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Everything posted by korok132

  1. It doesn't matter to me. If you'd rather I start it, I can work with that.
  2. I think you can just leave Glitberg as a background character unless you want to have him do something besides be a background character. If that makes any sense.
  3. Ammy beat me to it: Totally reminds me of a Zora-Pony. This is great, for the record.
  4. The only problem is that she's really anti-social. I can't think of her doing anything without someone else coming to her first.
  5. Fleet was immediately torn. While the train offered adventure and going places and all the fun that brings, everyone else was going to the Merry-Go-Round, hooting and hollering the entire way. And as we all know, Merry-Go-Rounds are awesome. You know what? The train can wait, because "Merry-Go-Round!" Fleet let out a loud laugh as he barreled straight towards the carousel, hopping on the nearest seat while smiling like a complete idiot. "Onward!" He pointed a claw forward emphatically, as though that would make the ride start going somewhere besides a circle.
  6. So I got a pony, Book Keeper, who needs a thread. In short, she owns a book store in Canterlot and can only talk backwards because magic. She's been kinda sitting around for a while, so... yeah. Kinda trying to get her active.
  7. "... I guess you could say we're couriers in one way or another." Couriers? That's lame. Scoundrel turned her attention from the crowd back to the two she shared a table with. The crowd was being boring and flowing like it does in just about every other city. Who knows, they might be interesting. "I see," Verity said. "It must be an exciting life, on an airship. My father works at a factory in town that makes a lot of parts for airships. Ever since seeing all that with him as a foal, I've always kind of found them fascinating," the zebra added. "It's rare that I actually get to travel by airship though." Okay, that is kinda interesting. "Now that you mention it, I've never been on airship either." The mare began thinking aloud. "I just always thought it would be the same as being on a boat, except in the air." Looking over the griffin, she began to question why she thought stealing from her would be a good idea. She seemed like a nice griffin, but ponies usually don't react well to being pick-pocketed. Flight plus claws plus not a happy griffin equals a bad day for Scoundrel. The zebra would have been a better target, even if she doesn't appear much better off than the griffin. At least zebras can't fly and don't have claws.
  8. I think my first RP was on a forum called "Vagrant Epochers." The forum was supposed to be a sort of place for this one dude I watch on YouTube to interact with his viewers and stuff. They had a big RP world going on called "Legend of Hyrule" or something like that. It was basically what we got here, except Zelda: Ocarina of Time instead of ponies. And then I kinda lost a bit of interest because the DM guy would disappear for a week and then shenanigans would ensue between other players, and then everyone got really pissed about it for some reason (I think a "muffin button" was involved) then the RP stopped existing. There were some other smaller ones going on, but nothing I knew anything about, and were already pretty well under way, so I couldn't do anything. And then I stopped existing on the forum all together. Two years later, while derping on the web looking for a Bass Clef cutie mark (for some reason) I get linked to a character app here (forgot the name) who was using a Bass Clef cutie mark picture that Google linked me to. A bit of lurking later, here I am with four characters and thinking about more. I'm also part of a group on DeviantArt that does RPs, but the DM is basically non-existent except at the most inconvenient times for me and a friend of mine who's also part of it, so that kinda doesn't count.
  9. I've got Book Keeper, a book store owner in Canterlot. Maybe we could have Clockwork go to her store for ideas for new things to make.
  10. Yeah, basically what everyone else said: Dash is just easier to say and faster to type than Rainbow. As for why not refer to the others by their "last name?" Because it works that way. Twilight is easier to say than Sparkle, and sounds better too. Same with Pinkie. Everyone else has just one name, although I am guilty of having called Applejack just Jack before.
  11. If this isn't a reference to Shawn of the Dead, then I am disappoint. My plan was, with my friends, to raid stores for food, go to the nearest Home Depot/Lowes/home improvement store, grab as many dangerous, gas/battery powered power tools as possible (like, oh, say, a chainsaw?), find somewhere secluded, and wait it out. I have a (t)rusty fire axe out in my garage, as well as some other heavy bludgeoning devices, on top of a broadsword in my attic. I think I have at least a decent shot of getting to my car and friends' houses.
  12. This is relevant to my interests and nicely done. ZA WARUDO! Toki wo tomare.
  13. I was totally about to jump on this, then read that Starlight is blind. Book Keeper, the one I wanted to use, can only communicate coherently through writing. ... that totally wouldn't be awkward.
  14. I'm gonna let y'all finish, but I think I can top all of this.
  15. Derpy Hooves. Case closed. But seriously, done right, I think it would be kinda cool to see an episode focused around the background ponies we (the fandom) have made, like Bon Bon, Lyra, Scratch, etc. Maybe not all in one episode, but for them to have at least a bit of focus, kinda like Derpy, except without the random amounts of hate about her voice. After all of that... a WB episode is infinitely more likely to happen. Just sayin'.
