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Everything posted by flutterscotch

  1. Ugh and I apparently accidentally deleted the eye highlight layer.
  2. Thanks guys! Tales, I really do not. It kind of a draw what I feel like drawing because even feeling like drawing is hard kind of thing.
  3. flutterscotch


    Pony creator images, for profiles and such
  4. From the album: Digital

    Because drawing an angry pony popping out of a toaster is funny.

    © Appliance. I ain't taking credit for no toasterponies.

  5. It's cool. I have a nice long writeup with the rest of the helpstaff that can potentially work through that, with suggestions on what could and what could not work RP-wise. You might have to walk a thin line and do a little research on what would be plausible in the world the ponies inhabit. In a way it's fortunate that you submitted this application because we DO need to address what kind of equipment DJs in Equestria can and can't use, since we have so many of them. Just waiting for some of them to vet it before we proceed, so just hold tight
  6. Fine. We'll call it what it is "The Royal Artax-gets-mad-at-Americans-for-using-lazy-words fruit* that is a dark purple and makes a delicious Parmesan dish when prepared properly". *Yeah, it's a fruit. Shut it.
  7. *obligatory "semantics of technology" warning response* During your RPing, if the subject of her occupation is brought up (which would technically be audio engineer), it is best if you are ultra vague with the details of what her job entails, technology-wise, unless you know a lot about non-magnetic tape analogue recording, Edison-style. Any kind of recording would be done directly on the record, like it was in the old days. Not much room for mixing or mastering on the first recording. And I am guessing that for the most part, the average pony would be using some type of hand-cranked mechanical Victrola type player for playback at the most, and I an doubting that even then there is a huge market for recorded songs, since we've seen WAY more live bands (although I guess the 500 DJs Equestria has have to get their records from somewhere, huh?). I can see why a blind mare would go into this field, though. Makes all the sense in the world to me. Also, please drop the bit about movies. Even just mentioning it in an approved app could open the door for movie star ponies. Maybe switch it to plays? And they seem kind of young to be implied to be romantically flustered pre-cutie mark stage. That's awfully young... Can you go into more detail there and clarify that when she's fantasizing about Lon, it's more akin to innocent daydreaming? And speaking of cutie marks, her epiphany seems a little too simple, can you expand on how her therapist helped her realize that to the point that it's her special purpose in life?
  8. Hi! I am working out the issue of electronics with some of the helpstaff and should have some suggestions later today!
  9. You are not ANY Equivalent of Rainbow Dash. For that matter 62) Unless you're Holly Dash, which is the name that her creator gave her (and even then just because of what one of her co-workers was calling her due to her hairstyle), don't put "Dash" in your name just because you have rainbow colored hair. It makes no sense if you are a gardener who never runs or flies.
  10. 58) Stop making your OC EXACTLY you. It's fine to have some of your traits, it's actually even best to write what you know, but then your pony's favorite type of music and job, and likes and dislikes, social or mental disorders are exactly the same as you, and you start taking criticism of you character too personally...it's time to step away from the computer. 59) Equestria is not your favorite video game, and should not have the same plots or tone as such. Especially if that video game primarily involves killing monsters or other people, or hard sci-fi. If that's your bag, take it to crossovers or Free-For All and let the rest of us continue with our slices of life.
  11. You should really change the title of the topic to read [Final] instead of finished. But go collect your little rings....
  12. 46) Your OC should not be able to use two diametrically opposed types of magic. (i.e. fire and ice) 47) Your OC Should not be the child of the wealthiest ponies in any given town. 48) Nor should your OC's primary motivation be "looking for love" That's vapid. They'd be defining their own self-worth on whether they have a mate. 49) Your character is not anti-social, or shy to the point of being afraid to talk to new people. What is the point of RPing then? 50) As a matter of fact, the main driving goal of all of your characters on a day by day basis is where's the best place to hang out in the sun with your friends and have picnics or do other fun group events. Look at our heroes! How much time do they spend doing that? A LOT. 51) Angsty characters are ok once in awhile, but get over it. There is only so much room for antisocial jerks before it just becomes EARTH. Just stop it. I get that many of you are at the point in your lives where all you feel is angst, but holy cow. Not every character has to have "bitter" as their primary character flaw. 52) FOR THE LOVE OF CELESTIA PLEASE STOP THINLY DISGUISING CHARACTERS FROM OTHER PROPERTIES AND UNIVERSES AND MAKING EXPIES OF THEM YOUR OCS FOR WORLD OF EQUESTRIA. 53) This is not a dating site. Not every thread has to involve shipping or romance, so your OC should just not drop out of a thread because they aren't getting any action. SILVERSWIRL, when somepony asks you if you're a god... you SAY YES!
