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Status Replies posted by Corsair

  1. So... I'm Scootalux now!

  2. You know you're egotistical when you send a whole hour reading your own status updates.

    1. Corsair



      Nope. Worst he could do is liking Fluttershy best. :P "

      Phil, I'm going to kill you with Kindness...

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  3. What happened to my Ninja turtles. They look aweful now ;-; TOO REALISTIC

  4. How would people react if I vanished from the forums forever? I wanna hear your theories. XD

  5. I am finding that test sidebar increasingly difficult to ignore. I suspect it to be plotting something.

  6. In Case You Missed This: Discord, Princesses, and CMCs are all available to app at Canterlot Chronicles.

  7. Lost IPod charger the struggle is real.

  8. With a changeling OC, do you need a CM story for how his pony form got his/her cutie mark?

  9. EQG Fluttershy is so adorable that it physically hurts me.

  10. Whats with all these test things everywhere?

  11. Job interview tomorrow!

  12. Admins please delete my account..asap. thankyou.

  13. I'm very confused on my best pony stance. It's either Applejack, Rarity, Luna or Cadence. The struggle is real.

  14. am i hated here do you guys just want me gone if so then ill leave

  15. I would once again like to request suggestions for the Frequently Asked Questions list in the Questions board. Let me know if there's anything you think I should add!

  16. Guys, what's Robi? I've seen that term floating around a few times and I don't know what it means.

  17. This place used to be huge with heaps of members..what happened?

  18. I think The Best Night Ever was the only season finale to not end in controversy.


  20. Once upon a time, there was an Applejack, and Applejack was best pony.

  21. If you have anything you think could be added to a site Frequently Asked Questions, please let me know!

  22. fluttershy has so many names, i am going to name about five. Flutterbat, Fluttertree, Breezieshy, Fluttershy, Fillyshy

  23. I think my main purpose on this site is to keep instigating the Applejack/Rarity feud.

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