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Everything posted by Volt

  1. Keep emotions under control? Mane, don't be ridiculous, it's one of these days where you don't have to care about your emotions because whatever you'd do, (in the borders of good taste and common sense of course) you'll be justified anyway. Enjoy, simply enjoy to the deepest and keep in mind this day is one-of-a-kind.
  2. That's a thing from my past. Vocaloids... Meh. As for choice, it's easy already. Hatsune Miku #1, Megurine Luka #2. But top songs are mainly Miku's achievement: Love is War; Last Night, Good Night; Melt; Perfectionist Complex [Luka].
  3. Just ignore me/him simply. Pretend you've made it alone or something.
  4. Tell me about it. I have more important things to do than camping this site 24/7 in order to respond once in a time >< Had time only yesterday morning, and now have today's morning. 3 pages of responses are quite too much. Seems it would be too much of a time-consuming topic, therefore don't count on me in this one. *Withdraws*
  5. Each time I recheck this image, I feel like this chart is going to stab Rarity, heh. Anyway, finally joined the topic. First post may be a little sloppy, since written in the early morning in haste. Anyway, going back to the split-up idea. Will we be doing another topic simply? Like, Stranded In-Land? Or we'll try to remember who's where actually? (For this option I'd suggest you, Star, to edit your first post in order to implement every character there with it's current location. On an example: Ardent Will - Inland Jungle Thunder Cloud - Beach etc. Although it may still become a bit messy.) Also, I'm always keeping an eye on Rarity. Always >:l Here, edited the post for you But don't count on me to stop those, it's my style.
  6. You'd better do. I've been polishing this cast app for few weeks, repeating all the episodes featuring her, getting to remember her reactions and personality. Her app is safely waiting on my cell phone/drive to be used in case of emergency. If you still didn't catch what I mean, check my: Avatar, Signature (Self made), Personality Test and Profile. I guess that's all for now.
  7. Actually, seeing how he is my OC in fact, I didn't have problems in redrawing his application here. I'll be searching for a room to rent tomorrow in different city, so I'll be back at evening I guess ( in like 25 hours from now), but all I really need is a briefing concerning how did we land there or where are we. I can easily come up with various reasons for why I can't leave with this OC, it's so simple. Moreover, I'm a member of old LPW thread, reading through pages of stuff is nothing to me ;D Just FYI: I won't be giving one-liners. That's for sure. Quality > Quantity here.
  8. That is an excellent opportunity for my OC. Seeing how I satisfy myself with 2 and hunt for a cast one, it's cool :] Name: Ardent Will Gender: Stallion Race: Pegasus Brief History: Born in Soggalong Swamps Ardent was raised in hard and demanding conditions. He was an only foal, helping his parents in colonizing the wilds. Eventually, he joined the Destrier organization, becoming an even more hardened and self-sufficient stallion. In connection with his knowledge concerning various herbs of medicine, he earned himself a title of an apothecary in their ranks. His further life focused on traveling allover Equestria, until he finally settled in Cloudsdale. Looks: Ardent's a light gray pegasus with short mane and lengthy tail. These are both purpler with a dark pink streak going through it's center. One would say he's in his middle age, but he looks a bit older than he is in reality. His ceremonial armor in connection with his well-kept mane give him a distinguished look. As for physics, he's just quite taller and stronger than an average pony due to his lifestyle. Cutie Mark: Potion with white cross, in front of purple ribbon with golden framing, which is covered in various, undecipherable markings. Personality: Ardent was taught to watch over each weaker pony around, as a Destrier should. He will often, if not always, interfere into decisions which may pose a threat to the group or anypony in general. Stallion doesn't have problems in remaining calm even in critical situations, he's strict, sharp and blunt. But at once, he'll do anything for the unit's safety and well-being. Likes and dislikes: Likes: Everything connected with nature; Open skies; Freedom connected with these two; Legends&Stories; Herbalism; Anything connected with healing. Dislikes: Metaphors; Foals; Cowards and Bravado; Abusing privileges and rights. (What does your pony like or not like to do, eat, throw, strum, whatever! Is he the kind who would build shelter? Could she handle hunting with *dun dun dun* SHARPENED STICKS?! Does your character have a heart for adventure and exploring the giant, scary cave not far from his shelter?) Character flaws: Destrier is strict and stubborn. He will insist upon fulfilling his orders because he's convinced that everypony around are usually reckless foals not willing to think twice before acting. His code of conduct is often in conflict with common sense represented by the others. He does not stand being corrected, since it proves his mistakes. Could your character possibly ever be a leader? Would s/he have any desire to?: Ardent COULD be a leader. He was trained for a leader, but he wasn't born a leader. He might want to order others around, but he won't see it as leadership. Random facts: Although trained in fighting, Ardent wasn't really that skilled student when it came down to defense; Ardent's a traveler, he traveled into nearly every corner of Equestria; He values traditions and confidence. Anything I left out..?: Yep. He finds companionship of Griffins at least suitable, if not to say that he prefers them over ponies. Although! Do take in consideration fact that I'm leaving into mountains today. Will be back in Tuesday, therefore it's probably earliest moment I'll be alive. G'day!
  9. 1. Of course Yay. 2. Nope~ 3. ~ 4. Alizée, no doubts. 5. Spa Ponies. 6. Hard to tell, really... I'm undergoing some changes, switching onto motorization/guitar. But most probably, especially lately, opposite gender 7. I guess no, it works differently here. Although if you're asking if I ever had problems, then geez, who didn't? 8. Limitless count... 9. Linkin' Park. 10. How silly this question is... 11. Tywin Lannister (For some Villain, for some Hero) vs Tywin Lannister ;D (Or Guy Fawkes "V" if you don't want me to repeat myself). 12. Fluttershy. 13. Anything that's ranged... Bow, XBow, Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Mind Control, anything simply. 14. Rather not, but I sometimes wish I was in some moments. 15. Only during work. Syndrome of seeking acceptance of my ideas. 16. Don't have. Comment!
  10. M~And where did I mention it was MY wedding !? Nevertheless, I fear I've fallen in love in there, so... Perhaps mine won't be that far away from me anyway.
  11. I have unintentionally fallen in love. But I fear this time, it's not just a simple 'charmed' state...

