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Status Replies posted by starswirlthebearded


  2. We griffons do not fall for the laser pointer trick.

  3. Hmm, I may have to do more in CC - I once said I wouldn't, but since when did I ever listen to reason! :P

  4. So many date threads - gotta love it. Me, I don't really need one...I have better ways! :P

  5. BDP here! Welcome to my page!

  6. We have a new hire named Whitley. I keep wanting to call her Wheatley.

  7. Decision: I'm going to swim with sharks to conquer my extreme fear of them.

  8. Nothing is looking up for me.

  9. Let's have some bonding time! Comment your fave food, color, animal, and number

  10. Oooooh, OC concepts are on the boil! *scribblescribble* Muhahaha, This gon' be good!

  11. Best RPG series? List:

  12. If you could redo your life all over what would you do?

  13. Quicklime and Starswirl, if I said anything rude to you guys in that last status, please forgive me. Rough day and what not, you didn't deserve that.

  14. Andrew W.K. would have made a much better Cheese Sandwich than Weird Al in my opinion. He is actually a brony after all.

  15. Ugh I'v lost my Rp spark and it makes me sad

  16. Andrew W.K. would have made a much better Cheese Sandwich than Weird Al in my opinion. He is actually a brony after all.

  17. ´ ▽ ` )ノ addicted to Hyouka

  18. Hey hey this is my first day on and I just want to say how glad I am to be here everyone! Hope to meet some cool new friends in the future!

  19. Season 4 of FIM (Along with some previous Gen shows) is now on Netflix streaming. Woot.

  20. What happened to my Ninja turtles. They look aweful now ;-; TOO REALISTIC

  21. I love to sing-a. About the moon-a and the june-a and the spring-a.

  22. I feel like making a dragon character, I love dragons.

  23. sometimes I just look around at some of the things written on this and MLPforums and go "wtf is this"

  24. the true meaning of the universe is.....pingas

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