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Status Updates posted by Tenkan

  1. I have reached my quota of thumbing up posts? Wow...didn't know that was possible. xD

  2. I have returned and I request more ponies!

    1. Dessa


      I have a fever, and the only cure is more ponies.

  3. I have the choice of buying Fallout: New Vegas or Half Life 2.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tenkan


      I just bumped into the Orange Box on Steam. I think I might just for that, since the price is so good I could eat it! :o

    3. shyshy


      ^ thats what i did

    4. Cainiam


      Hmm... Really depends on your preferences. Have you played Fallout 3? While Half Life 2 is a great game to burn through, and the Orange Box having the extra episodes (although now that TF2 is F2P, it's less good value, but the addition of Portal is great if you somehow haven't played that yet) is a big boon. I suppose it all comes down to how much money/time you have to play games. If you have hundreds of hours to spare, then NV is really the way to go. HL2 is a fantastic game though...

  4. I just noticed how this show always throws me into my Happy Place. :D

  5. I keep telling myself, "Pfff. I'm not THAT big of a Brony." Now I'm jumping up with excitement for Season 3. I CAN'T WAAAAAAIT!!!1

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CatCakey


      I know something I really can't wait for!!!!! Looks like you let go of shift early :)

    3. Tenkan


      What do you mean/

    4. weesh


      I'm getting worried though, it isn't available to buy on iTunes yet...

      This makes me excited AND worried!

  6. I love Fridays! Spicy rice Fridays, mmmmmm. :)

    1. weesh


      I could go for some spicy rice.

    2. shyshy


      agreed! i want spiceh rice!

    3. SuperSonic777


      Friday,FRIDAY,gotta get down on fried-egg!

  7. I miss this place. :') http://c0lt.co/9c

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MyLittlePonyTales
    3. Dessa


      I've never even been there, but now -I- miss the place.

    4. Tenkan


      Indeed, but Dessa, I wish what you said made sense. xD

  8. I never thought I'd have RD and Fluttershy's song stuck in my head so quickly!

  9. I really love you Canterlot, you know that?

  10. I shouldn't be one to judge other's surnames, since mine is just as odd.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. weesh


      I think it is older than that for several reasons:

      1) The villages are insulated from many of the things that happen globally.

      2) The villages are too close knit to have irrational fear of such things.

      3) There are just too many of them to have sprung up so soon (about a quarter of one village that I visited).

      I was chatting with a guy I met, and when I found out his last name was Ivanoff, I asked if he was related to a particular Ivanoff that I knew, and the answer...

    3. weesh


      ...was "of course". In some villages, everyone is related to everyone.

    4. Tenkan



      I'd love to visit such parts of the world. A place to escape the hustle and bustle of modern day society.

      To some extent, Syria is like that...or WAS like that. Well, Hama city was, anyway. It's a very small city based mainly on agriculture. Whenever I'd go there, I felt like I was in a completely different planet. Everyone was oblivious to what was going on in the outside world. Instead, they cared about the simple things of, "What are we going to eat tod...

  11. I shouldn't be so open to throwing things away. Especialy if they serve as reminders of good memories.

  12. I think I should step forward and write myself a SMART list to achieve till for this year.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LibertinaTheDreamer


      *Hides the purse*

      No reason.

    3. Tenkan


      Haha, I was referring to the video game. xD

      But hey...nice purse you got there. >.>

    4. LibertinaTheDreamer


      I assumed so.

      And this old thing? Had it for ages.

  13. I want a Steven Magnet scene in Season 3!!!

    1. dbzponyninja


      I don't know I guess that would be cool even though I don't like him.

  14. I want me some of that Zap Apple Jammy Wammy.

  15. I want me some of that Zap Apple Jammy Wammy.

  16. I was dreading this day would come. Is the Canterlot Voice cancelled? http://c0lt.co/al

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tenkan


      @Weesh: Yep.

      @Tales: I know! :C

    3. Rainbolt


      I would maybe help rebuild it- if possible ^^

    4. Tenkan


      @Rainbolt: Yay! :D

  17. I was just wondering to myself if 'fastest' was actually a word. Fastest. Sonuds weird. Fastestestestest. Fastest!

  18. I wish I was a Pegasus or Unicorn. I'd finish my garden chores a lot quicker.

  19. I'm Bane, yes, that's my name! http://c0lt.co/a0

    1. hitman61live


      "You suck, Bane!" XD

    2. StarStorm


      At first I was like... Wut?

      But then I went into a giggle fit :D

  20. I'm likin' the new birthday announcement thing on the home page. Is that new?

  21. I'm so hyped right now. My latest video got featured on Big Shiny Robot! OMG IM GONNA DIIEEEE!

  22. I've realized how I've turned numb to seeing gore due to the terrors we see the Syrian regime doing to it's people...it truly is sad.

  23. Identity crisis!

    1. Hippo
    2. Tenkan



    3. Hippo


      You stole my identity.

  24. If "PLAN A" didn't work, the alphabet's got 25 more letters! Stay cool.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Enigma


      and the binary language only has 2!!! They better be good then O_O

    3. Obakasan


      Don't even get me started on those Japanese guys -.-

    4. Dessa


      Okay guys, it's plan 漢!

  25. If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.

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