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Everything posted by IceStorm

  1. ~~~Aloe Blossom~~~ Aloe nodded in agreement with Compass as she talked about a compromise that they could so. She said that it wouldn't feel fair for all of her friends to only work around her schedule. Besides, that's what she had her sun hat for. She also added that there were more things to do during the day in Ponyville than there was at night. She mentioned the bowling ally, a theater, a few flower shops in town. The list was actually quite long... almost like she'd been waiting for an opportunity to so these events herself at some point. She felt bad for Compass. It sounded like she spent a lot of time alone. Both of these mares... oh who was she fooling, all three of them seem like they had been alone for a while now. She knew that she had. She wasn't sure about Rose, but from what she said about being new here and working with her shop as well, it sounded like she was struggling a bit herself. For a city that had the School of Friendship in it, it seemed like it was really hard to make any lasting friendships here. Hopefully today would change that and would be a start of something special. Rose did tell her that she was okay though and that what she had said hadn't awakened anything inside of her. That itself was a relief to Aloe, and she also seemed to like the the idea for a mares night out, or just a mare's time in general. She nodded although Rose reminded them that she was new to the area so she wasn't really sure on what there was to do. "I wouldn't be opposed to anything that Compass has on her list to do. Honestly despite living here in Ponyville... I've actually never been to the bowling alley.... or the theater..." she said rubbing the back of her head as the timer went off... "Alright! The mineral baths should be ready for you. We'll be fifteen minutes in those and then it will be time for the massages... I will be able to bring you both into the room, but unfortunately... I am but one mare so I will have to alternate massage treatments," she said with a small blush feeling slightly like she was letting her patrons down. This is where she wished that her sister was here so she could help...
  2. ~~~Ice Storm~~~ Ice Storm shook her head when both Harle and Magnus mentioned leaving the igloo to scout ahead. "Normally, that would be sound strategy and one that I would openly endorse... but with where we are... and with how the weather is if you got so much as ten ponies away from the shelter... I honestly don't think anyone could find their way back. The snow would be falling to fast and too thick to be able to back track using your own tracks. The would be covered in minutes. Once this relents though, we should continue our move as a unit. Although that ability to go unseen will be quite helpful later on when we get closer to the mountains. In case somepony else has found these and are trying to harvest them," Ice Storm said. Using this time to think and plan things a bit better might not be a bad idea either. She began pulling out some of the maps that she had of the area from when she was here before. Realistically, there was only one real path to take and that was a straight line there an a straight line back out once they were done. However, she couldn't rule out the possibility of something else being at play here so she had to try to look for things that they could possibly use as cover. Unfortunately the only thing they really had to go off of was a continental map of Equerstria and that would only help them with so much here. It did have elevation lines or anything that they could use as a point of reference and she doubted the consistancy of it's scale. She looked up to the sky hole once more before opened a segment near by with her magic and stepping outside for brief second trying to see how the clouds were moving and see if she could get a sense of when this weather would pass. Or at the very least, this heavy part of the storm. Thankfully she could see some lighter color clouds in the distance and hopefully that meant it would slow down soon. She then quickly popped back inside and closed the small hole she just made while doing so. "Well, If we have any luck we should be getting a lull soon. The clouds above us appear to be moving west to north east and to the east of us looked to be some lighter clouds in the distance. Hopefully that means that the snow and the wind will at least die down enough for us to start moving. If the weather gets too bad again, I can always make another one of these for us to wait in. There's enough snow and Ice here that I could make these blindfolded and not use a qualm of aether," She told the group.
  3. ~~~Wind Dancer~~~ Amidst all the panting from the performance and the lights coming on, and the posting that they were in, Wind Dancer could hear the cheering from the crowd. It made her happy that they had been able to make them as happy. Then she noted something else though. It seemed that the crowd caught on to what was going on as well and she started to hear the excitement from the crowd and a chant of 'Do it!' coming from them. At that point, she felt like she had waited long enough and the shock of the moment had faded from both of them proposing to each other as well... She smiled with tears in her eyes as she closed the gap between her and Sky and locked him in a kiss as they descended down back to the ground making it quite apparent to everyone around that she had in fact, accepted the proposal.
