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Everything posted by Dunder

  1. I am not sure whether he will use a longsword or a rapier. (I am learning how to use both.) Also, he was trained since he was a colt. He has fought in tournaments, practice fights etc. He as also fought in duels and some in war. He learned from a manuscript of an old soldier who fought their whole life and grew old before retiring.
  2. Alright. Also, feel free to capture him, I don't really see any other way he could be introduced to the characters. Also, I need help with my stats. I was thinking of having a base power of nine and a weapon power of 7.
  3. I hope my post is okay.... I don't see anything wrong with it.
  4. Dunder Blust had been stalking the zebra and that other pony for a while before they entered a base. There were plenty of ponies on patrol... if he could sneak in and blend in among them, he would be able to get inside. He hid in the shadows as he waited for an opportunity... He noticed some ponies returning from a patrol. They were all laughing, happy to be returning to their tents as Dunder walked up to them. "Hello." He said, "I seem to have lost my regiment. Could one of you direct me in the right direction?" One of the younger ponies, wanting to flaunt his knowledge and leadership abilities spoke up. "Yeah, I know all the units that are in the camp and where they are. Come on, I'll point you in the right direction." He said as they all trotted off. Dunder was let in with the group, no questions asked. when they reached a large enough crowd he vanished among them. He recognized the zebra running from someplace out back into the desert. He looked to the building/tent where she had run out of. He decided to try to approach it.
  5. Seniore? Probably Itailian. He thought. "No, I wouldn't rather join the par while ponies are out here in the feilds breaking their backs in half. I'd rather help those ponies so they can go out to the party themselves." He said as she pushed the baskets in front of him. He pulled them over his head with his forelegs and they fit rather well. "Anyway, you're Itailian? That's pretty cool. To be honest, I knew there would at least be a few Itailian ponies here. The grape industry is big for them." He said. He din't think he sounded like he was stereotyping. "Anyway, where are we headed? Talking here isn't helping getting the work done." He said as he glanced around at the vineyards.
  6. Law and Drama? That's a unique combination. Anyway, welcomt to Canterlot, man!
  7. Dunder smiled and nodded to Ice, "Alright, have fun!" He said to her before she left. He glanced around at the other ponies. His heart started to beat faster... so many ponies. Which one should he talk to? There we so many, what if they didn't like him? What if he made a fool of himself? He took another drink of punch to calm himself down. As well as trot off, away from there. Away from the place associated with the thoughts. He didn't know where to go. All the ponies were stressing him out, too much going on in his head. He sat down at a table and laid his head down on it. Why did he have to be so bad at socializing? He asked himself.
  8. Dunder watched as Muggo' made the improvised headstone. He put his hoof on his head, then his shoulder, then on both of his shoulders before kissing his hoof. Suddenly it hit him... "What if they are still alive?" He said as he looked at the rest of them. It was a possibility. "What if whatever attacked us was holding them captive?" He asked. His heart started beating faster, "What if we could return home a husband with the ring?" He asked in a grave tone. He ripped off his saddlebags and they poured out their contents. A custom made buckler, a dagger, flint, a whetstone, matches and strike pad, a pen and some parchments, a flask, a canteen, some bandages and some medical cement, a small bottle of antiseptic, and some beans and rice in a wrapped tin. He glanced around at the walls, "These obviously have something to do with the ruins. But where does the drawing come in?" He asked.
  9. Writer? Can't wait for more stuff to read. Welcome to Canterlot, man.
  10. Dunder walked into the cavern and looked around at the walls. They were all smoothly rounded... this, of course, was no way natural. He quickly galloped over to Muggo' and them when they were about to touch the bags. He didn't oppose their curiosity, he supposed that Muggo's warning was enough. He bit his lower lip when Winter lifted the bag. It didn't seem like it was trapped, but he was doubting his grasp of the situation since the rock incident. Two small silver pieces of metal on a chain and a golden ring slipped out of the bag. Other than that, the tattered bag was empty. Dunder trotted over and lifted the dog tags. They were caked in dust and covered in scratches. He looked at the shape, and the chain, the text pressed into the metal was unreadable. "You know what these are? I think they are griffon military dog tags..." Dunder said as he looked at them, "But where are the soldiers?" He muttered. He picked up the ring, "I think this is a wedding ring." Dunder said. He quickly put it on top the the bag. "Somepony can take it if they want, but we need to carry on." Dunder said as he trotted out of the dugout. "This probably has something to do with the ruins we are looking for. Though, it doesn't match the picture." Dunder said as he pulled it out of Dusty's vest.
