?" He tentatively asked, uncertain how she would respond. Friendly though she may be, it didn't escape Lane's mind that Applejack was a business-pony, and he didn't want to come off as somepony trying to start a haggle. He knew from experience that those didn't end well where he was concerned.
  7. Hmm, almost 5 in the morning. Should probably go to bed... *Goes to update my profile and character logs*

  8. The night is wonderous. I find that you can get such clarity into your life under the stars.

  9. Sleepless nights are odd for me. I hate not being able to sleep, but I've always felt more comfortable during the night. Love it and hate it, I guess.

  10. Yeah, Slazer here. By now, I believe most of the people here understand why I don't like doing blogs that much: I have problems finding things to talk about, and I'm not one of the sort who enjoys blabbing about every little detail in my life, so I can't use a blog for that, either. This leads to infrequent updates, but it also means most of the things I talk about will be things that have a lot of meaning to me. This is one of them. I've been a citizen of Canterlot.com for right around eight months or so, and I've had loads of fun here. The reason I'm blogging for the first time in half a year is because I'd like to hear from the people I've been roleplaying with for such a long time: how have I been doing? What have I done right, what have I messed up, am I putting too much or too little in my posts, what are your opinions on my characters as they've been portrayed, et cetera. I genuinely want to know what you have to think. This kind of stuff- writing, developing characters and personalities, creating worlds through words- is what I want to do for a living, and I roleplay here as much to practice my creativity and diction as I do to have fun. So, all of that said, what do you think of how I roleplay? Be honest, and don't mince words if you feel you have a lot to say: you don't improve without knowing exactly what you're doing wrong.
  11. Memory Lane raised an eye-brow at Applejack's gesture towards the red stallion, absentmindedly retrieving a few bits from the bit pouch as he asked, "You know that pony?" It wasn't every day that a stallion from a rural farm stole a kiss from one of the rulers of Equestria, and Lane was eager for a bit of information about the lucky guy. He looked between the two as he set down his money on the stand and returned his money to it's hiding place, noting the similarly apple-themed cutie marks on the two ponies; they were probably from the same clan, which meant... "He's family, I take it?"
  12. I'm sorry this was too perfect.
  13. A heads up to everyone I'm RPing with: there's a really good chance I won't be available for several days to a week starting tomorrow, due to circumstances beyond my control. I'm really sorry about this, but there's nothing I can do about it. I'll post with all due haste when I can.

  14. My power may be out for a few days, so I probably won't be around starting tomorrow. I'll post again if something changes.
  15. Memory Lane suddenly felt this situation had spiraled right out of his control. Whether it was the sudden close contact with Applejack or the fact she had essentially chosen his purchase for him, he had no idea; probably both. Well, I did ask for her opinion. It still seemed rather unsettling to the even-tempered stallion that she seemed so... upset, for lack of a better description, about his simple taste in apples. Rather than say anything about her apparent annoyance or her uncomfortable proximity, Lane just grinned awkwardly and nodded as she gave the price for a bushel. "That's a fair price." Actually, buck fair; when he thought about it for a moment, that was downright amazing compared to what apples cost in Canterlot! At that price, maybe he could even... "I'll go ahead and buy a bushel of McIntoshes, too. Those are pretty good on a salad, if you ask me. What do you think?" Well, now that he'd poked the proverbial dragon a second time, Lane only hoped that he could salvage this encounter by exchanging likes on apples. Just to show he was serious, he lifted his hat with a quick flourish of his green magic and removed the small sack of bits hidden underneath; an unusual hiding place, sure, but it was amazing what a little tolerance and a holding charm could accomplish.
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