  13. Yeah, the Tokyopop stuff in general is Blah. ESPECIALLY Labyrinth. It's the Archaia stuff that's much better.
  14. Oh god I loved that Muppet Movie. Frank Oz can just shush.
  15. Don't worry, Kirby, I will stop you once the pouches and tiny feet start to appear in your design. I got your back.
  16. Haven't you seen the comics? The Jim Henson Company, since they sold off the Muppet Show Muppets off to Disney and Sesame Street to Sesame Workshop, are investing a lot of time and energy into the developed properties from the 80s they still own. So a treatment for a Fraggle Rock movie has been in progress for a LONG time, at least 7-8 years as far as I can remember (not as long as the Dark Crystal one though, that we still don't have and probably never will). The comics have been coming out on Archaia, and are fantastic. The read just like short episodes of the show and employ a different, usually recognizable artist from other comics. I feel like they're kind of the test run for interest, so if you want to show interest you should totally go buy the comics! They're already in collected volumes. The "classics" are reprints of the old Marvel releases...which were kind of horrible (yet I have them anyway). They also recently had a 30th anniversary t-shirt design contest , so here's hoping that there will at least be a 30th anniversary special. Sad, though, that Jerry Nelson died last month, though. They're also investing in The Dark Crystal (comics and toys so far), the Storyteller (comics only so far) and created a comic on an unreleased Henson and Juhl script called the Tale of Sand. (note: there are some things I love more than ponies. Henson is one of them)
  17. Kirby, I think you are horrible and should go hide in a cave full of spiders. SO THERE.
  18. Hello! A few things before we can get your application into consideration. In the title of your thread (and to change this you have to click on the kind of greyed out button that says "use full editor") it should say [WIP] so the helpstaff can be alerted that this is not quite finalized. Your application needs to be formatted properly. See below.*** We do not refer to ponies as specific ages here, because we do not know how long ponies on the show live. So I've changed that to "colt" which implies "adolescent". We do not allow previous relationships with cast characters, so he can not be Celestia's messenger, but he sure can, even as a young kid, be a messenger pony. His character summary should be more thought out. This application is a guide that other users will read to really understand your character and be able to interact with him. This should include a short history of his life, as well as the story of how he got his cutie mark, how he came by his job, and WHY he wants to find his one true pony love. Please add these things and I'll let a regular helpstaffer take it from there! *** Roleplay Type:World of Equestria Name:MorningDawn Sex: Male Age: Colt Species:Pegasus Eye Color: Brown Coat Color: Light Brown Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Dark Brown with red a the tips/The same as the mane/: Physique: Short Cutie Mark:A shield with a blue dragon Origin/Residence:Manehattan Occupation:Messenger pony Motivation: wishes to fall in love with another pony, a real relationship, and be a member of the Royal Guard. Likes: Everthing that agrees with him Dislikes: Anything that stands in his way Character Summary: MorningDawn is a very stubborn pony, but wishes to change and be humble:
  19. I am still not super sold on his backstory, it seems a little slim on the details, especially regarding his rather abrupt personality change and decision to wear cloth on his face, and why the design that he has? How did he even figure that out? Basically, it's been decided this character really can't be an obvious expy of Deadpool. Some of the things like the cartoon-ish angel devil arguing can stay, but you're going to need to flesh him out and disguise him more so that people don't immediately go "that's Deadpool as a pony". Or he will have to be a crossover application.
  20. So there's a snarky toaster-pony dropping acorns on me, and not squirrels. Hmmm.
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