  4. ~~~Aloe Blossom~~~ Aloe Blossom just kind of blushed and smiled a bit as Rose commented about her trying all of her services knowing full well that the Princess would know what that implied. And on cue the Princess had to stifle a laugh before regaining her composure. She wasn't surprised though. In her time at Ponyville the princess was very familiar with the spa and the services that they provided. She did see the look of concern though on her face when she mentioned that Lotus wasn't around nearly as often as she liked anymore. She did give a bit of encouragement though, saying that at some point everypony has an urge to explore but she imagined that Lotus, and the family that she had would be back in Ponyville soon enough. She then recounted an encounter with Bulk Biceps the last time she was at the spa. When she asked if he was a bit gentler... Aloe gave a hesitant laugh. "Eh... heheh... um... a little bit maybe? He did tone it down a little bit when Rockhoof nearly broke his back... he's still quite firm though, which attracts it's own particular clientele. He has ponies that show up specifically for his style of massage," she said with a smile. When Twilight mentioned that she hadn't really planned for Aloe to be here tonight, it did make her heart drop a little bit, but she did perk back up when she heard the princess say that she was glad that she came. She added that she didn't get enough guests from Ponyville that she would like. Aloe nodded with a smile. "Honestly I probably wouldn't have come tonight if it wasn't for Rose inviting me. I was already over at her place last night anyway and it just kind of made sense to accept the offer. Besides, it beat going home and being alone," she said solemnly. She then listened as Rose commented on the similarities of her own craft in combination with Aloe's to which Aloe nodded. "Honestly we use a lot of the same techniques but with different ingredients for different effects. Making a spa product is a lot like making a potion except it's the oils and the salves that do all the work," she added.
  5. ~~~Aloe Blossom~~~ Aloe watched Rose's reaction to her words with concern. It appeared that she was either deep in thought or she was remembering something that she probably want wanting to. After s seeing the mare shake her head, she'd concluded the latter. She hadn't meant to stir up old memories and was about to apologize when Rose spoke up saying that she would like to be friends. Compass seemed to share her concern for their new friend until she spoke up and then Compass herself said that she was always up for new friends provided they liked to be awake at night. Aloe smiled. "I think I would be able to have a few nights a week for a mares night out. Honestly it's been a while since I've done anything outside the spa. I could use a little bit more fun in my life. Not that running the spa isn't enjoyable," she said with a smile before resting a hoof on one of Rose's. "And you have my apologies if my words earlier awoken something painful within... It was not my intention to do so. I wish only to bring relief and happiness to my customers and to my friends," she finished with a smile.
  6. ~~~Aloe Blossom~~~ "Back out? and let you have to fight that thing alone? Not a chance! I might not be a good fighter... or be good at navigation... or.. be good at anything that might actually be useful on the expedition... but I can massage... and keep company, and at least try to contribute in someway," she said with a smile that slowly transitioned into a bit of a saddened look as she realized just how little help she would actually be if she went on this mission. Still, she would at least try. She'd never done an expedition like this before so she wasn't sure what exactly she was or wasn't going to be able to do. maybe her knowledge of pressure points would make her a better fighter than she gave herself credit for. Who knew? At the mention of the spa, and hoping that her sister would be okay running the spa in her absence her demeanor shifted even more towards the sour. She knew that Twilight hadn't been to the spa in a good while, so it wasn't really her fault but still. "Actually Twilight. Lotus hasn't been around as much at all recently... I spent most of the holiday season keeping things steady on my own with a bit of help from Bulk Biceps to make it through the winter. I wish she'd come home more so that we could run things like we used to," she said with a small sigh. When the princess asked how they had met, Aloe looked back up to her, completely missing the cast of the spell that Twilight had used so was none the wiser of anything else that was going on in the room. "Well, believe it or no, we actually met when Rose came into my spa for a treatment. She told me that it was the first time that she had ever been to a spa, so I gave her a full works treatment for a the basic price. From there she'd been back a few more times trying out some of our other services and one thing lead to another, and now here we are," she said with a soft smile starting to return to her.
