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Everything posted by starswirlthebearded

  1. You live in NY, as I do. So it could potentially be an immature Northern Black Widow (Latrodectus variolus). (You can tell because of the lines along the abdomen and the broken hourglass-esque shape). However, personally I find this unlikely for an urban environment that you and I both live in. They tend to like more woody areas. Sometimes they like stone walls, but what they aren't, are typically house spiders. So, I really can't think of a reason why it would be that... If it is, the bite isn't as bad as most people give it credit for. They are also really timid, so they prefer to run away from humans than attack. What I personally think it is, is the Triangulate cobweb spider. They look more or less identical to black widows, only they tend to be more brown in colour (as the picture indicates) and they tend not to have the red markings, but rather white, typically. The markings can share striking resemblance to black (or rather brown) widow spiders. They are also similar in size and general shape. They also have the exceeding benefit of being world wide in terms of habitat and liking houses. So, unlike the black widow, they are actually rather common in NY and in temperate zones in houses. The great part? They are totally harmless to humans, and actually tend to be more helpful than harmful! (I hope my reply satisfies the bugmaster)
  2. I'm with Weesh here. Even if they know nothing about Baseball or Gehrig, there is no way you have not heard at least some reference to that speech in your lifetime. It is one of those well known cultural icons that has been parodied and referenced so many times it is mind boggling. It is like saying the words "Lend me your ears" preceded by any number of variations of "Friends Romans Countrymen" for the setting. The person in question doesn't need to know anything about Shakespeare or the play Julius Caesar to know those words. Nor do you have to know them for someone to understand the reference, and the person stating it be oblivious. Just because you don't know the origins of a reference doesn't make the reference invalid. That speech by Lou Gehrig is legendary. In fact, if you Google those first five words "I consider myself the luckiest" know what you'll get? A bunch of links to that or about that speech. Or about Lou Gehrig himself. That was definitely a reference, any statement to the contrary is basically denial IMHO.
  3. Hey everyone, this is going to be the first entry of this blog. First off, you should know, I'm not much of a blogger, nor am I that much of an RPer. So really, this blog will be full of useless stuff, at least in my opinion. However, I do find it fun to write general musings and observations. Observations especially, since well... if you know me... I'm very much into science, and science is 70% observations and record keeping 20% knowledge, 10% good practices and 50% guess work based on what you think you know (which is never nearly as much as you actually know). Yes that is 150%, but I don't care... 100% isn't nearly enough! Oh right, and if you hadn't noticed, I do have a tendency to ramble. But I'll try to keep that to a minimum. So to get on with it... What you'll find in this blog is nothing overly specific, like many others. I'll try not to reference specific RPs or Apps. However, if you are clever, you'll probably be able to figure it out. This might change as I leave the general and move towards the specifics. My first entry will be on apps as I've really had sensory overload with apps since I've become a RPHS. What to expect? Well exactly what I said! Observations! The posts will probably start out general, and over time become increasingly specific. As I said though I'm going to keep it vague to the most extent. The style will be like that of a very basic science journal. There will probably be an intro, stating the intent, how many RPs/posts or apps there will be and so fourth, probably with a general summary. This is followed by the observations. And then the conclusion of it all. This will probably be the most musing part of the whole ordeal, and likely where I'll ramble the most. Chances are entries will be sporadic when I'm bored/feel like it... so... Meh... Again... not much of a blogger. Disclaimer: I'm extremely sarcastic, and while the observations will likely be legitimate, the introduction and conclusion sections won't be. (PS this will probably be the only one done on the fly like this)
  4. Yeah... That last one is pretty much the reason why I don't apply for cast characters. However the bigger reason is kinda similar to your first question "Can I play this character well." In some cases, I feel like I could play the character just fine. Like Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy, however, for me there is a disconnect in my mind, even me knowing that I could probably do it, I can't bring myself to do it. This is because even after 3 seasons I feel like I'd drag the character in my direction rather than the direction of the show. Which is why I don't like fanfiction. (Yeah, it is actually more of a personal aversion to putting my will on the creative spark of someone else, there are very few fics that I've read that actually felt organic with the original work, and I don't think I could replicate that with many characters) Perhaps one day I'll do a T-3, or if Discord is put into the mix, I'll app him (along with half of Canterlot I'm sure). Honestly, Discord is the only exception because I grew up with characters like him, either Q from Star Trek TNG or Loki from Marvel or The Mask or you can even argue that Gogo Dodo was a similar type of character. I know how they think and operate. And unlike other characters, their development is more in line with what they can or can't do, rather than their overall personality. Even Discord in the most recent ep, won't likely cease screwing with Celestia just for fun (Actually I'd love to see a Spin-off series about that, but I doubt that would ever happen), but rather will tone down what he'll do in fear of reprimands or losing his only friend.
