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Status Replies posted by SteelEagle

  1. Now that RotL is done, what should I do?

  2. Season 8 might be over, but we're still getting a sort of mini-movie later this month. A holiday special..But oddly enough not an Nightmare Night one. :wail:

  3. Season 8 might be over, but we're still getting a sort of mini-movie later this month. A holiday special..But oddly enough not an Nightmare Night one. :wail:

  4. Season 8 might be over, but we're still getting a sort of mini-movie later this month. A holiday special..But oddly enough not an Nightmare Night one. :wail:

  5. Last episode of the season today. :(

  6. Yona should run in the Running of the Leaves!

  7. We're almost ready to go live with the Running of the Leaves! Get ready to make those leaves fall, everycreature!

  8. We're almost ready to go live with the Running of the Leaves! Get ready to make those leaves fall, everycreature!

  9. The Running of the Leaves 2018: September 28th-October 21st! Get limber and get ready, everycreature!

  10. Howdy Mojo! How have you been?

  11. Oh Oh. There -might- be a new episode of MLP on Friday. 2PM?

  12. Surprise!~ I'm not dead; I just... Y'know what? I don't have an excuse. But, if you'll have me after all these years, I'd love to have some fun with everypony!~

  13. At 12:58 this afternoon, my mother has moved on after a nearly 2-year fight with ALS. Thank you to everyone who has given their love and prayers over the course of this ordeal. Mom will always live on in my heart and those of her loved ones.

  14. Wow. Look at this handmade AJ figure.


    ciciya9318 Applejack by Shuxer59


  15. Slight spoiler for the latest episode...slightly


    they actually censored the ending! Cripes!



  16. Hey peeps! It's been awhile since I've done anything here. And sorry if I missed any messages while I dropped off the face of the internet. I still don't see myself keeping up with RPs but I've got something planned.

  17. Corsair rocks!

  18. So for anyone wondering why it's been quiet on the Dub front, I fell and busted my rear on some steps a few days ago and juuust now am able to sit in my computer chair for extended periods of time =U

  19. I am back from the dead! Will be posting very soon..today...hopefully..



  20. Posted my 'goodbye' in the Planning/Leaving thread earlier.  I may visit here every once in a while, but my 'active' days on this website are done.  

  21. Ittsss myyyyy birthdayyy 🎂

  22. Out of curiosity...do we have active player of Coloratura on site?

  23. I'm deeply sorry about my disappearance!

  24. Time to discuss our next thread, Tacoman


  25. oh hey apple jack it's rainbow dash don't laugh at me i'm wereing my bunny suit:20:

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