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RP Certified
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Status Replies posted by Gears9333

  1. Woke up this morning with a sponge next to my pillow.

  2. I have returned! Fear and tremble!

  3. Only 200 more poast until I'm 20% Cooler ^_^

  4. that fire i have .. needs a recharge..

  5. Looking for RPs is hard :/

  6. Oh hello!...Im gonna eat your soul! :D

  7. Herpderp, so bored.

  8. Okay, I need hugs! Anypony and everypony, hugs please!

  9. Barely a month later and I'm already promoted to Senior RP Helper. Pretty cool stuff. ;)

  10. Holy crap! I accidentaly typed in Canterlot.NET and was like "Where the heck am I?" o.O

  11. "Strangely obsessed with tubs of jelly..."

  12. Zzz waiting for moderator approval of char

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