  5. Tsk Tsk Tsk.... should have done that last night Rosie... You know better...
  6. Magic Duel for me. It felt the most right out of all of them. Keep Calm and Flutter on is in a rather close second though. Magic Duel, just everyone felt right, and the plot was interesting and engaging. I'm not even a huge Trixie fan, but the way they brought her back, used her, corrupted her, and then went through the redemption of Twilight in a Yoda-esque training montage, just hit all the right notes for me. Even the ending felt like it hit right with the characters. And probably the biggest part about it is... It didn't feel rushed, which was probably the single biggest issue with S3, especially with Keep Calm and Flutter On and Magical Mystery Cure. What really prevented Keep Calm and Flutter On from being up there was Pinkie Pie. I know she is irrational, but how does one go from "Hold on while I indulge in chocolate rain" to "OMC HOW COULD YOU NOT GIVE US WHIPPED CREAM TOO" just felt so forced as a reason to dislike Discord. If they had characterized Pinkie better (the one that would have sympathized with him the most just from how she is), it probably would have been my #1 (OK that is a half-lie, my bias towards Discord would have made it a tie, but the pacing still angers me). I would understand her being not fond of Discord, but I feel like she should have been more receptive. Fluttershy and the rest were pretty spot on though. Also, I still can't forgive it for being only 1 episode and being so very rushed.
  7. I think you are fishing for plot holes with this one. It was never suggested that they were always there. There was a time when they weren't, as there was a time when Discord was lord and ruler. It is suggested they were there from the beginning of the founding of Equestria (give or take, considering that they weren't around for the events of Hearths Warming Eve if the play is to be believed). Alicorn lore was never defined, except that they were the embodiment of all three races, which isn't even technically show canon, as it is Fausticanon. What was suggested about Alicorns were that they were rulers. And Cadence was a relative. As for how Celestia and Luna came to be as they were? There is no evidence to suggest that the EoH had anything to do with it. Even if it DID, again, we know that they were the ones who removed Discord from power with those same elements. So who is to say that the Elements didn't react to their first owners by making them into Alicorns. But I'm assuming they already were. So there are two possibilities... The first is they were born that way. And their growth is so slow that Discord's rule (and perhaps prior to that) were them aging and growing into adult and seemingly adolescent age. The other possibility is that they created the spell to turn each other into Alicorns. Perhaps the EoH were needed, perhaps they weren't. EoH seems to predate them though. Likely they were born that way, but knew they wouldn't live forever/want to rule forever, so they created a spell and method to make successors. However that is one of many possibilities. Alicorn lore is so bare you can really do anything with it. So long as it ends with the embodiment of the three races.
  8. Agitated bugs was something Trekker was used to. Swarms? She's dealt with swarms before. However... before the forcefield even finished going up, Miss Pie took a swan dive into the colt's cabin. That was something Trekker wasn't used to. "[colour=#339933]I hope she is alright[/colour]" Trekker thought to herself. Well that wasn't something she was really too worried, surely Miss Pie wouldn't have done so if she'd be seriously injured. The filly was on the ground clearly confused by the situation. [colour=#282828] [/colour][colour=#282828]"[/colour][colour=#339933]Well currently you are in my barrier sir... You could just drop down now. The ground is quite clear, I assure you.[/colour][colour=#282828]" Trekker addressed Pocket Change.[/colour] [colour=#282828]The bigger issue was that the bugs were extremely agitated outside of the barrier. [/colour] [colour=#CCCC99]“Please forgive my outburst. Now, I want you all to know that nopony is at fault here. We are all just victims of circumstance. I want you all to stay calm and more importantly, give some sort of warning before doing something such as casting a spell. Given the state these bugs are in, it’s going to take a lot, lot longer to calm them down”[/colour][colour=#282828] Buzz directed his attention to Trekker, the one keeping the barrier up. [/colour][colour=#CCCC99]“Miss, how long can you maintain this shield?”[/colour] Buzz was clearly frustrated, and Trekker knew she was part of that reason. However she made a decision in the midst of a swarm. She really couldn't tell how the bugs would react to anything or Buzz would have been able to calm them down at all. Buzz asked her how long she could keep the barrier up. "[colour=#339933]Well, this one has about an hour before it dissipates, but that was because it was a spur of the moment thing. If that will be enough time perfect, if not I can always concentrate and reinforce the barrier to last up to around 12 hours. Barriers either dissipate due to lack of energy or through a counter spell that will drop it.[/colour]" Trekker responded. "[colour=#339933]I'll do anything you need me to do to help. I'd rather nothing get hurt including the insects.[/colour]" Trekker was totally calm about the situation, but really preferred not being swarmed on. She's been bitten by many insects in the past, and they vary in pain and annoyance. Some of the insects around had seriously nasty bites, which she didn't want to deal with.
