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Everything posted by BaconofChaos

  1. 1. SilverSwirl 2. Star1228 3. featherquill 4. DarkAura 5. Diego Havoc 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  2. I'm running on GMT, about 5-6 hours ahead of most of you. I'm generally free 5.30pm-10pm GMT (12.30pm-5pm EST) on a weekday, earlier on a weekend.
  3. If we get everyone together, count me in. I don't even play anymore, but if there's a whole bunch of Canterlonians (or whatever we call oursevles) I think that would be fun.
  4. With this one, I suspect it's because they have stock they want to shift. They don't want you to buy one for half price, because that leaves them with one more that they have to sell to someone else. If you buy two, they get rid of more of this stock. The reasons for this are either that they have too much and it's taking up space, or that the item simply isn't selling well and they don't want to throw it out until they've exhausted every other option (or at least until they break even). That's my theory, anyway.
  5. As zecora turned her back on the Everfree forest, a loud roar came from the tree line. Bounding forth came a most unusual creature... or was it three creatures? The monster seemed to be a lion, but coming from somewhere behind its head, looking over its shoulder was the head of an angry looking goat. Stranger still was the creature's tail, which was a large hissing snake. The strange fusion of animals stalked its way forward, advancing towards Zecora, and the precious tiara. Diamond Tiara walked towards the forest, looking every which way for the tiara. It wasn't until she saw Zecora with the tiara that she started to run, but when the huge mismatched monster appeared behind the zebra she cried out "Look out!" fearful for the safety of the headgear. Oh, and Zecora too, she supposed. (ooc: There, a Chimera for you all. Let's see how this goes)
  6. Pony image hosting site Ponibooru is going to be taken down on the 17th of August. Commenting and uploading of images has already been halted. Many images will eventually be reuploaded to a sister site, Derpibooru. Kind of a bummer for me, I browsed that site a lot. Ponibooru had a bad rep in places due to a complete lack of mods and being really slow, but honestly there was a lot of good stuff there too. I'm going to miss some of the crazy comment threads and meta posts. Still, many of the users have migrated to Derpibooru, so the spirit lives on. If you go to Ponibooru, you can still search for, and download images. If you're feeling ambitious, and you have a couple of terabytes left on your hard drive that need filling, there's a torrent for all images on the site. Good luck with that.
  7. Yup. http://www.bronyuk.org/ I miiight head out there myself but.... it's Manchester. Also I'm in the UK and going to Bronycon. I'm staying at a hotel with some friends from another message board, so I saved money on that. The total for the trip was about £700, including con tickets, insurance, visa, etc. The only thing I'm not sure about is what I'll buy when I get there. Are plushies likely to be as ridiculously expensive as they are on eBay? I don't want to pay $500+ for one.
  8. This is just a minor gripe, and only vaguely related but, is anyone else getting tired of the 20% cooler meme? Every time I see it now I just groan.
  9. "You want some apples? We can get you a bushel of apples right away. That'll be five bits. And I can give you a kiss, on the lips, if that's what you'd like." "Yes, that is what I would like." said Lyra, a smile appearing on her face. Applejack's friendly attitude and confident demeanor put her at ease and the unicorn in disguise felt her worries about being discovered simply melting away. She placed her 5 bits on the table and then she leaned forward for her kiss. She placed her lips on Applejack's, gently at first, but after a second she dared to put her hoof an the farmer pony's neck and pull her a little closer, their lips pressed tightly together. It was as good as she'd hoped. Not the kind of passionate kisses she and Bon Bon shared, but still something new, and thrilling. A guilty pleasure. She didn't care or even notice that the earth pony's hat had knocked off her own during the kiss. She drew back, her face now bright red, a goofy grin spreading across it. "Haaah, thank you very much..." she spoke, her fake accent forgotten. "That was one heck of a kiss! I'm actually feeling dizzy! And those sparkly lights... is someone using fireworks? Wait.... why am I on the floor?" Lyra looked up from the ground, not remembering having fallen over. She must have passed out from the kiss. Or maybe it was the heat. Her head was throbbing, and her mouth was dry. Yes, probably the heat then. Her sunglasses and hat had fallen off, and her coat was now open, displaying her lyre cutie mark. So much for secrecy. "Um... can I have *huff* a glass of water *puff* with my apples *huff* please?" she said, inbetween breaths.