  7. ~~~Ice Storm~~~ Ice Storm couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Tempest for a multitude of reasons. First off, why would she be getting arrested this time? Actually... scratch that... it was probably better for Ice to not know the answer to that question. Still, the fact that Tempest still called her boss made her shake her head. "That's odd... if you'd have gotten in trouble for anything... I'm sure I would have heard about it before now, and it's just Icy now remember? I'm not your boss anymore. I do appreciate all the help you gave me in getting STAR started though. My officers wouldn't be anywhere near as well trained if I didn't have you helping and my own sets of tactics and strategies have been refined thanks to your teachings as well. A little bit of R&R to spend with your loved ones is a fitting reward indeed," she said with a smile She was happy to hear the response of Shining Armor though. She didn't really bring enough bits with her to be able to bail Tempest out of jail... knowing Tempy it would have been another trip back to LP. But hey, nothing to worry about now. Shining Armor had done his homework when he commented on Tempest being one, cleared of her crimes that she'd committed and two, a mare not to be underestimated she nodded. "Indeed. That was part of the reason that I sought her out to help me build what I have. Also because I felt like she could use a few friends to try to get back on her hooves herself. Then things happened and here we are," she said with a smile. "As far as how I'm doing Shining, I am doing pretty well. A bit busier than I would like to be, but that's how things go right now. How about yourself?" she asked before noting another mare coming into the picture. While she'd never met the mare before herself, she didn't really need any introduction. She'd heard all about her from Tempest. And then she couldn't help but giggle when said mare leaned up and turned Tempest into a blubbering mess just by giving her a kiss on the nose. The blushing, the mumbling, the expression on her face... Were Tempest still in her ranks she'd have given her flack about it back in LP, but in all honesty, she couldn't say much herself. She did things like that with Raven all the time. When the mare greeted both her and Shining Armor, Ice nodded politely back. "Of course! I wouldn't have missed this for the world. How have things been up here in the Empire?" she asked, the question both for Shining Armor and Glitter. Glitter's answer would give her more insight on the lifestyle here, and Shining's answer would likely end up giving her a better view of the state of the Empire as a whole. He was the co-ruler of this empire after all.
  8. ~~~Aloe Blossom~~~ Aloe could only giggle a bit at Rose's response to her. Honestly she didn't or much faith in the word of her parents either, but they was a chance. It wasn't like and if those ponies were still alive today to tell them otherwise. Instead she just listened to the conversation for now as she finished adjusting the consistency for Compass. When she was told that was good she placed a hoof into both tubs to make sure that the temperature was still where it needed to be too keep the solution from becoming what it was named after. When she heard compass explain that her parents were probably of their lineage and would probably never had admitted any connection with ponies at all, and have a gentle smile. "That's a good thing though. It's always important to be proud of who you are, because no matter what anypony else believes out expects, at the of the day, you can only be you, and I can only be me, and Rose can only be Rose. No matter what pedestals or lables that others put on us, that's all we can be. Well, other than friends... We can always be friends," Aloe smiled.
  9. ~~~Ice Storm~~~ Ice Storm nodded to Harle as it appeared that they had a basic understanding on the glove. Her statements were accurate, and while she's like to avoid damaging Raven's horn and further, if it was life or death then they're have to take their chances. Of course for it to get to that point, it meant that she herself would have to be close to depleted. "I believe that is an acceptable arrangement. As far as the decanter goes, I'd recommend moderation. I don't really care how much you drink, but just remember... Once it's gone it's gone. We aren't in a spot where we can just go back for more," she said with a smirk. She gave Raven a small nod as she said that she was going to rest up a bit. That the equipment she packed was heavier than she expected. The rest would be good as she looked back up to the storm. "I don't understand it through... My reasons aren't usually this far off... The weather was supposed to be tolerable for a few days at least. It wasn't supposed to get like this until we were at the mountains, and at that point we would have had their shelter. Be on your guard when we start moving again... There might be somepony else here."
  10. ~~~Wind Dancer~~~ Wind Dancer was happy that she was able to get the attention of the other Pegasus in the sky. Hopefully this Pegasus would be from her and could help them with directions. The pony next to her didn't really seem to help with that. She wondered if he'd listened to her at all. She shook his hoof when he extended it to her, but that was about it. She'd expect that kind of treatment in Las Pegasus, but not here in Canterlot. Still she was a bit relieved when the other pegasus landed and said hello there. "Hey! Thanks for stopping to help us. We're going to be heading to the art district here," she said pointing onto the map with a wing. She then realized that she might not have heard Wind introduce herself to the other pony. "My name is Wind Dancer, a performer from Las Pegasus, and with really appreciate your help getting there. Both to see the sights and pass it fliers for an event that me and my coltfriend are putting on," she said with a smile.
  11. ~~~Aloe Blossom~~~ Aloe shook her head to Compass. "No offense taken. I was honestly expecting it when you're skin was already sensitive," she say to her with a smile as she started to dilute the mixture a bit more. As she stirred the water in, she pressure attention to it's consistency checking it with a hoof. Once she got to a point she looked back over to Compass. "Is that better, or do you need more?" she asked looking over to Rose whom seemed to find comfort in the mixture that she had. Once both were comfortable, they could continue their conversations from the steam room. When Rose asked about who invented the mud bath, Aloe had to shrug a bit. "According to Momma and Papa, the first ponies to try it were my great great great great grandparents. But I'm not entirely sure how accurate that statement is," she said with a smile in response.