  9. Before it is approved? Of course! In fact, if you notice errors and such, that only makes our job easier! After it is approved, any major edits will require reapproving process. Good luck with this app (And if you want, you can tick off that "Edited by" check box to show that the app is still active in case you don't want to bump your app )
  10. So... your idea is the Sisterhooves Social?
  11. Toche. A bit of reading on the subject and I found that, not only are Zebra's the only equines that can be affected by albinism in equines (separate bit of reading I did), but apparently sunburn can occur on equines, but it isn't particularly noticeable except in areas of lack of hair. (Hence the nose shot) Interesting stuff. I was told that horses could not get severe sunburn on their bodies, but apparently, according to the Ministry of Agriculture of Food, not only is it possible, but rather common. Right then.
  12. Trekker looked around then looked at Chrome. The bugs were getting more and more agitated. "[colour=#339933]Maybe it was a good idea that I popped in here afterall...[/colour]" Trekker thought to herself. He noticed the pink pony from before was now up a tree, and a young filly who had fallen and didn't look in a very good position. The pony that he couldn't make out before was a grey unicorn who seemed slightly oblivious to the situation. [colour=#282828][colour=#CCCC99]"I want everpony to listen to me very carefully" [/colour]Buzz's voice was clear and stern.[colour=#CCCC99] "Your actions, while unintentional, have provoked the bugs around us beyond measure. They have already marked you all with pheromones and I'm beginning to have trouble keeping them from incapacitating you entirely. Now, with the exception of Pinkie Pie, I want you all to kneel down, not say a word, and try to be as least threatening as possible while I calm them down"[/colour][/colour] The situation had escalated quickly, well aside from the fact that Trekker overheard a few puns. She really didn't have time to consider that. The young filly knelt as instructed, but didn't look very comfortable. She apparently had allergies. The grey unicorn slowly levitated himself to the tree branch where the pink, rather happy go lucky mare, was clinging to."[colour=#339933]Did he just call her Miss Pie... Well that's one name out of the way at least[/colour]" she thought. Trekker looked at Chrome and nodded. "[colour=#339933]Sorry my dear colt, but given the state of things, I don't think I can adhere to your request.[/colour]" Trekker said as she quickly teleported with Chrome to the area of the three other ponies. The moment she reappeared she created a full bubble barrier that would only allow ponies to enter. All the insects in the vacinity were moved away by the barrier's expansion, covering even the ground so insects couldn't burrow up. This was the largest barrier Trekker ever had to create out of necessity, but at this point it was her only choice, she couldn't just let a swarm of insects harm anypony, but at the same time she couldn't harm the insects either. Everything had a right to live after all... Inside the barrier, Chrome went over to the filly who was on the ground to try and comfort her, nudging her face with his nozzle. Meanwhile Trekker turned her attention to the colt who seemed to be in control of or at least have a connection to the insects. "[colour=#339933]Now... er... You know I don't think I ever caught your name... er.... bugcolt?[/colour]" Trekker started unsure of what to call the tan colt. "[colour=#339933]I'm sorry I couldn't follow your instructions but considering the circumstances, it didn't look like I had much choice. I trust you can do something about your insects? Calm them down perhaps? If you can't I have two ideas, one of which you might not like. So let's try to solve this together, shall we?[/colour]" Trekker looked at the odd gathering of ponies. She looked up at the grey stallion now in the tree looking rather nervous. "[colour=#339933]Erm... Sir... you do realize that most arthropods can climb trees right? I mean, up until a second ago, before I put up my barrier, that tree was full of ants...[/colour]" Trekker may not be the sharpest tack all the time, but she did try to learn about anything she would encounter including arthropods. However another problem was now obvious. Everypony around her was covered in insect pheromones, which would allow the swarm to track them. They were itching to get inside now to attack them, and her barrier was the only thing keeping them at bay. "[colour=#339933]Bugcolt better do something and fast[/colour]" she thought "[colour=#339933]If not I might have to try that calming spell I haven't used yet that I learned about my last trip to Canterlot. I've practiced it, but I can't know its effectiveness on a swarm... otherwise.... I'll have to reverse my barrier and make it sealed to suffocate the insects to knock them out... But that might not curry favour with the owner of the cabin, and might harm the poor insects to boot[/colour]." Trekker racked her brain trying to figure out what to do that wouldn't result in everypony getting swarmed on. A spell that might not work, and a barrier that might harm the insects and anger their host... Not the two best options... She really jumped into a sticky situation.