  12. What a silly timing Weesh. One word to present what interesting happened to me last days: Wedding. Million words not being able to describe it. But best part of this day is yet to come, as I'm meeting my wedding partner (again, trust me that I've lost count already) in about an hour. I could write a whole page about how wonderful she is and how much fun I've had with her, but you know all those love stories
  13. Hangover... but at the price of BEST WEDDING EVER.

  14. Meh, my blood speaks against my mind and heart... I guess I could enter this. They say competition is a good thing. Not sure if competition in front of PC is, but whatever.
  15. Combo of: What the hay?... No way they did~! But solely:
  16. To be honest this image simply screams "Angie" to me ._. So I'd be surprised if it was anyone else.
  17. The well-kept mane swung aside as Unity perked and headed towards the doors. But it was not destined for him to reach it. The southern accent reached his ears once again and it would be at least of an offense to ignore the words. Stallion stopped, and glanced back at the owner as she spoke. As her words reached him, he felt hesitation crawling up his spine. She was nothing more than mild-mannered mare, and he just jumped on her for no obvious reason, for a simple accident. Moreover, she was quite a speaker, wasn't she? Connected with that southern accent... "I could have sworn I've heard that accent lately..." - jumped into unicorn's mind. He searched the corners of his memories to finally dig out a name: "Shiny Nickel... no no, it was Nickel Shine! Of course... that little one... did she just mention a suit free of charge?" - he couldn't have missed that one. Unity pinched his lip, undertaking an expression of pity and concentration. Suits weren't that cheap service, were they? It would certainly fix his budget at least a bit. But, on the other hoof, he was a sole proprietor of a shop himself. They weren't competitors... And she seemed quite determined to please her customers as well... just like him. Funny to say, as long as her actions so far didn't address him, her attitude and words did. He allowed himself to drift away unfortunately, and didn't hear what the second mare said before she turned towards him. Unity's face went blank, not sure what to expect of her this time. Therefore he wasn't prepared for words flowing from her, which with connection to his mood, improved by owner's speech, made him slow down and reflect for a bit. Now when he thought of that, there was a possibility that the mare was simply tired. If he was on his hooves for an extended period of time, he would probably look the same as her... no, wait... maybe a bit better, he was after all extremely careful when it came to his appearance. In some areas... Stallion sighed heavily and massaged his forehead just under his horn. "Cease it. I shall just pretend nothing happened." - apologies seemed to work on him - "We all tend to have abysmal days or nights. Or both..." - he added, nodding towards the cobalt mare - "Or even short moments, as I have just proved myself. Please, proceed with your actions." - he was about to return to contemplate the interior, when he decided to say one last thing. It was a tough decision though, as it worked against his economical tendencies. Unity stabbed the air with hoof in a gesture of pointing at the owner - "And you, my dear. Forfeit the idea of your free services. I've entered a shop, not a homeless shelter, therefore what I expect is professionalism and deals, not gifts." - he finished, maintaining a bitter face, before he turned back to enter the depths of the shop once more.
  18. Will be responding to RP's today evening most probably.

  19. To be edited, bad extension. > http://i49.tinypic.com/2jd1eab.jpg The spoilered one is current on stationary fun PC. The current one is on fun laptop. I have also 2 different laptops, but they are strictly and mainly for work, so nothing amusing there.
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