  12. It had been a good while since Tempest has taken hey leave from STAR. Ice Storm couldn't really say that she was expecting the move as happy as she seemed to help her start it, but at the same point, she understood. She didn't make STAR to be a constant fight. She made STAR to serve as a symbol of protection. To know that when they saw one of her ships in the horizon that the Equestrian city it settlement they were around was safe. And while she want expecting the sudden retirement, it certainly made things a bit easier to get Raven more power within the base. With them being a couple it only made sense that Ice make her the new second in command. She was happy for Tempest though. She was finally starting a family and calming down. The life of the military want hers to live anymore. With the way she and Raven were going herself... She wondered how much longer she'd have the opportunity to lead what she had started. She shook her head from those thoughts, however, as she touched down at the edge of the farming district in one of the new emergency dingies that she was testing as to not cause alarm. In the even that a ship suffered catastrophic damage, the ponies that couldn't fly needed a chance to get off. She was testing both this design, as well as an escape pod type response. But the pod needed more designing as so far everything she's tested shattered on the ground. These dingies would work better as shuttles to and from the ship anyways. Not all of her airships would be able to dock in cities. So far this was successful. It wasn't too hard to maneuver either. Hmm... Perhaps we can make a sign pilot version of these... And outfit then with some of the Aether batteries. Something to help defend the masses against large scale attacks. It could also serve to protect Pegasi when they provide air support... Ice though after sure landed. She'd forward that thought to get engineers for later. For now, all Ice has to do was follow the sounds of metal music and she would find her way to the open field that Tempest mentioned that hey party would be held at in the letter. She could also see that she was not the first guest. The first was actually none other than Shining Armor himself. Tempest sure is quick to make friends with powerful ponies. She smiled and she sat her own gift wrapped crate on the gifting table. She remembered from her time in STAR that Dragoon Hard Spiced Rum was among her favorite brands of alcohol. So she got her five fifths that due could enjoy whenever. Of course, she had to open it first. She then approached the mare of the hour herself. "Happy birthday Tempest. How have things been treating you up here in the empire?" she asked. Now that she was with them, the simple sapphire blue dress that she wore working stand out. True to herself though, it was made from shimmersilk. It wouldn't be one of Ice Storm's dresses if it didn't have some sparkle to it. "It's also good to see you as well Shining," she said with a smile towards him. She had never dealt with him directly before, but having been one of Luna's guards for a while she's seen him in passing several times.
  13. ~~~Aloe blossom~~~ Aloe Blossom nodded to Rose when she told her that if she opened up more hours that she could probably help her out a bit in the spa. Truth be told, she would love that. To have somepony there that she felt that she could trust, and have at least a common understanding of how the mixing of ingredients and the like worked... Rose would be an easy pony to teach the simpler stuff. Some of the basic shampoos, conditioners and herbal treatments that they offered at the spa should come pretty easily for her. With her potion making experience she might even be able to boost some of their effects. She also informed her that Scarlett was a retired Navy Captain and that they had been hired on as part of the expedition to the Hydra. She shivered a bit at the thought of it, making her sequins sparkle a bit. She wasn't entirely sure yet if she was looking forward to that or not, but she already told her friend that she was going. Plus, after the way things had been here recently... She wasn't about to let Rose go on that adventure alone. Er rather, without her present for it. "That sounds great! I can't wait to meet them. The better they can fight the more I won't have to," she said with a smile. It was about this time that they had entered the castle proper and were making their way towards the dining hall. Once they were there, the doors opened and one of the guards began bellowing out, almost right next to them. Apparently he had forgotten that they were inside the castle and not outside. Princess Twilight had then dismissed him and greeted the two of them. She seemed surprised by the fact that Aloe was here and then confirmed the sentiment by saying that she hadn't been expecting to see here here and asked how she'd been. "I have been well... The spa is every busy... Sometimes a bit too busy, but then I met Rose here a couple weeks ago or so, and she's been helping me restore a bit of society into my life. Apparently staying cooped up in the spa all the time is bad for my health," she said with a smile.
  14. ~~~Aloe Blossom~~~ Aloe Blossom nodded to the sea green unicorn as she told her that she would like a bit more water added to the mud bath and did as instructed using the stir rod that she had to make sure the mixture stayed a mixture and didn't get clumpy as the water came into the bath. With the consistency that the bath was to begin with, she doubted that it would anyway, but never too careful. Once everything had been properly attuned to the mares, she gestured for them to step into them at their leisure. "Alright, you'll be in these for about twenty minutes before we go over to the mineral baths," she said with a smile.
