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ToothpasteThy last won the day on October 23 2016

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About ToothpasteThy

  • Birthday 05/21/1997

RP Characters

  • Character 4
    (my other OCs)
  • Character 3
    (various ponies)
  • Character 2
    (my batponies)
  • Main Character
    Toothpaste Aquafresh

Profile Information

  • Interests
    A little about me: (that's a lie, it's actually a lot)

    Yo! Toothpaste here! Though I also go by ToothpasteThy, Toothie, Toothy, Tooths, Tooth-o, Tooth-face, Tooth, Toothless, tpt, tp, TT, Tootherini, [i]"Prototype Toothie: Don't rub the Toothpaste (or put it in ppls eyes, das mean(cough(IKX))"[/i], Thy, Orca, PinkE_PartE, Pinks, Aquafresh, Dahy, Rhenn, Fish, Sensei Fish, Spitz, Hipster Neighbor, countless other names and whatever you want to nickname me! Good salutations to you~ ^_^

    I am a big nut about music! I love pony music and all other music-- there's always something I like in every genre~ ((though I often find it difficult to enjoy something like extratone)) You can find me listening to a wide variety of music, ranging from Gordon Lightfoot, to Two Steps From Hell, a dash or two-hundred of electronic musicians, a bunch of Adam Young, a lovingly generous amount of Relient K, maybe some screamy stuff, hip-hop like Beautiful Eulogy, and going all the way out to left field for some Igorrr :>

    Now if you know me, you probably know that I like to make a bit of art every nine millennia. I prefer to make traditional art with pencil and paper. Normally this is where I'd plug my art gallery, but I don't actually much care to share it :>

    Lessee... What else... Movies! I LOVE How To Train Your Dragon to death!! I am also a huge fan of The Lord of the Rings, the first Narnia movie, Interstellar, all the glorious Kung-Fu Panda movies, Inside Out... The list goes on, though not too far. I'm not much of a movie peep ^^;

    Related to movies; TV! Um... The Joy of Painting, My Little Pony, Top Gear, The Grand Tour, Clarkson's Farm, Over the Garden Wall and Gravity Falls come to mind. ((don't tell anyone, but I also enjoyed a anime once. Glorious, glorious FMA/FMAB~ <3))

    I guess there's also such a thing as video games. My favorite game of all time is Super Monkey Ball 2 and I periodically get into Rocket League. I also have a billion other games I enjoyed, but I'm a wretched old dork at a young age now an won't admit it.

    Okay... social medias.
    Twitter: @ToothpasteThy
    Skype: thy.60 ((not often online))
    I can be found on the Canternet IRC under the name "Thy". If I'm online that is.
    Almost-never-used Tumblr: thyhaztoothpaste
    Facebook: Eww. Never [i]ever[/i].
    DeviantART: haha you thought
    Discord: Probably the best way to communicate with me. I'm in the Canterlot.com server! Go join it and message that silly tilde-heart peep! xD
    YouTube: *coughs up phlegm*

    I'll be updating this over time. /)^3^(\

    /me is minty fresh~ <3
  • Location
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Contact Methods

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  • Skype
  • Xbox 360
  • 3DS
    2466 - 4969 - 0692
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  1. I wonder if I should preform a social experiment soon...?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ToothpasteThy


      The kind where I talk trash about everyone on the forum and see how they all react! >:D

      Actually no. That would just be terrible. Like, terrible terrible. As terrible as stealing 40 cakes. ( dead meme lololololololololololol )

    3. Lyipheoryia


      I feel like that would only work if you put all the comments into a specific thread and illustrated very clearly what you were going to do. Like...by participating in this thread, you have a chance of being trolled.

    4. Noedig


      Toothpaste, if it's the kind of thing that would agitate people, please don't do it.

      Those "experiments" are just to excuse themselves to prank people. Otherwise, be careful!

    5. Show next comments  3 more
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