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Everything posted by SirShadowdeath

  1. I'd donate a good $30 or so. I mean, they deserve it.
  2. Pong Consoles...(That's all I can remember) 1. I started writing stories an poetry when I was four. 2. I am a fair artist, but a pretty good cartoonist. 3. I know how to sew. And I'm not terrible. What's your oddest personality trait?
  3. *It's a small world after all...It's a small world after all...* Nostalgia! Anyway, what you say is true, good sir.
  4. That is the most well thought out thing I've ever heard.
  5. Morpheus Road. Quite Good. Dark and Horrific,while mantaining realistic aspects and a well put togethor storyline. I'd recommend the series to anyone. Also...awaiting the next Skullduggery Pleasant...
  6. It depends...are you trying to name drop people who have or haven't met you yet?
  7. I actually have a soft, lighter side that people rarely ever see. Including my best friends. And when I say rarely, I mean like once on a blue moon and a leap year rare.
  8. Daaaammnnnn...that was a hell of a school. I uhhh...did something stupid and banned it forever more in my elementary school long long ago....
  9. He's amazing. I heard somewhere he's the "Walt Disney of Japan"... Without the money schemes and what not...
  10. When I saw Cutie Mark Chronicles I smiled... It reminded me of my friends, both in the past and in the present.
  11. I hate Valentines Day. It is the bane of my existance...my least favorite day of the year. I don't hate love. I hate the commercialization ad overusage and exaggeration of it. Valentines? Pffffftttttttt. I've been sent Valentines before. I don't send them back though. I usually politely cope with it and so forth.
  12. That is a bit odd. My OC isn't a raven though, he just has a pet raven. Still...a bit akward.
  13. Gigaware sells good mics for around $30 - $50, depending on location.
  14. The full video was posted on My Little Brony. The leaked episode is all over youtube...
  15. My left eye sees everything in sepia. Therefore, I see all colors darker and more grainy than others. It's a bit depressing actually. I've had this problem since I was about five.
  16. I had an idea where my pet raven broke his wing... It's up to you if you'd want to RP with me though.
  17. Actually, even though they probably won't do it, I think they could pull it off. Fairly Odd Parents did. Yes they did. In secret. There was an episode where Timmy and three others were sent to a "rehab" (it was called a prison or school or something) because they could no longer achieve things without magic. (Magic Addiction!?) Over time, they hve to face many trials without magic and they all fail. They eventually escape the "rehab" togethor and learn that the point of the "rehab" all along was to teach them that they could face difficult situations like escaping without magic. It was a good episode, and it wasn't a direct legend. If they could do it, MLP can also.
  18. I highly doubt MLP will end up like "Sonic Says". I still remember that....
  19. I saw this when it was first made. It's amazing....
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