  15. ~~~Ice Storm~~~ When Ice heard Harle tell her that Singelstone's notes were neigh unreadable, she shrugged. "I suppose he probably has them like that on purpose. I'm not overly big on numbers myself, but I at least know enough to be able to help budget this entire organization. At the very least, it will help that we'll be getting some Equestrian Funding as well soon," Ice Storm said as she listened to Harle explain how she was told that the glove was supposed to work. She also said that Singelstone didn't make this device. That would also explain why there would have been no notes on this one. Apparently the gemstones that were in them could be swapped out with different... foci, she said it was called. Raven seemed to nod at this and Raven was a bigger expert than she was on this matter. She may have been funding the research on these Aether Crystals, but that didn't mean that she herself knew much about them. She knew that they were able to work with what she wanted to use them for, and that they might be able to be used to help Unicorns. But with gloves like this... why stop there? IF those could be made to where they wouldn't harm other ponies... then having something like that was worth it. When Harle handed the glove over.... which she did much quicker and easier than she was expecting her to... knowing Harle she probably had another one... But she listened as Raven confirmed that it basically used the mental commands of it's user to change itself, even if it's just to change out a part that could manually be changed out. She said that was prettu close to how magic worked, and Ice nodded. She herself did know a bit about that, having to learn how to control her own Aether after getting gifted with the spheres that now rested in her amulet. She did hear Raven say that she didn't thing that she could do much with it out here without her lab, but it was something that she would definitely like to look at further. "Agreed, and I won't be against you using it either. Just make sure that Raven isn't too close when you do. Pulling charge off of my spheres is one thing, but with her crack I wouldn't want that to accidentally overload it and make the crack worse, among other possible outcomes," Ice told them. She then looked up to the sky through the small hole at the top. The storm was still raging. "Looks like it's getting stronger. We'll have to wait for it to subside. While I'm perfectly okay in it, I highly doubt the two of you could survive a blizzard in arctic temperatures," Ice commented.
  16. ~~~Aloe Blossom~~~ There was a soft chuckle and a small blush as she felt the light peck on her cheek before also feeling the flank bump. When she heard Rose say that she might have to start wearing socks like that when she came over to her house. "I'll have to keep that in mind when I do," she said bumping back. So far, Rose had been a very friendly mare, and Aloe felt happier around her than she had around just about anypony else. Only her sister right now could make her happier. She listened as Rose told her that she tried to look presentable, but that she usually didn't dress up to much cause her line of work, the clothing would end up destroyed. She could see that. She could easily see that. A bad potion mix and boom goes the potion and then to ash the clothes go. She then asked if she knew a hybrid pony named Scarlett. She has to shake her head. "I don't believe so. I don't think she's even been by the spa. And unless I'm getting supplies or I'm it for Hearth's Warming I don't really leave the spa that often. Something I should probably start changing soon," she said with a smile.
  17. ~~~Aloe Blossom~~~ Aloe nodded when she heard Rose say that she would love to meet her sister. That it was refreshing that there were ponies out there that wanted to help their fellow equines without desire for compensation. Aloe wasn't entirely sure about that last part, since she did charge for their services most of the time. She did on multiple occasions though help out ones that needed it by giving them a full service treatment and not charge them a bit. When she heard Rose talk about making someone that would increase her olfactory and tactile senses. That it would increase her touch and her sense if smell. That she'd be able to smell the quality of herbs that she was making hey botanical products with and a sense of touch so precise that she could determine pressure points with unimaginable accuracy. "Oh, that sounds absolutely perfect! I would love that!" Aloe said watching the mare work in front of her with interest. She had been wondering how close Rose's potion making would resemble her making shampoos and lotions. She couldn't help but wrinkle her nose though when the smell of some of the ingredients were opened. She had a feeling that she was happy it wasn't enhancing taste.
  18. ~~~Aloe Blossom~~~ Last night had been a rather special night for Aloe, and one a bit different than she was used to. But there was a sense of companionship that came with it that she hadn't felt in a long time. Sure it was only one night together, but sounding the night with Rose... She was still tingling a bit from the thought. The plan for tonight though was a bit different and Rose insisted that she got dressed up for it. It was a dinner with Twilight after all. At least that's what Rose told her. Twilight being such a regular customer of hers it was hard for her to see her as anything other than just Twilight. Still, she wanted her new friend to be happy. She decided to pull out an old dress that she had. It was a blue sequinned dress that matched the color of her mane and tail. She also wore two pairs of pink socks that were just ever so darker than her own coat and then her aquamarine shoes that she wore to accent them. She walked right next to Rose and have her a gentle nuzzle as the mare thanked her for last night. "The pleasure was all mine. I had a wonderful time last night, and most importantly, no pony spent Hearth's Warming alone. I can say with certainty that you made it equally as special. I have to say though, you're looking pretty good when you're all dressed up like that," she said before blushing a bit as she realized what she'd said. "Not... That you don't already look good all the time and way just..." Aloe tried to correct before deciding that it was probably best for her to stop talking before she made things worse.
