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Everything posted by PIJIN

  1. Yep! Just when I thought I was one revolutionary pony, I hop on the bandwagon and make an ask blog, yeah... So, ask me your questions citizens of Canterlot and lets see what happens. Just don't ask me whats the purpose of life, you should know the answer to that...
  2. Darn, he's lucky..Gives me the idea to actually create a shrine dedicated to MLP. There's no such thing as to much pony, there is however a such thing a to LITTLE pony!
  3. 5/5 For request thread! They really should be more popular.
  4. Well I am an artist. Its my job to pay attention to even the most excruciating details. That's one thing me and Rarity have in common at least. You can take your time with the details. My 'Three Day Grind' comes up tomorrow so I won't be able to do request until after that. The most I'll probably get done is Gecy's piece, so there's no rush.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U39kfgjuie4 Hah, but in all seriousness thanks a bunch! I've been anticipating this for a while I can't wait to see it up in the gallery!
  6. Sure, no problem! Just drop some lines as to what you had in mind. Please be as specific as possible, down to the very last detail. I've already had a few problems with missing details...
  7. Out all day, PM me if need be!

  8. Thanks! Glad you like it! Don't worry about it. Well since I saw that your OC was in a picture with StarStorm, I just assumed they were the same age. (Thats some faulty deduction skills now that I think about it... ) Correct! Here's the final product! She's standing (well, sitting) next to a lass of 100% Grade D, all natural chocolate milk! Brought to you by LM Farms CO. Edit: Oops, posted the one with a shadow!
  9. Happened with my Request Thread OP ALL the time. It was a real hassle and I could never figure out why it did that, I assumed it was user-error. It usually happened after I quick-edited the post, then quick-edited again right after.
  10. Is that...is that a FISH? First Aubergines now this...

  11. For LordGecy. Wasn't sure if you wanted Pepper as a filly or a mare, so I just went with filly. Oh yeah, on Canterlot filly is the age of a female, not their sex.
  12. There hugging. Your point? Not to sound rude, but this is a show about love, tolerance and the magic of friendship...there's bound to be a hug or two between friends.
  13. And because editing on tapatalk is terrible ill post a possible solution. It looks like you've made all your post in the Music Showcase section. Why not get out into the rest of the site and talk with the citizens of Canterlot? Tell them about your music, they won't always come to you... Not to put your down or whatever, but people aren't going to instantly going to like your stuff.
  14. Well, I don't come to the Music Showcase section much, only reason I'm here is because you replied and I happened to see it while navigating the creativity section. But what you say disturbs me... Did you ever think people just don't like your style of music? Sure you can make whatever kind of music you like, but in your case your case, you want to become famous in the brony community through it. Which. Means you either need to switch up your style to one more people like, change the way you market yourself, or something. Quite honestly, I think its rather selfish to want to get famous with your music, why not do it for the entertainment? To each his own I guess, good luck.
  15. Are you sure this is it? Last chance for revisions. Also, did you read the rules? Apparently not...
  16. Did you get all the references?
  17. The interface is very different from how it is now, which looking back in really nostalgic. Wait a minute...what is THAT... WHAT YUE?!
  18. I didn't actually expect to get an answer to these questions, first off thanks so much! I had always assumed that You and Artax ran the site from the very beginning its actually quite interesting to hear that there were other Admins besides you guys. To bad they didn't stick around, it would be cool to meet them! From the looks of it it seems like the RP section was tons more lax back in the day than it is now. Thank you so much for answering my questions! This is so awesome that I know all this stuff now. It might seem a bit like useless information to know, but I feel even closer to Canterlot now than every before. I guess thats sort of weird, huh... P.S. I'd kill or a Celestia Waffle...
  19. So I've been perusing some of the older threads on Canterlot and I got myself thinking, I have a lot of questions about Canterlot that I really can't find the answer to myself. So I thought I'd list them here, not with hopes that they would be answered, but just to get out my curiosity. Who are the Old Mods? Why was Canterlot.com not G rated for a while and who made the change? Is the anypony higher than Artax? Why can I not grasp the true power of a moderator? Where do all the Help Staff, Mods, Admins, etc. fit into the Canterlot.com story? If Manestream is "Celestia's Adviser" then who is "Celestia?" Whats with the weird Princess Celestia Admin Bot? What's the story with some of the banned users, like Angie Cakes? Canterlot. Y U SO ADDICTIVE? Who the heck is Tam?! What was Old Canterlot like? Who as the first member of Canterlot? Who was the first RP Helper, etc? When did Canterlot begin? Actually, thinking about it, I think Canterlot started sometime in March of 2011 (don't ask me about my reasoning behind picking the date). That being said, I joined on 6 Nov 2011, which means I was 8 months behind its creation and stuff that happened. Adding on to that, the time from sometime in November until I believe June sometime. In actuality, I've only been on Canterlot (regularly) for about 4 months (give or take) Which means I've missed out on A LOT....
  20. I'll just drop this here then. I tried both parts of my name then my entire name together. It seemed depending on he length of the name you enter determines what type of weapon you get. As for the level, I can't figure that out, it might be a random variable each time. Still fun to play around with and see what you get.
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