  13. Liked the episode. The ending felt rather hamfisted. That is really my only complaint. They could have toned down the hamminess a bit. The songs were fantastic, and I loved the first half of the episode. This episode was a musical. I'd give it a 7/10. Definitely had the best song of the season. BTW, no I don't mind the Twicorn. I'm wondering what they'll do with it. But considering they have S4 written and produced, I'm not too worried. There are top notch writers on this show. So I think some good things will come of it. Also they canonized Alicorn. And more annoyingly pony sunburn. THAT DOES NOT HAPPEN! (I'm taking that as a gag for gag's sake, that is not canon to me. No!)
  14. I know it is hard to take a story which is your brain child, extract a character and place it into a strict environment with rules that your story didn't have. However we are here to help you do that! And by the way, that is what we are doing, extracting the essence of the character to be a roleplay character! It isn't diluting so much as condensing all that information that made your character unique and yours and getting it to work in WoE. Sometimes that can be hard especially for a particularly long story. So to start with your concerns. First... The potions... Try to think of potions like this... They are extensions of OUR world's medicine, with a bit of kick! They can't do the impossible like alter the physiology of a pony, but they can help ponies in a multitude of ways! Perhaps the flower was a key ingredient to a cure for a disease someone she knew had! Since it is rare, it can be an entirely new medicinal potion that others haven't done yet, or perhaps they completed a potion that another pony couldn't complete because that flower was needed and they didn't know or couldn't find it. There is no reason to change pony physiology, but there is reason to help other ponies with useful potions! As for your second concern, specify in her occupation that she is a College student. And write in the history what she is doing there, friends and whatnot. Not every character needs be an adult or out of college! All you really need to do with history is give us an idea of where your character came from and what made them into the pony they are today! Try to keep the focus on Pepperjack and allow us a window into her life and experiences. (which it already looks like you are doing to be honest.) I still think you could go into the differences between the father's place and mother's place though Don't feel bad about asking questions, this app has been a long work in progress and we all want to see you succeed. So long as you are willing to work with us, I'm sure we can make it happen!
  15. Please don't bump your app. To be fair to everyone, we deal with the apps at the bottom of the pile first. I assure you, we know your app is here and the RPHS in charge of it (not me), will be responding to it as soon as they are able! In the meanwhile please be patient. Thank you.
  16. [colour=#339933]Trekker[/colour] Trekker was making her way through the Whitetail woods with Chrome. She had done this many times before, it was like her safe haven between adventures, and yet she always found something new. Today was no different, while noting all the critters seeing if there was one she hadn't seen or any plant that she hadn't noticed, she came across a strange cabin on the side of Ponyville. "[colour=#339933]Huh, well that wasn't here the last time I was around, or at least I didn't notice it. I wonder whose cabin it is, and if they are nice...[/colour]" Trekker thought to herself. She heard voices coming from the cabin, someone was screaming to someone at the front, and there were bugs everywhere. Trekker had never seen so many different kinds of arthropods congregated around one place at once in such great number. At least not one inhabited by a pony or other creature. Trekker decided that she had to investigate. "[colour=#339933]Come on Chrome! Let's go see what's this all about![/colour]" Chrome let out a happy yelp and went closer to Trekker. She flared up her magic and moved the critters away from her path of running so that she wouldn't hurt any of them, and conversely so they wouldn't hurt her or Chrome. She was ready to throw up a protective barrier or teleport at a moments notice if anything was amiss. He ran up to the back window of the cabin and saw a tan colt, a pink pony in some strange black and yellow costume, and someone else whom he couldn't make out with all the ruckus. Worried about the situation Trekker teleported inside with Chrome. Once inside she approached from behind as if she was approaching a wild manticore. She was ready to cast any spell needed in case something happened. Upon reaching them, she noticed that the arthropods weren't doing anything, they still looked agitated, but they looked like they were waitingfor something. [colour=#339933]Wait can you train arthropods?[/colour] She quietly thought to herself. Clearing her throat she spoke up "[colour=#339933]Umm... sorry for just popping in unannounced, but I saw some sort of swarm and three ponies caught in the middle of it...and I thought I could help... which..er... doesn't seem to be needed.[/colour]" Trekker embarrassingly stated. "[colour=#339933]Anyway, why are these little arthropods just hanging around doing nothing? Never in all my travels have I seen arthropods act this way.[/colour]" She asked curiously. This might be something to write home about. Chrome was a bit on edge with all the insects around, he got even closer to Trekker. Something that rarely happens.