  19. ~~~Wind Dancer~~~ "Soo... There's the Noble's District... If the rumors of Canterlot Nobility are true, I probably want to avoid that part of town..." Wind Dance said to herself as she was looking over the map. Having never been here before herself, she pulled the map down and looked around a bit trying to pick a direction and go, but something told her that wasn't a good idea here in this city. Sure if she needed to she could just fly up and get her bearings again, but she didn't want to be flying up every few minutes. She looked back down into her map. "Hmm... I have the markets over here... the Museums and theaters are over here! That would probably be the best place to find artists and performers!" she said with a smile. At this point, another pegasus caught her attention in the sky overhead, and then another pony next to her was asking if she could share her map with him. He was a white unicorn stallion and told her that he had gotten lost. He added that he hadn't packed a map. "Oh, sure!" she said before realizing that he said that all he had packed was art supplies. "Hey! that's a surprise! I was just planning on trying to find my way to the theater and museum sector of the city. I'm looking for anypony that might want to help out with decorations for an event I'm putting together as well as performer and I figure that would be the best place to start," she said to him with a smile before waving to the pegasus that was in the air. Yes they had a map and they could navigate their way to that district eventually, but perhaps the pegasus in the sky might know the quickest way to get there from here. Provided of course... she was actually a local herself. Being around the train station, that was never really a guarantee. She turned back to the stallion after hopefully getting the pegasus's attention and extended a hoof to the stallion. "The name's Wind Dancer. I'm a performer from Las Pegasus," she said with a smile.
  20. ~~~Aloe Blossom~~~ The fact that they weren't planning on trying to kill the hydra made Aloe feel a little bit better... actually no... not really... their plan was to go and get blood from it.... that meant they'd have to injure it... that meant they'd tick it off... did she mention that she wasn't sure if she could outrun a hydra? Still... This was definitely something that they were going to need to be better prepared for, and would need more ponies than just them. She already told her that she would go and she didn't want to back out but... hydra's were grounds for exceptions right? She was just about to respond to Compass as she said that she would prefer to go back to the race questions now until the timer went off. "Oh, it's time to move on to the next part of the treatments. If you'll both follow me, I will lead you to the volcanic ash baths..." she started before looking back to Compass. "If you need me to add more water to make it more comfortable for you I can. The Volcanic ash is a bit more abrasive than some of the other treatments we have. It's mean to exfoliate and pull the dead skin off from under a pony's coat, so... just let me know what changes I need to make," she said with a smile to them. One plus, the mud baths wouldn't be as hot as the steam room was.
  21. AS the music faded out from this tune she descended from the air to the ground in the center of the square. Sky was taking the time to prepare for this one was he sat the synths down and pulled out his guitar for this one. This next song didn't have any more choreography to it than some simple sweeps, sways, and swells, but it was the meaning behind the song that held so much more for her. Plus it was a good recovery song from two very fast paced songs. Wind dancer simply swayed back and forth as she heard sky play the opening. She spread her wings just enough to let the winds swell up as she came in. "I close my eyes and I can see A world that's waiting up for me That I call my own Through the dark, through the door Through where no one's been before But it feels like home" Wind Dancer would start sweeping her hooves in an arching motion as she sang into the beginning of the chorus "They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy They can say, they can say I've lost my mind I don't care, I don't care, if they call me crazy We can live in a world that we design" AS she started to get into the chorus proper she begin to walk on her wind pushing herself up into the sky once more as her heart started to almost pour out of her chest as the heart of the chorus began with a hoof on said chest. "'Cause every night, I lie in bed The brightest colors fill my head A million dreams are keeping me awake I think of what the world could be A vision of the one I see A million dreams is all it's gonna take Oh, a million dreams for the world we're gonna make" The biggest difference between this song and the other two, was that every move had meaning. It told a story, and the feeling that was in the lyrics hit home to her. To finally get to perform this song in front of a crowd, no matter how big it was. It was beyond special for her, especially considering whom was the pony that inspired this song, was the one that was playing the guitar for it. She wore a smile the entire time, but if a pony looked close, they could see small tears falling as she continued to sing as the chorus died into the second verse. "There's a house we can build Every room inside is filled with things from far away Special things I compile Each one there to make you smile on a rainy day" The second verse soon gave way to the intro of the second coming of the chorus, and the emotion in the song only grew and swelled as she looked to the crowd and then she