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Everything posted by starswirlthebearded

  1. Aside from rewatching the series, I'll be getting my fix from awesome Saturday cartoons from Avatar: Legend of Korra.
  2. I've said this before... Twilight is the AVATAR! How else do you explain the pony avatar state??? In her entrance exam she clearly evokes it, and only Celestia was able to bring her out of it. (Glowing white eyes and a surge of uncontrollable power?) I mean... really... Once she gets control of her Avatar powers she'll be unstoppable, Celestia knows this and is thus teaching her and ensuring that she is an ally.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYSbxRiUgOo This is basically Satan's song... and it is pure epicness. (OK so I'm totally cheating with this one, but Fantasia is and always will be my favorite Disney movie)
  4. I think its so that we, the audience, know the source of the magic. Like with the Tickets in Ticket Master, they were levitating above the ponies in gold, suggesting that it wasn't Twilight's or Rarity's doing but a charm that Celestia cast prior to sending them. Or the exchange of bags in Sweet and Elite. Perhaps they can feel it, or tell by spells or style of spells, but can't actually see the magic lest it has a certain amount power or has a physical manifestation (the barrier). This is all supposition, but it would explain why that point was never brought up in the show. It would also be why Twilight didn't bring it up when accusing Candice of being evil. Again, that would seem to be stronger evidence than wonky eyes.
  5. You know, that's probably why I didn't see it... I'm on my phone and it's pages to post amount is different. But I'm happy to know that I'm not the only one that noticed that.
  6. A thought occurred to me... I know we can see the variations of the color of individual pony magic, but can they? Wouldn't it make sense of the magic was invisible and they could only see the effects of the magic lest it was a powerful spell that created feedback (like the wings spell or tone travel spell) or an attack spell (like the magic bolt). Everything else would be invisible and only the effect seen (like a floating object or shining armor's eyes going wonky). That would explain why twilight didn't just say "but her magical color changed from blue to green!" Which would honestly be pretty compelling IMO.
  7. Really only one villain wanted to take over Equestria to rule and that was Discord. Nightmare Moon basically wanted to destroy Equestria with eternal night because she felt scorned and neglected over ponies celebrating during the day and sleeping through her night. The changelings didn't want to rule either, but to use Equestria as their food source. Once all the love had been devoured they would have left Equestria to its own destruction. That said, yes those three are without a doubt the real villains. Chrysalis is by far the most villainous. She has no point of redemption what so ever. Nightmare Moon had within her the pure soul of Luna and Discord was just doing what he was basically made to do. Also, as I said, he was the only one who didn't want total destruction. He enjoyed the chaos too much, destroying anyone or anything would have detracted from that. And if we can take what he said to Celestia as truth, he didn't harm ponies either unlike Q whom seemed to take some enjoyment in killing. Chrysalis on the other hand... Nothing,I see no redemption. She wanted to take over Equestria to allow her offspring to feed until the food source was depleted, thus leading to its destruction (how can a society based on love and kindness survive without love and kindness?). So favorite? Still Discord (I don't think that will ever change). Loki=Q= Discord. I love all three. However, the title of best villain goes to chrysalis. She is just the perfect villain. This show had amazing villains and antagonists. Almost every single one you seem to just love to hate, which in my opinion makes a good antagonist.
  8. I... just noticed... RD is dancing with a uniformless SPITFIRE! You can even see his cutiemark! You can tell from his mane... That and apparently ponies use the same amount of bars on the arms for captains... Wait... do they have a navy?! I'M SO CONFUSED!
  9. What we saw from Lesson Zero is that she goes insane over school work and let that get the best of her. But what we saw from the very first episode is that she can look at a situation and come to a fairly accurate conclusion with little to no evidence. But again, if she is Celestia's most trusted pupil, Celestia should have given her the benefit of the doubt and entertained the notion. However she didn't, and even looked like she was considering dropping her from tutelage. Twilight has shown more promise than lack of composure in the past. Twice she has been shown to fail completely or give into worry, Lesson Zero and Its About Time. Times where she showed promise against Nightmare Moon, Luna's predicament, Discord, Dragonshy... I think there were others but I can't recall them at this point. Really as her most trusted pupil, Celestia should not have reacted like that, at least I don't think so.
  10. This episode was clearly brought to you by Golden-age Disney. I think it was in fine print in the credits. If you squint REALLY HARD you'll see it. Hasbro doesn't want us to get wise to them having a time machine nor coercing past people to create an hour long special about ponies.
  11. So Changlings are corrupted Alicorns...? Which means there is a possibility of even further Alicorns... MLP! WHY YOU MAKE US THINK SO?
  12. Parallel evolution eh? Interesting... Similar traits but different environment caused for a change in purpose... One is predatory while the other is not... Interesting, I like it! I do still think that it is likely that the Alicorn's were the original and breeding caused the 3 pony types to be created. Meaning that though rare, it is possible for alicorns to be born. I'd say it was most likely from unicorn and pegasus. Also, I'm not sure if divergence or parallel evolution can be determined either in terms of the true cause.