  11. Oh, I didn't notice XD Thanks for pointing it out, Tales.
  12. Dunder Blust had heard of the special day for one of the Canterlot vineyards. All he heard was that they made grape products and that they had a promotional sampling day. He didn't know anypony there and he had never seen any of the farm's products. Maybe he had and just skipped over them, he didn't know. None the less, there was a free party offering free drinks and possibly food and that was enough for him to go. Of course, he had left his sword at home. No reason to be carrying it now, especially at a party where ponies could get extremely uncomfortable and possibly get himself kicked out. He noticed a lot of the workers still hauling in loads of grapes. He hovered for a moment, wondering if he should help... maybe speed things up for them and help them join the party faster. He dove in and landed beside the purple pegasus mare next to a barn. She seemed to be one of the workers for she was carrying empty boxes on her sides. "Hello." Dunder Blust greeted. "I was wondering if you ponies needed help out here in the fields? I would be more than glad to help." Dunder said with a smile.
  13. You have to make a character. Before they get approved you could start a free-for-all roleplay thread. After they get approved, you can start in the Mane or Crossover roleplays.
  14. Hey, I can't say I remember you, but welcome back anyway!
  15. Became a fan from Minecraft art? That's amazing! Anyway, Welcome to Canterlot!
  16. Like to talk a lot but don't want to fear getting banned? You'll fit in right here! Welcome to Canterlot!
  17. "... and that is where foals come from..."
  18. Welcome to Canterlot, man! And wrestling? AWSOME I uses to wrestle, myself. Pretty fun.
  19. Dunder watched as Dusty handed over his vest. Dunder couldn't think of anything else about Dusty but his eye. His eye looked swollen and turning black around the fleshy part of the eye. Dunder forgot about his wing. "Hold on." He put his hoof in front of Dusty's chest to stop him. He sat down and pulled a dagger out of the one of the saddlebags. He pulled the dagger out of the sheath, "If you like your eye..." Dunder said as he looked at Dusty and wrapped a hoof around his head. "I'd suggest not moving. He quickly cut a "J" shape on the swollen area, alleviating the area of pressure. "There. Feel better?" Dunder asked as he smiled and pat his head. He picked up the saddlebag after putting the dagger away. He quickly picked up the vest and held his wing down, gritting his teeth as he slipped it on. It hurt from the pressure, but at least it wasn't moving. "Thank you...." Dunder said as he trotted off. Dunder could hear Muggo' singing. He could only keep his eyes locked on the ground below him as he trotted along the narrow path. It was eerily quiet... all except for Muggo's singing. Making him on edge, but at the same time relaxed. He just wanted to get out of there, but he found their escape. They turned the corner on the thin path to see a large round, symmetrical entrance to a cavern hidden inside of a mountain. The top of it had a hole, letting sunlight in and lighting it. The room was all geometrical, the cave entrance was a large symmetrical triangle about 10 ponies tall, and the hole was about 10 ponies across. There was also a large square hold inside , but the sun hit in such a fashion that it was pitch black inside. In the back, there was a small rounded dugout in the back rounded wall of the cavern. There was what appeared to be some logs around an old firespot. There was also some bags laying around inside.
  20. "Me? Well,, I'm doing muffin around here." :I
  21. "Alright.... Journey into the Everfree sounds good." Dunder said as he started to trot off. He followed beside Storm. "This will probably be fun. Unless we run into trouble...."
  22. Nah! I think you're doing fine But if you really want to, you can. It is YOUR app after all.
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