turned back to Sky as the chorus got to full swell once again. "They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy They can say, they can say we've lost our minds See, I don't care, I don't care if they call us crazy Run away to a world that we design 'Cause every night, I lie in bed The brightest colors fill my head A million dreams are keeping me awake I think of what the world could be A vision of the one I see A million dreams is all it's gonna take Oh, a million dreams for the world we're gonna make At this point, she started using her hooves and wings to continue to illustrate the story behind the lyrics that she wrote, going from as small as she could to full spread before locking into a self hug, and then she pointed back to the crowd as the song built back up and the song began to climax and she put just about everything that she had into the final chorus. She couldn't go all out though, there was still one song left, and that bit of choreography was the most important piece of the routine of the entire night. "However big, however small Let me be part of it all Share your dreams with me We may be right, we may be wrong But I wanna bring you along to the world I see To the world we close our eyes to see We close our eyes to see Every night, I lie in bed The brightest colors fill my head A million dreams are keeping me awake I think of what the world could be A vision of the one I see A million dreams is all it's gonna take A million dreams for the world we're gonna make For the world we're gonna make," As the outro continued to fade she descended until she was now standing next to Sky Sailing so that they could head into the next piece when he was ready. So far, this night had been the most fun performance that she'd put on in a while, and the cherry was still to come. She looked over to one of the stagemares that she'd talked to before the event and nodded for her to get the final scene set up and ready. This... would be the most perfect ending ever, and she would, hopefully never have another show like it. She could feel her heart thumping inside of her from nervousness. Not from the dance, but the hopeful response of the stallion that was next to her. The time of complete love and unity was upon them. ((OOC: Sorry for the double post, but... I found the maximum character limit for a post on Canterlot so..... yay?
  22. ~~~Wind Dancer~~~ As the music for then next song started, the lights around them started to match what would be seen more on a pop scene. When the bass drum kicked in, she began stomping her hoof to the beat as she started to move up into an arched back pose before snapping forwards as the crystal she was wearing lit up and she began to sing. "You might know if you're from around here What goes on for half of the year" She started singing, accenting the beat with her body. Every beat drop was a new pose. There wasn't a lot of wind at moment. That would come later in the song, but right now, the focus was just simple movements. "Have you seen the queen of the castle? Paint this city from ear to fear" She then began to strut forward a bit, but each step also resulting in a different pose. "If the air was meant to be glitter It might not take all yours away When she swings she's a heavy hitter When she comes you'll ask her to stay" When she got to the end of her proverbial runway she began to Lunartrot backwards while still looking like she was walking forward. She gave a two part mane flip in sequence with a smile and then frown before trotting in place during the next lines but gaining altitude with each step that she took. "Winter left a cover That I'm gonna end up under But I've got my hooves When I'm in the summer I forget how much I love her When she's in the groove" During that, the pressure and the winds built under her a bit and as she hit the last line she leaned back, and then with the sound explosion from the chorus she burst out over the crowd and began a series of fast paced dances directly above them before dropping down next to the two sisters and bobs lightly with them to the beat before taking off and landing in front of them. "Oh, it's a love hate romance 'Cause I could watch her dance If I've got my ho-oo-oo-oves" She then skipped and jumped forward with the beat before she snapped into four different poses, each snap sending a gust of wind in whatever direction her wings went, which was once in each cardinal direction with the last bit of the chorus. "Something in the way she comes gliding Makes me need to fix up the hair She gets me to come out of hiding And find something decent to wear" The second verse started pretty close to how the first one did, but she moved up into the sky a bit more so she could start getting the clouds more involved. She would trace through them with her wing and then punch through them to make them puff out into glitter, a mane style, and other fashion items before they faded "Stop and stare" She then did a snap back to the crowd, a twirl, and then a full spread pose before going backwards into a nosedive while she started the next chorus, "Winter left a cover That I'm gonna end up under But I've got my hooves" At this part of the chorus, she was only a few feet off the ground as she righted herself and began to strut forward then use many of the same poses that she did from the chorus before. "When I'm in the summer I forget how much I love her When she's in the groove Oh, it's a love hate romance 'Cause I could watch her dance If I've got my ho-oo-oo-oves" When she faded out of the chorus into this part of the song she had a lot of stop and sharp poses that looked to be almost like stop-motion break dancing as once again, just about every limb