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Status Updates posted by Tenkan

  1. *Blocks ears* Oh, the noise, noise, NOISE, NOOISSE! D:

  2. *Raises hooves in hatred* Iraaaaaaan! D:<

    1. weesh


      I know. Seriously. Let's hope that they suck at training militias.

    2. Tenkan


      They have quite a history, actually.

      Lebanon and Iraq is filled with their stench. But then again, Team Iran has been outta the game for quite some time. :I

  3. *Realizes there's actually going to be a season 3*

    1. YABrony


      Yes but this has been know for quite some time. And John de Lancie is returning! http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/03/more-confirmation-of-return-of-john-de.html

    2. Tenkan


      I know, but only now did the news sink in to my brain. xP

  4. 103 since the revolution began. That's a really good number of fighter jets taken down.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. shyshy


      i was not saying they had a choice and i understand they are enemy bombers. however, murder can never be justified. human beings are all worth the same $3.75

    3. Tenkan


      Of course murder is never justified. But war is a different story, especially when it's against a tyrant who murders his own people and tries to justify it.

    4. shyshy


      look, i get what you are saying. if it were my country and some tyrant was in charge and was killing people off and sweeping it under the carpet i'd certainly aid in the defensive. however even in war, i believe murder is still murder no matter what side you are on.

  5. 50% chance of getting a brony shirt. It's all up to you, brother...it's all in your hands.

  6. Aaah, don't you love the smell of bureaucracy in the morning?

  7. Aaah, Saudi Arabia.....I don't miss you. :l

    1. AshtonSSG


      Where are you now?

    2. Tenkan


      Bahrain. It borders Saudi Arabia, but it's almost the polar opposite concerning the mentality.

  8. Achievement

    1. MyLittlePonyTales
    2. Tenkan



      I pressed enter too early when I was typing my status. :I

    3. Solaria


      Achievement get!

  9. Adapting to the herd.

  10. Ah sweet! New forum icons!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MyLittlePonyTales
    3. MyLittlePonyTales


      Seriously those things have been there like... since we switch to IP.Board.

    4. Tenkan



      Eeeeeyup. Noobface. :i

  11. All my thoughts and prayers go out to you, my dear uncle. Stay safe, and may God protect you and your family.

  12. All out total war in home country? *Watches ponies*

  13. Almost two years of loss 'n destruction, but they'll keep protesting. God bless these awesome people. http://derpy.me/0MQWk

    1. frenzyhero


      Ah, Libya. That's dedication. However, I try not to associate with explosive and controversial world matters such as that.

    2. Tenkan


      lol, that's Syria on video, my friend. My home city Hama, to be precise.

      Libya's already been liberated a year ago. ;)

      As for politics and world happenings I prefer to indulge in talk of such matters since it's quite relevant to...well, life.

    3. frenzyhero


      Ah. Sorry. I haven't had any news for 2 years..

  14. And remember, kids! Nothin' beats home cooked food!

  15. And then I said, that's not a cockroach that I just swatted, that's my wife!

  16. Another ere to Saudi Arabia's throne passed away...the calm before the storm...

  17. Anyone ever played this game? http://youtu.be/3ScL9I0NbM0

    1. shyshy


      yes i have. i haz it on my computer. i also RP for the SCP Foundation as a research and development personnel

    2. shyshy


      Dr.Issac MacMillan or Dr.I[REDACTED].

    3. Tenkan


      Hehe, what? xP

  18. Are you ready to travel? 'Cause I sure am! Let's dooooooooo diiiiiis!

    1. weesh


      I am ready to travel, counting down the days...

    2. Tenkan


      Oh, traveling where?

    3. chardude


      no, i just wanna sit on my computer

  19. Ask a lot of questions. It annoys people, yes. You do learn a lot that way, though.

    1. weesh


      Agreed. It is better to be annoying than to miss out on important information out of fear of asking.

  20. At first I was all...but then I went all...

  21. Aunty won't be coming over this Saturday. :c

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. abc


      *gets on roof* "ill fly to aunty and get em!" *jumps* "oh Bu-" *hits ground*

    3. CatCakey


      One of my aunties is a policewomen :D

    4. Tenkan


      LifeIsMusic, that is epic.

      Crime-fighting aunt.

  22. Awesome speech from the new Egyptian president. God bless that guy.

  23. Awwww, banner changed? Worst day ever! D':

    1. PIJIN


      This doesn't mean the end of aubergines, I'm still waiting for Aubergine.com...it's coming.

  24. Bachelor - Level 2 - Doing the Laundry

    1. cuteycindyhoney


      I just finished the laundry about an hour ago.


  25. Back to editing videos...it's been too long...I've forgotten so much! D:

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