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Status Replies posted by Zealot

  1. Yeah, sorry to everyone that has to wait on my posts. My phone is really not liking me trying to write anything. I hope by next weekend that my computer is able to be used again.

  2. Ugh, been so busy lately. Sorry that I haven't gotten to posts and such. This phone is still hard to get posts out with.


  4. Confession: I love British accents. I have no idea why.

  5. Just got two more rps I need to tag!

  6. Just got two more rps I need to tag!

  7. .....summer is boring -_-

  8. *still looking for a roommate for quirky* None *ugly sobbing*

  9. *still looking for a roommate for quirky* None *ugly sobbing*

  10. It seems the Equestria Girls brand is becoming a bit of a big deal these days, even more so that I am starting to lose interest in Friendship is Magic and focusing more on EQG. Is anyone else feeling the same thing? (Just curious)

  11. *still looking for a roommate for quirky* None *ugly sobbing*

  12. *still looking for a roommate for quirky* None *ugly sobbing*

  13. Happy Birthday to me :)

  14. My computer is currently unable to work, I annoyed to say. My posts will be coming out extremely later than usual until I can fix this problem. Castle of Nothingness will be made once I return, as well as my post for A Fearful Sun. Sorry to say this.

  15. I plan on making a character who's mute. I wonder how that would work. Any ideas?

  16. Okay! I think I've caught up on all my posts except for Dart Struck (which I haven't forgotten about, just a little brain dead on that one) and the final Speed-dating round, which I'll get to when I can.

  17. WoE Sweetie Belle, CC Fluttershy, and CC Rarity are open for applications!

  18. WoE Sweetie Belle, CC Fluttershy, and CC Rarity are open for applications!

  19. I really wish I had a way to pay people online. I would love to have comissions be put down, but I have no way of paying to do so :L and I'm not that big on requests either... I always feel like I'll be bothering someone with it. Either that or they suddenly leave without doing anything.

  20. I really wish I had a way to pay people online. I would love to have comissions be put down, but I have no way of paying to do so :L and I'm not that big on requests either... I always feel like I'll be bothering someone with it. Either that or they suddenly leave without doing anything.

  21. I really wish I had a way to pay people online. I would love to have comissions be put down, but I have no way of paying to do so :L and I'm not that big on requests either... I always feel like I'll be bothering someone with it. Either that or they suddenly leave without doing anything.

  22. I really wish I had a way to pay people online. I would love to have comissions be put down, but I have no way of paying to do so :L and I'm not that big on requests either... I always feel like I'll be bothering someone with it. Either that or they suddenly leave without doing anything.

  23. I wonder what's new for E3?

  24. Can anybody give me any ideas as to how or what I SHOULD make my roleplays about?

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