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Status Replies posted by Lyipheoryia

  1. I feel like an rp. Anyone want to rp?

  2. When did Spam Stables turn into Political Commentary?

  3. When did Spam Stables turn into Political Commentary?

  4. What would I do with 1.3 billion bits? Buy a small farm and raise chickens. I am very unimaginative.

  5. What would I do with 1.3 billion bits? Buy a small farm and raise chickens. I am very unimaginative.

  6. Rp replies incoming...remind me again-which ones? Lol

  7. Can someone lend me some dynamite to break this writer's block?

  8. 66 Notifications...I guess you guys really did succeed in spamming me :).

  9. I was once told I was irresponsible. I resent that. I'm a VERY responsible person. Whenever anything bad happens, I'm USUALLY the one responsible.

  10. I was once told I was irresponsible. I resent that. I'm a VERY responsible person. Whenever anything bad happens, I'm USUALLY the one responsible.

  11. Happy birthday to me btw :)

  12. Too much information....Brain overload...

  13. Too much information....Brain overload...

  14. I don't know what it is, but... Having Scootaloo in my avatar or signature is just so... Perfect.

  15. Like a complete genius that I am, I managed to give myself a food poisoning. Only now I am able to stay out of the bed for more then fifty minutes.

  16. I don't know what it is, but... Having Scootaloo in my avatar or signature is just so... Perfect.

  17. Well this is a dissapointment, I cant find other good rp sites like this.

  18. My default acer/windows internet explorer suddenly...changed...into normal internet explorer :( Anyone know how to fix?

  19. My default acer/windows internet explorer suddenly...changed...into normal internet explorer :( Anyone know how to fix?

  20. My default acer/windows internet explorer suddenly...changed...into normal internet explorer :( Anyone know how to fix?

  21. My default acer/windows internet explorer suddenly...changed...into normal internet explorer :( Anyone know how to fix?

  22. My default acer/windows internet explorer suddenly...changed...into normal internet explorer :( Anyone know how to fix?

  23. Job interview tomorrow; wish me luck!

  24. It has occurred to me, that as of yesterday I've been on this site for 4 years... Huh. well how about that.

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