  17. [colour=#0000ff]Razor Gears[/colour] Razor was just making his way back from Canterlot. There was a problem with the direct line so he was forced to take an indirect line through Ponyville, which apparently involved a several hour stay to wait for the next train. Razor sighed as the train moved into Ponyville. "[colour=#0000ff]Wait, what is with all this pink and red? Is today Hearts and Hooves Day... already?![/colour]" Razor thought to himself as he was getting off the train. "[colour=#0000ff]Well I better make the best of this... It isn't like there is a lab in a small town like this where they might allow me to go over some notes or anything...[/colour]" He said under his breath. He rarely went out for Hearts and Hooves day, other than to his lab. He walked around taking in the sights of the quaint town. He was never in such a small town, most places he visited for conferences and symposiums were larger cities. He eventually made his way to the town square where he saw a sign "Free Kisses" and below it "Free gift with every kiss." Is this how Ponyvillians celebrated this holiday? He figured since he was there, and the fact that he couldn't get any work done, it would be a nice change of pace to actually celebrate Hearts and Hooves day for once. The last time he celebrated was ages ago when he was still in school. When he approached the line he saw several ponies, and a griffon. Well that isn't something he expected to see at a kissing booth. "[colour=#0000ff]Can griffons even kiss? I'm sure they can 'peck' a cheek[/colour]" he thought to himself snickering at his own joke. The first in line was a young earth pony colt, followed by a lovely white unicorn, and then a rather happy looking pink pony with poofy hair, that almost looked like cotton candy with a young foal unicorn and then "[colour=#0000ff]No... It couldn't be... is it?![/colour]" Razor thought to himself. "[colour=#0000ff]Greetings Moondancer! I didn't expect to see you again so soon, not until the next guild meeting at least![/colour]" Razor greeted the young mare. "[colour=#0000ff]It is nice to see somepony I know in a strange town I've never been to[/colour]." Razor hoped that he wasn't forgotten by the young mare, he thought he made a decent impression on her, except for that one older stallion whom he was at ends with most of the time.
  18. Thanks Bellosh! I tried. This was a challenge to myself to use an overdone trope effectively and interestingly. I'm happy you like it I just made a few small edits for clarity and proofready type stuff. 3AM writing doesn't really do well for making a perfect error free writing experience.
  19. [colour=#339900]Trekker[/colour] Trekker noticed that the two foxes seemed to be playing and getting along well. "[colour=#339933]Hm this might be good for Chrome, he hasn't been around another fox since I rescued him in the Whitetail Woods.[/colour]" Zecora's reply perfectly rhymed, which Trekker thought odd since none of her correspondence in her letters read like that. There was nary a rhyme to be found! Trekker smiled. "[colour=#339933]Thank you for the warm welcome. However, not to be rude, but... is there a reason you speak in verse? I only ask since your letters were not.[/colour]" Trekker asked inquisitively. She always liked learning about the customs of people, and if this was a feature of all zebra, well that would be an interesting turn of events. A large sea serpent walked in... "[colour=#339933]Wait... Sea Serpents don't walk do they?[/colour]" She quietly thought. Listening to the exchange while Trekker watched to two foxes play, she overheard Zecora talking about a brew. "[colour=#339933]Wow! You must be an exceptional potions brewer Zecora! I've never heard of any potion that can do such feats![/colour]" Trekker exclaimed, she only met a few alchemists in her day and none could do anything like that, she was truly impressed by this. "Well it does seem that we have an interesting...and diverse party... to say the least. I look forward to this adventure with you!" Trekker's attention was drawn from Zecora by a distinct [colour=#EE82EE]'EEP! [/colour]Which appeared to come from a...a... peryton!? She hadn't seen one since she was rescued in Whitetail Woods when she was just a filly! Was this Peryton from there? Would she know of the Peryton who helped her? Was SHE the one who helped her? She didn't remember them looking alike, but it could just be her memory not being clear. She approached and noticed a rather polite distinct silver teenaged dragon. She still didn't know how to approach dragons, but she felt inclined to, this dragon seemed sensible enough to not attack her though! "[colour=#339933]Uhm... excuse me mister dragon, sorry to interrupt, but I would like to ask the peryton a question or two about where she came from.[/colour]" She nervously interjected to the dragon. Turning to the peryton. "[colour=#339933]Excuse me... but... you wouldn't happen to be from the Whitetail woods... would you? I was helped by a peryton when I was just a filly and would very much like to meet them again, but I can't seem to find them. I was hoping you would be able to help me.[/colour]" She politely asked the peryton. She wasn't hoping for much, but maybe... just maybe, this peryton would know something! It appeared however that she was the odd filly out. There was a dragon and a griffon that seemed to know each other quite well. For some reason she felt like the dragon was well traveled. If she was right, perhaps they could exchange stories! It is always good to get ideas of places from other travelers so as to be better prepared. Suddenly a pegasus came through the window! Trekker did a double take! Was this pegasus Daring Do?! She walked over to the filly... "[colour=#339933]Uh... excuse me, but... are you Daring do?[/colour]" Trekker was excited, even if the filly before her wasn't Daring do, she looked exactly like her! Chances are that she too was an adventurer like her! Not many know that it was the Daring do books that inspired her to see the world, most that knew her as a filly in Canterlot figure that it was the influence of her father.