  10. Uh, Rose? You put one of my pics in Parker Izing's spoiler box. But thank you for "The Amazing". Made my day! TVTropes? Hah! I'm not getting suckered into that again! *spends one or two hours a day trawling for pony pics on Ponibooru* Both these episodes are really good. I may actually watch them again this time, instead of going by memory, or only watching parts.
  11. Perhaps, but I still think changing into any creature would be an awesome spell to have. Need the use of hands? Change into a minotaur. Want something out of reach? Change into a giant squid. Want to be big and strong? Change into a dragon. Want to fly? Change into Rainbow Dash. Want to be really fast? Change into Rainbow Dash. Want a form that attracts the mares and stallions alike? Change into Rainbow Dash. Want to annoy Rainbow Dash? Change into Rainbow Dash. Bored? Change into Rainbow Dash. See? Versatile!
  12. A spell that allows me to permenantly copy other spells. Problem? If not.... shapechanging would be awesome. Why bother with TK when I can just change into something that has TK by default... like Twilight.
  13. Keep rollin', rollin', rollin',rollin'.
  14. 44. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OjxQGSgJtA Also, that's a great 1 minute sketch! I wish I'd thought to try a silhouette XD One of our users (I think it was Kudalyn) had it as her avatar for a while. Maybe that's where you saw it?
  15. Pencil Pusher laughed heartilly at Bon Bon's little trick, as Lyra beamed and clapped her hooves. "Ohoho! Most impressive young lady!" Just then, the sound of a door opening and closing from the hallway alerted the ponies to a new arrival. "Ah, that must be your mother, Lyra." Lyra bounced out of her seat and hoppped to the door. "Hi Mom!" she called out. "Lyra, my sweet, it's so good to see you again! How are you?" While Lyra and her mother spoke in the hallway, Lyra's father got up and drew closer to Bon Bon. "Tell me Bon Bon..." he began, though he seemed uncomfortable about something. "Lyra... does she seem... happy? Does she have many friends in Ponyville?" he asked. "She's been away for some time now, but it always seemed like she didn't have many friends when she was here."
  16. Haha, that's neat. Anthro Rabbit in Star Wars, eh? Is that a new alien race, or is it an anthro version of the SW universe? Plot is your God? (must refrain from inapproprate comments) Seriously though, I remember playing a few of those text adventure games, back in the day. Even had a program that you could use to make your own. Don't think I played Zork though. Re: Planescape: Torment, you can find patches online that allow you to play on more recent machines, though it can be buggy at times. I've heard there are also patches that unlock content that was hidden in the game. New dialogue options and stuff. Might be worth looking at for your next playthrough. Also, I recommend the Planescape fanfic Fire and Dust, if you haven't already read it. It's very good.
  17. Dear Princess Celestia, Today I passed up a chance to go to the exclusive Bronycon Q&A session with Lauren, John, and Tara, instead letting a friend I believe to be more deserving of it have his shot. I don't mind telling you that it kills me inside, but I think he'll enjoy himself much more than I would. Sometimes being a good friend simply means not yelling "DIBS!" when someone offers you something that several people want more than you. Your loving admirer, Diego Havoc
  18. Finally, it was her turn. She stepped forward, looking this way and that for anypony who might see through her disguise. She never even thought to check those waiting in line. She quickly double checked her pockets for her bits. Still there. Good. Was it getting hotter? She was beginning to feel a little light-headed. Forgetting herself for a moment, she took off her hat with her magic and fanned herself a little. That felt nice. "Um, howdy partner! What can I do ya for?" Startled, Lyra quickly put the hat back on and stepped up to the stand. She looked at Applejack. She looked into those pretty eyes and at those lips. The lips she was going to kiss. Her face went red again. "Yes, I- *Ahem* Yes, I would like a bushel of kisses and an apple on the lips please." she said, her Stalliongrad accent only slipping for a moment. Wait a second. "Ah, wait, what I meant was: A bushel of lips and a kiss on the apples please." Yes, that sounded better. Trying to give her mind something else to focus on, she turned to pull her bits from her pocket. As she did, unbeknownst to her, a slight shift of her thick coat revealed a sliver of gold on her flank.
  19. Dear Princess Celestia, Today I learned that my attention span is getting worse and
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