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Everything posted by starswirlthebearded

  1. Omg, I was considering buying that shirt too. My list of pony garb that I want is ever increasing. It's only a matter of time before it becomes too much and finally dive in. There are so many awesome designs.
  2. AS DO I! There is a picture of me on the first page of brony behind the computer to prove it! I also happen to bear a resemblance to Hoenheim of the Light apparently from Fullmetal Alchemist.
  3. Terminator had glasses. Bruce Lee wore glasses (prescription no less) edit: I love how this discussion has now become a discussion on how/why twilight needs glasses. I this community
  4. You are just now realizing this? Glasses are awesome. That said, I think Twi just ignored the gray and chose to believe in her friends until that was broken. It wasn't that she didn't see it, but rather she didn't want to believe it.
  5. Can one not say that love is the strongest form of friendship? So in theory friendship still paved the way.
  6. Best advice: Write for yourself and no one else. If YOU feel proud of your work, post it. If you enjoy it, there will probably be others who will enjoy it as well. Tastes in literature are not entirely unique and entirely subjective. There will always be haters, no matter how good or bad it is, but you shouldn't let that stop you. Catcher in the Rye is a critically acclaimed book, and yet it was constantly being banned, and JD Salinger received a lot of negativity for it. There are tons of examples of that, why? Because, unfortunately you can never please everyone. In fact, the popularity is in all likelihood proportional to negative attention. The more popular something, the more negativity it will possibly receive (See Twilight Saga). So I say go for it, if you are still nervous show it to people you trust to edit and give constructive criticism. Though you really should have someone else proofread and edit for you anyway. It is really difficult to do that for yourself. That is why in publishing they have editors.
  7. Considering all the Sci-fi and pop culture references and massive amounts of Tropes? Yeah... I'd say so... People are really blinded by the name and stigma that the previous gens carry. It is unfortunate too. What I find humorous is that the recommended are all the same genre, but are all essentially nothing like it, except for Felix the Cat perhaps.
  8. That is the thing. That is how Netflix works. Say you rated DW, TW, Star Trek and Stargate highly... You never watched MLP nor searched for it. If people who watched those series also rated MLP highly, it will get recommended to you, because the software Netflix uses sees a correlation between users who liked those sci-fi series and MLP:FiM. It isn't rocket science, and is a very simple and effective algorithm. Why people cannot understand this is beyond me. It isn't like its a random recommendation. It may not be the same genre, but people who liked that genre also liked this one [seemingly] random show.
  9. Welcome to Canterlot! If you are even half as awesome as Rosie is, you'll be more than welcome here. Though based on that game... I'm assuming awesomeness runs in the family.
  10. I'm baffled at some of these comments... In other news, I don't think people understand how Netflix recommendations work. Clearly people who like Sci-fi (ie Dr Who Supernatural et al) like MLP:FiM. I am one of them.
  11. Voltaire just posted a pony picture on his Facebook. Another celebrity brony comes out?
  12. Relevant: or if you prefer I really hope you were referring to that. If you are we'll probably going to get along smashingly Welcome to Canterlot my friend. I do so hope you'll enjoy it.
  13. All that implies is that she saw a depiction of star swirl. Just like twilight did. In fact, that would be more likely the case, because that means there is a standard image that could be deemed right. Knowing what someone looks like does not indicate knowing. I wish it did though, that would be awesome. And if you wish to make an argument of she knows it's correct. Then tell me if you've never looked at con pictures and said to yourself "wow, they even got [insert feature here] right" (or commented on any costume in the same manner).
  14. Flutterscotch, all indications say that star swirl existed before the princesses. Long before in fact. Remember, they were not present in hearths warming eve. That predated Celestia and Luna, and star swirl had possibly already passed since he was spoken of in the past tense. We can't make any indications of how powerful he was. It could have been that he was inventive and he was able to use his magic more efficiently as the creator of the spells. However, I support Jack of all trades Master of none theory.
  15. I believe she said that its a spell that only she could break. Considering this is the case, I'm sure Celestia would be able to teach Twilight how to break it.
  16. I can't choose just one, so I'll break it down and choose one per tier. Mane 6 - Twilight Sparkle Secondary main (ponies outside of the mane 6 that are given discernible canon personalities) - Luna... I have to give honorable mention to Fancy Pants though. BG ponies - Vinyl Scratch
  17. Oh we are going to do this again? Aside from my two theories of why the Ecosystem doesn't get destroyed under Discord, we KNOW it doesn't get destroyed. How do we know this? HE ALREADY RULED EQUESTRIA! Yes ponies were miserable, but they were living, which would not have been possible had the ecosystem been destroyed while under his rule. Now as to why... I have two theories... The first is that though he controlled night and day randomly, he still allowed for enough day for photosynthesis, and the natural order of life. Now perhaps creatures had problems with transitioning, but that doesn't mean that they would be unable to survive. The second is that he controlled reality completely, including the ecosystem, thus the natural order of night and day didn't matter, as he was in complete control of how things worked. This would mean he made it so that the ecosystem would work in the chaotic world and thus life would continue, just in chaos instead of harmony.
  18. You know... this was my argument many pages back or on a different thread talking about all three major villains. Of the three Discord is the only one that didn't want total destruction of the world. Nightmare Moon would have destroyed all life in Equestria with eternal night, Chrysalis would have wiped out pony kind and destroyed the town in the process while they were feeding on the love, and Equestria would also likely fall into chaos since they are a society of love and kindness)
  19. I'm probably a 2.5. I'm not buying any merchandise, though I'll probably buy a shirt and the wedding DVD.
  20. You know... The first thing I thought of when I read the part about the cutie mark was "tracheotomy pony." Or at least a pony trying to become tracheotomy pony...
  21. Are we trying to kill with cuteness? Here are some insanely cute red pandas. And yeah... Things happen for a reason. I've had my down times in my life, but something better was always lurking around the corner... you just gotta find it
  22. I am debating getting a bass cannon t-shirt and a discord sweatshirt....
  23. Niceness is a disease, and Canterlot has a pandemic of it... Welcome to Canterlot!
  24. You know, that sounds like my manager... I told her about ponies, and she admitted to being off put at first... She started watching a week ago... She is now honestly probably all caught up. In the process of watching she converted 2 friends, which in turn converted 2 siblings. She is currently working on a third friend who is having an existential crisis because he apparently already tried and didn't like it, but now all of his friends are getting into the show and is considering rethinking it. Here is the caveat to that story... He was a friend of mine in hs (that I fell out of touch with). I'm currently debating contacting him and telling him I was the one who got her into it.... And the apologizing because she is persistent XD. Oh yeah, and we totally spent most of the last work day talking about ponies. So awesome.
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