  20. Roleplay Type: Mane RP Name: Kutula Sex: Female Age: Mare Species: Zebra Eye colour: Green with a dull iris Coat: Dull white coat with dark black stripes Mane/Tail:Mane is kept relatively short, spiked upwards, almost similar to a mowhawk (or traditional zebra mane) alternating black and white in similar shades to her coat, while the tail is short but well kept Physique: Physically fit, but average size for zebra Residence: Nomadic in Unyasi along the north shore Occupation: Mediator Cutie Mark: The symbol of siamese crocodiles. Which looks like square with simple crocodiles intersected at the center. This symbolizes two crocodiles that share one stomach, which symbolizes democracy and unity. Kutula achieved this cutie mark in a way that none expected. It was a rather dry season within Unyasi, and every zebra was on edge, unsure of how they were going to keep going. Water was scarce and every drop counted. A young colt snuck extra water, and the elders of the tribe ganged up on him, demanding justice be done. That he not be allowed his next daily allowance of water as punishment. He did not deny taking the water, knowing the state of things, and was prepared to take the punishment coming to him. Kutala was within earshot of the exchange, but noticed something that was off about the colt’s voice. It wasn’t her place to intervene, but felt like justice wouldn’t be done, and the colt would be punished for nothing! She, without thinking, jumped between the two groups. Claiming that the entire story wasn’t told, that the colt’s voice was keeping something secret. The colt shyed away, but Kutala persisted asking what really happened. And requested that any punishment be held off until the truth was known. The adults asked why she was so sure, she simply replied that “The wind carrying the colt’s voice said the full story was not yet told.” She asked the colt again, stating that she would help him with her share of water if it came to that. It became known that the colt was an older brother to a young foal, who was extremely thirsty. The elders then looked at the ashamed colt with sadness, knowing they were going to punish one who was ready to take punishment to help out one whose needs were greater than his. They stated that they were wrong, and that the foal needed the water more than they.Later that day, the tribal chief Zeti summoned Kutala. A bit worried, she approached Zeti, who requested her to become the official tribal mediator, for her ability to see without seeing. When she had left, Zeti mentioned that Kutala had obtained her cutie mark. History: Kutala was born into a nomadic zebra tribe who transversed the northern side of Unyasi. She was named for the word for peace. Kutala wasn’t a fortunate foal though, she was born without the ability to see. Believing in the power of nature, her parents would always tell her to trust in what nature told her. The sounds around her, that the wind brought forth, the vibrations of the ground, the smells of what she was going to eat and drink (and occasionally other zebras and critters), and whatever her instincts told her. would come to pass. She did her best to not be slowed, and it made her look like a clumsy foal. Many of the foals and fillies she played with merely thought she was just naturally clumsy, while the stallions and mares almost looked upon her with pity. As she grew older, into fillyhood, doing what her parents instructed became second nature. Not only did nopony think of her as the same clumsy foal, but many considered her one of the more agile fillies in the tribe. Not being able to read and write, she focused on mastering the art of conversation. She eventually got to the point where she could detect slight fluctuations in the voice. Through experience she figured out which fluctuations meant what. She became very adept at being able to read into, so to speak, what a pony was saying. She used this to her advantage to get ponies to reach an agreement, and soon she became known for being able to find solutions and agreements where others did not think it were possible, at least amongst the colts and fillies. She didn’t just use her acute senses for “work” however. What would the fun be of being able to run around if you couldn’t romp around with your friends! She would often participate in races, which she would often lose. Though in the few times she would win, she usually went so far past the finish line that her friends would joke that she could only stop running if she lost. The other game she often played was hide and seek, which she was rather