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Everything posted by BaconofChaos

  1. Aah, that old forum favourite! Who's game? For those of you who don't know it, Telephone Pictionary works like this. Player 1 starts off with a description of a scene, one or two short sentences, and gives it to player 2 via PM. Player 2 then draws what has been described. Then Player 2 passes the picture onto Player 3, without the original description. Player 3 then tries to describe the scene for Player 4, who draws a picture of it and so on and so... It's like Chinese Whispers with pictures. Here's an example. If you wanna play, sign up here! Looking for about 10 people, but the more the merrier and the more chance for craziness Just choose if you wanna do a descript or picture and I'll put you down. For pictures: You do NOT need to be an artist. Your picture can be terrible, honestly, it's fine! Scribble on note paper and scan it in or doodle in MS Paint, it's all good and leads to hilarity when the next player has no idea what's going on That's not to say you CAN'T draw a masterpiece. Do as you want! Try to make it so that pics are small enough to be put into the thread without resizing if possible. For descriptions: No need to be totally accurate. Don't describe every detail, just the jist of what you see. Don't always go for the obvious line, either. Players: (RED is pictures, BLACK is descriptions) 1. Diego Havoc (done) 2. Kirby Krackle (done) 3. Phil the Time Wizard (done) 4. Angie Cakes (done) 5. Buxy (done) 6. Malkav (done) 7. Bannhammer (done) 8. BlindJester (done) 9. AppleNitrox (done) 10. cheese canan (done) 11. ziddia (done) 12. Fawfulcopter (done) Mission Complete!
  2. That's an impressive list AppleDash! I recognise several of my favs there. Several that I can't stand too but oh well, can't agree on everything I was gonna put my own list of animes I love and hate, and still may do at some point, but for now I realised that all I have to do is post this and I win the thread: You're welcome.
  3. Blatantly traced from the video but I'm happy with it, and I haven't uploaded anything for a while, so why not?
  4. Ooh, yeah, I forgot too ^^: Thanks ! By the way, I can't see this new Google +1 thing. Is there something I'm missing?
  5. I like the CMC! I just prefer the other eps. Though Call of the Cutie was one of my favs! I'll be voting that when it comes up.
  6. Tricky one, this. These are the three I chose: Suited for Success because, like a lot of people said, it made me warm up to Rarity as a character. Fall Weather Friends, because it's just a fun episode. Friendship is Magic part 2, because everything. Party of One and Show Stoppers were good, though the latter was somewhat cringe inducing. A Bird in the Hoof I've only seen once, but first time around I found it just okay. I might change my mind after a rewatch. Boast Busters I liked but... A couple of things bugged me about it. I won't go into it here. Mainly cos it's just silly things.
  7. Yeah, I've seen quite a few of these on Ponibooru. Didn't realise there were that many though o_o My favourite is Sweetie Belle's. So cute :3
  8. This was in fact what inspired my to app for Diamond Tiara in the first place. I knew there had to be more to a cutie mark than just "being rich" or "wearing a tiara". So I made it so that it symbolises both her knack for showing off (let's face it, a tiara is an accessory that just sceams "look at me!") and her love of jewellery. Also: D'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW
  9. Welcome aboard! Love the avatar
  10. Eh, why not. My last bid for world domination ended poorly. I need to get back into the game. Name: Diego "Sexy Bunny" Havoc (Don't ask about the nickname. Seriously) Amount of time since conversion to Bronyism: about 5 months. How can you contribute?: I work in marketing. Need an ad campaign? Do you have any connections in NASA?: I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a woman who knows two other women who each know several other people, one of whom may or may not know someone who works at NASA. I'll keep you posted. Have you ever been arrested/have a criminal record?: Yes, once. If so, what for?: I dressed up as a ghost and tried to scare real estate agents away from an abandoned fun fair. And I would've gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for those meddling kids! What languages are you fluent in?: Common, Cant, Dwarven, Draconic, Celestial, Abyssal and Auran. Oh, and English, I guess. What do you think of this font?: I am completely indifferent in every way. Social Security Number: 1. Yeah, I got there first. Credit Card Number/Verification Code: 2/2. Would've gotten the first one of these too but Celestia beat me to it Name on Credit Card/PIN: Dave the Undertaker (again, don't ask)/8888
  11. I don't know what happened, but it's good to have you back, man!
  12. :"I must apologise for Prince Blueblood. He is an idiot. We have purposely trained him wrong, as a joke." Lol, reference
  13. Ooh, agreed. I can have anywhere up to 30 tabs open at once (spread among 2-3 windows) and this would be useful for finding the thread I'm supposed to be replying to XD
  14. Haha, awesome! I'm not alone! The desert seemed like a good place to start. Compared to the Everfree Forest, it has fewer monsters (that we know of anyway) but a more immediate danger in terms of environment. Should make for an interesting RP.
  15. Haha, those last two were great! "Now, what have we learned?" "Lots of control..." "Good!" "Screaming and hollering..." "Yes! And most importantly?" "Passion" "Right! So now that you know the elements of a good *BLEEP* let's *BLEEP*!"
  16. I think that'll do ^^ Though I must say, you've now made it unintentionally hilarious to me because I'm now imagining *BLEEP*s where the gaps are
  17. Yeah, I think that may be a little much to post on this board, even in spoiler tags. Bare in mind that we're PG-13 here. I'd recommend editing out the stuff below that line.
  18. Woo! Thread necromancy! Bringing this back up because I realised how perfect this is for Nightmare Moon. Imagine it playing just before she breaks free from her moon prison. The "otherworld" is of course Equestria: The lyrics are pretty hard to understand due to growly voice syndrome so here they are, slightly edited for fun: Go now, if you want it An otherworld awaits you Don't you give up on it You bite the hand hoof that feeds you All alone, cold fields you wander Memories of it, cloud your sight Fills your dreams, disturbs your slumber Lost your way, a fallen knight. Hold now, aim is steady An otherworld awaits you One thousand years, you ready? The otherworld, it takes you Go into the sand, and the dust in the sky Go now, there's no better plan than to do or to die Free me; pray to the fayth in the face of the light Feed me; fill me with sin, and get ready to fight You know you will You know you will You know it, you know it, you know it, you know that you will You know it, you know it, you know it, you know that you will You know you will... Fight, fight, fight! Fight, fight, fight! Fight, fight, fight! Fight, fight, fight! Hope dies, and you wander The otherworld, it makes you Dreams, they rip asunder The otherworld, it hates you Free now, ride up on it Up to the heights, it takes you Go now, if you want it An otherworld awaits you
  19. Oh gods, I remember that one. It was actually quite sweet until... y'know... I wish I was making this up. x_x And, oh wow, is this ever off topic
  20. First: Then: That's... quite scary actually XD I'm gonna stay clear of it for now... mostly because I am so sick of Twixie right now -_- But I'll get around to it sooner or later I'm sure. I'll add it to the pile (Bringing my "to read" list up to 11. No that's not a reference, I actually have 11 fics I want to read)
  21. Alright, no problem. Sorry. ^^: I don't really see why. Some people want to RP as the mane cast members, others want to have their characters interact with the cast. We don't have game masters running npcs here, and we can't really leave out the cast since they are a big part of the show. Ponyville needs Twilight and Dash and the other ponies Hehe, alright, fair enough.
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