  13. OK! Theory time! The changlings don't seem to be a pony species per say, but share common traits. This would suggest evolutionary divergence. They are of the same genus but not of the same species. This would also suggest that traits were once uniform, and Alicorns are actually the oldest pony species of special type. They might have been only female, and thus bred with regular ponies, emparting magical abilities on them, as well as individual traits. Thus allowing for the three pony types to be created. This also allows for recessed genes, which would explain the cake's kids. If Alicorn's are the common ancestor then the possibility of latent genes becomes more likely, especially when magic is involved. The changlings diverged due to a genetic mutation. Possibly one of changing gender or a genetic anomaly that allowed inbreeding. thus the original traits were preserved. EDIT: Yes, I'm fully aware I'm probably reading FAR too into this.
  14. Wow... way to combine epicness and cavity-inducing sweetness in one go... Good Job MLP:FiM Thoughts: How could you NOT tell that Candice was evil? Was everypony but Twilight blind? I know she was bewitching Shining Armor, but Celestia and Luna? You both couldn't tell? Really? Especially after Twilight burst in and made that accusation... Wouldn't Celestia TRUST her MOST TRUSTED PUPIL and at LEAST look into it? Come on Celestia... You know better than that... Twilight may be over reactive at times, but she KNOWS MAGIC. I'm pretty sure she can tell the difference between a mind altering charm and a healing spell. Chrysalis... most evil being ever. I still love Discord, but as I say, he isn't true evil... Now THAT was true evil. Perfect villain for MLP TBH. A creature that feeds off of love and becomes stronger? With tons of minions? Fantastic. Epic fight was epic. And hilarious. Great how they didn't use the elements, but the trope was used... Pretty obvious, but not unexpected. FANON DESTROYED! DJ Pon3's eyes are NOT red (I seriously paused at that moment), they look to be the same shade as her glasses. BUT THAT WAS EPIC! They know how to play to the fans, and DJ Pon3 is pretty much my favorite BG pony (sorry Derp, I love that you are pretty much persistent as a nod to us adult fans, but DJ Pon3 is 20% cooler). I also loved Luna's cameos and few lines. We have also confirmed that she does play a role in the protection of Equestria at night.... Wait... Does that mean that Celestia didn't sleep for a thousand years? Also... that must be one hellova telescope to be able to see over the curvature of the planet and view all of Equestria. Seriously... though, great season finale all around. I don't think it wreaked canon, I don't think you can really... Faust's claims aren't canon, its whatever Hasbro wants along with the current creative team. Also... Was Celestia watching Twilight for that long? I mean her cousin, a fellow Alicorn, was her foal-sitter. Also... I wonder... Is Shining Armor's special gift in protection spells? It would match up with his cutie mark and why he was the only one whom could protect Equestria with that spell, while Twilight is just general magic. Which means that Twilight is possibly the only other pony whose magic can rival royalty. Overall... Mind blowing action and some great emotional rollercoaster with the first half, and some heartmelting moments all throughout... This entire hour made me very confused... My heart wanted to explode and melt at the same time I think... ESPECIALLY when RD kissed FS realizing that she was safe during the epic battle.
  15. Because Star Swirl the Bearded is awesome, and apparently invented time travel in Equestria. Granted I only knew that he had a section of the library when I made the account, but learning that he invented time travel....? That made him 20% cooler in my book.
  16. I don't hide it anymore. And I will defend it if necessary. Most people who initially were off put (or dare I say even tried to make fun of me for it) by me watching it, I have learned started watching it themselves! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! But, yeah... Its not like I announce it to the world... If it comes up I'll discuss it, if I'm asked about it, I'll not deny it. I see no point... It takes more effort to deny something anyway. And usually my defense is pretty easy.... Nerds... I jump straight to John DeLancie... Nonnerds with class... Barbra Streisand and Music Man all the way... Everyone else? Fluttershy "killing" a bear. Man... how many people I have flabbergasted with that one clip... its amazing. It's like the creators made that especially for bronies to show to "neighsayers."
  17. Most interesting thread path ever. Zombies --> witch doctors--> Lovecraft --> 80's/shrines
  18. I'm going to watch it, and then directly after watch Korra and celebrate the start of the series that will take up the time slot of the day for me until the start of S3
  19. Who could forget Helga's awkwardly created chewed bubblegum shrine of Arnold? (all collected from Arnold himself if memory serves)
  20. wha...wha...WHAT?! My first two posts were joking in nature, you got all philosophizy first! I just added to the standing discussion, and responded to tales too... But hey! It is a fun convo And when all else fails we can always fall back on 42 or Twi's plot. They are both fantastic meanings.
  21. Wait a second hold it! You went and over sold it! ... We all know you don't have a suit! Silly dessa... You can't fool us But I can't say that I disagree. I'm buying my tickets this weekend and am totally up for a meet up. However, I've done this before and have experience doing so (meeting forum members that is (and a black belt doesn't hurt my confidence)). However, kids and young adults should take heed in dessa's words of wisdom, and only meet up with parents consent or supervision. Though this is an awesome community, it is also public and you don't know what crazy people are watching. If anyone wishes to meet me I'm sure I won't be hard to find. I am Hoenheim after all.
  22. When you hear a sound late at night and freak out for a while trying to figure out where it came from. (I've gotten quite good at figuring that out)
  23. A supportive mother whom uses a show for girls to feed her sons healthy food?! WHAT SORCERY IS THIS?! (but really, that sounds good, I kinda want to try it)
  24. You obviously ooze frosting. And who doesn't love frosting?
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