adept at. She almost never lost at that! She would merely listen to where each of her friends went, and would follow suit finding them quickly and effectively. Like always, she would tell those who questioned her prowess, that the wind simply told her their locations. This eventually became a running joke with her friends, as anything that she could do inexplicably, it would always be “the wind” or “the ground” or “the trees” and so forth, telling her things they told no one else because they weren’t listening. She wasn’t the best at hiding though. She wasn’t the worst off, but she was almost never the last to be found! Occasionally she’d play the high jump game, where everyone would try to outdo each other jumping over objects. This, she was not that great in. The colts always seemed to beat her! She didn’t mind though, she just enjoyed the sport with the rest of her friends in the tribe. When she was summoned to the tribal leader Zeti, an odd thing happened... She found that the elders of the tribe started treating her differently. They no longer looked upon her with pity. The treated her with respect and dignity as a valued member of the tribe. She noticed that they talked to her differently. She continued her work as the official mediator of the tribe, solving many conflicts between ponies. Whether it be a simple argument over duties within the tribe or more serious matters. She always seems to find some common ground and be able to reach a solution that is mutually beneficial. Character Summary: Kutula is a kind and gentle soul. She never wants to see anypony wronged or hurt. Whether this is physically or mentally. She believes greatly in fairness and impartiality. She uses these views to better herself as a mediator. She always tries her best to find mutually beneficial solutions to any problem. She’ll even put her own needs on the line or give up something of hers if it will help alleviate a situation. This includes water, food, or even her own time to help someone outside of mediation. She is often soft spoken, but she knows how to take control of a conversation if needed. Kutula may be blind, but she is in no way handicapped. In fact, the fact that she could not see allowed her to listen to everything, hear things others could not because their eyes covered what their ears could hear. Kutula uses her senses to make up for the lack of sight, and she does it as second nature, having never known what the world looks like. If you ask her to describe something, she’ll in detail, explain what it sounds like, how it feels, if it is living, how it moves and shakes the ground, how it smells, and yes, occasionally how it tastes. A few in the tribe even claim that she has a sixth sense, as she never seems to bump into anything or anyone. Kutula knows this is not so. The way she explains it, is that nature tells her. The ground will be uneven around anything that is on the ground, wind will break, sounds will change, even the light on her face will feel different depending on what is around her or what time of day it is. Her sixth sense, as others call it, is merely her working senses, working in unison, as she hopes all ponies will strive to do no matter what. Other than that, she enjoys what most others enjoy. Rest and relaxation when needed, but never shies away from activity with friends or family. Though in her tribe, the two are often one in the same. The tribe elders would tell stories of what they saw. Sometimes, when she could, she would do the same, only she’d tell the same story, as she perceived it. Speaking in almost a poetic sense of how nature showed her the same event. She didn’t play the same games as she did as a filly, naturally, but she loves to impress the fillies and colts with her ability to see without seeing. Never truly revealing her secrets. Her friends she grew up with and tribal elders, knowingly would laugh and go along with it, giving the same answers as she would give, even in private. Keeping the “magic” alive for the young fillies and colts of the tribe. She regularly accepts challenges from any filly or colt who think they can fool her “elemental confidants.” She loves it when ponies can get along in peace and harmony with no issues other than to think what they want to do next together is. Likewise she dislikes strife, and discord between her fellow ponies. She, especially tries to never be in disharmony with anypony, and always seeks to mend any relationship between those around her. If two strangers were arguing in front of her, she would likely ask politely if she could be the impartial third party to see if a resolution could not be reached. Kutula is true to her name and cutie mark. Always striving for peace and harmony to all those she meets. *Permission was granted from Bellosh for all references to Zeti*
  21. Hey there hypershadow! Welcome to Canterlot! I see you like Testament, very nice However, as much as I like that EP, the cover art isn't really site friendly. Remember this is a G rated site, and a skull with blood splattering out of it isn't really... kid friendly (It was one of the few CDs I bought of them, when I was really into Metal, I think I have one of their studio albums laying around somewhere. And I think I have at least one other EP) That said, it is a pleasure to meet another Twilight Sparkle fan I do so hope you enjoy it here!