  16. "My family moved from Breakbeak City. We had hoped to change our fortunes by moving to Stalliongrad. And so far, it has..." Yes? "What about you my good Zebra?" Dang. Kinda was hoping she'd talk about her crew. Oh well.As the zebra began to talk, Scoundrel went back to what she does; scanning the crowd. Once again, not for any purpose, just a force of habit. Besides, it's good practice to see how the crowd flows during certain times of the day. Makes it easier to get away if they don't know which pony in a crowd just snagged their money. "...struggling to become acclimated to Equestrian culture." At this Scoundrel suddenly jerked alert. Zebras, not used to living in Equestria. Meaning they aren't expecting thieves like her. A grin spread across her face. Perfect! ...why did she leave Fillydelphia again? One of the closest big cities to Unyasi? Oh right, she was run out. That's beside the point. She had a sudden urge to leave Stalliongrad and go back to Fillydelphia. Eh, it can wait a bit longer. Besides, I haven't gotten my food yet, and this town doesn't know me. Give it a few days, get some travel money here, then you can head back. She relaxed and went back to sitting normally.
  17. "Nice to officially meet you Pinchy!" At least, that's what Fleet would have said if another pony hadn't come up behind him and yanked on his tail! He let out a loud squawk as he whipped around again to the new greenish pony who introduced himself as Chip smiling like an idiot. "Wot are yer, then, eh?" Fleet was not amused and glared back at him. "I'm a Cynogriffin. I just said that." Fleet didn't like this new pony. He had a funny accent, but that's all he had going for him so far. The other one, his sister River, he had nothing against, yet. Unless she was exactly like Chip, then that would just be a lot of not fun. He was about to go back to talking to Pinchy, but he then saw her hugging her bear that he crashed into and decided he'll let her be. Besides, a train had just pulled up, and trains at fairs usually meant something cool was about to happen. Because trains equate to traveling, and traveling equates to fun, and math is not fun so no more equating.
  18. I just had a thought: What if Luna was the "good sister" and had to banish Celestia to the Sun for 1000 years? What would Celestia be called when she came back for her revenge, making Equestria suffer under eternal day? Luna was called Nightmare Moon. You know, Nightmare, and she was in charge of the moon. Nightmare Moon. What would Celestia be called?
  19. Tales, that basically summarizes Book perfectly, and made me chuckle. Anyway, fix'd.
  20. Long story short: It's mostly slice-of-life kind of stuff, pony A meets pony B and they chat for a while, maybe go get something to eat, then go their separate ways. Very much like the show, very friendship/relations based. As long as it's PG it's all good. As for actual rules, unfortunately I can't find the actual "rules thread", but a good substitute could be the character application guide and the links found in there, as well as just poking around in the actual RP threads. Unfortunately, as Tales said, unless you actually ask a specific question, I can't do much more than that.
  21. I get where you're coming from Robikku, and I've taken it into consideration. For her personality: I'll figure out how to put it in the app nicely later, but basically when I imagine Book I imagine a sort of a recluse, she doesn't really talk to anyone unless they talk to her first, mostly keeping to herself. It's not that she hates everyone, it's just that she never really developed any social skills since she reads basically all the time. Plus there's the entire "can only talk backwards" thing recently, so... As for whether I would want to keep her for the long run: Yes. I might change her eventually by having something happen to fix her backwards talking, like her finding an undo spell or seeing someone about a cure, but I don't plan on doing that for a long time.
  22. I do NOT have Pokey-Pants! I take offense to that. ... I'm not even sure if you're talking about me or not EIther way, waiting for 4 posts sounds like a good idea.
  23. It was nice to be able to sit at a resteraunt in the open for a change. Considering she just came to town not too long ago, there was almost no chance anypony could recognize her, and she hadn't done anything wrong yet, so it's not like anypony was after her. "Are you native of this city by any chance?" Huh, never really had to talk to others much. Should I tell the truth to her? Eh, why not, she's getting me food, pretty sure I can trust her. "No, I actually just got here not too long ago. Just been kinda wandering across Equestria for a while now, from Fillydelphia. What about you, where you from?" Scoundrel didn't really care about where Grandya was from, but it was the polite thing to do. What she was really curious about was the crew the griffon was part of. That sounds like a fun job. Maybe even better than being a thief! Let's not get too excited. We'll get to that in conversation later.
  24. The order has been kinda weird. Supposedly Dav is supposed to go before you, but he went before me. I say just go whenever you're ready. Also, I think we decided on "no particular order, just whoever wants to go when they want to go."
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