  22. [colour=#0000ff]Razor[/colour] Both Fire and Spirit said that they had reached the point in their magical practices that they wouldn't hurt anyone with their magic. Though Fire also said that she wouldn't hurt anyone else. "[colour=#0000ff]Well that is great to hear! However Miss Fire, I also worry about you hurting yourself![/colour]" Razor joked. "[colour=#0000ff]However as I said, I was just being a bit facetious, perhaps needlessly so. You two seem to be old enough to control your magic well.[/colour]" Razor wasn't really that worried, but still, accidents do happen, and he just hoped no one would be grievously injured by a mishap. [colour=#999999]"Beyond that, I meant it as I said that I seek to lead us all into the legends of tomorrow. The age of the great unicorn wizards and their guilds and associations is long past, but that doesn't mean true greatness can't be aspired to or achieved if the right minds expend the right effort toward the right goals. In short, I seek two things: help expanding my collection and to see us all become something worthwhile,"[/colour] Razor after concluding his reply to everyone, he noticed that Mr Lexis wasn't very pleased and went onto say a rather grandiose introduction. One that revealed his pompous nature, not that Razor was much better. Most other ponies seemed receptive and nice enough. He just didn't want to be bored. He looked over in the direction of Grey. "[colour=#0000ff]Well sir, you must be the leader then! You talk of leading us into being the legends of tomorrow after all! And clearly you have all the accolades. I was just getting things started so as not to have awkward silence. So please... Lead away if you so desire. Though I'm not sure if being legends of tomorrow is the overall goal of everyone, surely it isn't mine, entirely at least. And I'm not even sure if anyone, not even the best of ponies from Celestia's School or the University can compare to Star Swirl the Bearded. But feel free to try as you so seem to intend to![/colour]" Razor cynically snapped back at the older stallion. Razor had issues with being told what to do, and he seemed to be intent on "guiding" all those younger than himself into his supposed idea of "greatness." After getting that out of his system, he turned his gaze to Moondancer. "[colour=#0000ff]My apologies for that. I do have my reasons for that outburst that I'd much rather not get into here.[/colour]" Razor started before replying to the young mare's response to his query. "[colour=#0000ff]If you feel more comfortable having your teacher teach me, that is perfectly fine, and money isn't a huge problem either! If you can help as well that would be fantastic though![/colour]" Moondancer made a joke about the free pie and punch being her reason for attending. Having done medical school and residency, he appreciated that joke and let out a chuckle. [colour=#6633FF]"Everypony!"[/colour][colour=#282828] Nivial yelled out as loud as her naturally raspy voice would allow. [/colour][colour=#6633FF]"I'd like to thank you all for coming. My name is, Nivial!"[/colour] Razor looked over at the young filly. Surely she wasn't the one whom called this meeting. She didn't seem the type. However from her words and her demeanor in what she said, it seemed she was. "[colour=#0000ff]Not to be rude miss, but you honestly don't seem the type to do something like this. Perhaps a club in a school, but not an open guild. I'd have sworn that Grey Lexis over there was the one who called it, and merely chose Canterlot due to it being the epicenter of magical learning.[/colour]" Razor wasn't one to beat around the bush. Though he was cautious about those whom he let close, he wasn't shy about letting people know what he thinks, even if he said it sarcastically.
  23. Ah I see. I misinterpreted what you meant. However, we still don't know Hasbro's exact reasons for not doing that. Brand exposure is usually a good thing, yes. However, we don't know why they specifically did what they did. Only Hasbro's legal and corporate executive branch does (maybe the PR too). Either way they would have had to do something publicly so that they would be policing its IP. They ended up choosing to not allow Mane 6 to continue. They likely had reasons, whether or not you or I would agree with those reasons is irrelevant. It could have been something as simple as "This is a fighting game, and it does not reflect the image for this property we desire, and thus we cannot give allowance to this IP to be represented in that manner." (BTW, allowing them to continue with the fighting game might actually give further issues with representation of the IP, as controlling the image of an IP is a part of policing it, and allowing for licencees to use the IP in a manner that is different from the intent of the holder can in fact cancel the holder's rights to the IP IIRC) Yes, we have seen cartoon violence in the show, but that doesn't matter since that isn't the overall image of the series.
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