and only that limb seemed to harness and hold the entirety of her weight as her motions snapped cleaning with the beat and the lyrics while she continued to sing. "A love hate romance When I see her dance I got on my hooves Got my hooves yeah A love hate romance I can't help but prance I got on my hooves Got my hooves yeah" Then the chorus started up once more and she spun out of the stop-motion break dancing into more of a full arching sweep as she let the energy build. "Winter left a cover That I'm gonna end up under But I've got my boots" As she started to transition into this portion of the chorus, she began to let the winds flow a bit more around her as she started to barrel roll one directing, pushing the winds in one direction... "When I'm in the summer I forget how much I love her When she's in the groove" and then looping back around and barrel rolling the opposite direction causing the winds to clash and swirl some of the dust and grass it's picked up in the air. "Winter left a cover That I'm gonna end up under But I've got my hooves" The changes in her motions wound down a bit as she went into the final bit of the chorus... "When I'm in the summer I forget how much I love her When she's in the groove Oh, it's a love hate romance 'Cause I could watch her dance If I've got my boots" and she finished that song with a snap down with her head letting the bangs of her mane fall down over her eyes. There was a slight pause between the two songs to allow her to catch her breath. Doing the singing and the dancing for that song, and the one that was coming up for that matter, was intense. It was definitely something that she wasn't completely used to yet, but she was working on it. She hoped that at some point she could be as good at singing as Sky was, and she could make Sky as good at dancing as she was. Her thoughts vanished though as the music for the next song began. There was no rest for her in this song and no slow build up. As soon the music was playing, she was moving. Everything in this song was much faster paced, and like before all of her movements accented both the snare and the bass hits. Moves and dances flowing from hoof to shoulder to wing to flank. This continued behind the lyrics. "From the busy parks to the icy tides Some day we'll decide Where we want to live out our lives Form out into sparks tumbling along Keeping the heat on Even though summer's coming on" The chorus she began gliding in the sky, once again blending styles of dance as she looked like she was skating in the air and swept out to the left in a large loop as she sang the chorus out, mirroring some of the moves from the stationary opening sequence "I would sail across the east sea Just to see you on the far side Where the wind is cold and angry There you'll be to take me inside We'll find ways to fill the empty Far from all the hysteria I don't care if we suddenly Find ourselves in Equestria, Equestria" When she finished the chorus, she started doing wing pulses as she sang, a blast of wind with each one that burst on the ground like a strobe light hitting all timed with the beat. "Inside a street car or on a mountain trail Details, details, you breathe in when I exhale No matter where we are Or which way the wind blows Or how heavy the snow Nothing can change where we will go" The grass could be seen getting pushed down by the force of the blast. This continued in combination with other various dance moves before she started singing the second chorus. She gave a jump and a twirl as she burst out, sweeping to the right this time reversing the direction of all of the dances and the sweeping look that she did for the first chorus I would sail across the east sea Just to see you on the far side Where the wind is cold and angry There you'll be to take me inside We'll find ways to fill the empty Far from all the hysteria I don't care if we suddenly Find ourselves in Equestria, We'll leave Aquillia, Equestria When the second chorus faded into the repeating lyric, all forward motion of Wind Dancer stopped, but the winds that followed her continued to blow. She spread her wings as she repeated the name of her homeland each time, letting the wind sweep her mane and tail around as she slowly turned. "Equestria Equestria Equestria Equestria" On the final repeat as the music faded out, the swell of sound came back for one final push of the chorus. Instead of doing the sweeps like she did for the first two, it was filled with snap and pop movements, using the way her suit captured the lights for the effects. "I would sail across the east sea Just to see you on the far side Where the wind is cold and angry There you'll be to take me inside We'll find ways to fill the empty Far from all the hysteria Find ourselves in Equestria, We'll leave Aquillia, Equestria"
  23. IIRC, the princesses have retired, but that doesn't mean they still can't be proactive in roles.
  24. Thread is up and posted. I went with Windy as I couldn't really think of a reason that Medo would be outside of Neighpon right now.
  25. The city of Canterlot. Wind Dancer had heard a lot about this city but she had never been here herself. From the moment she stepped off the train she noticed that everything just... felt a little bit different here. She wasn't entirely sure what it was, but there was a certain regalness in the air. Was it from the fact that she was in Equestria's capital? She couldn't really say. What she could say though was that everything here was a lot quieter than it was in Las Pegasus. Even thought she could tell the city was just as large as LP, there was a lot less hustle and bustle. There definitely weren't any casinos and big fancy neon lights. She very much doubted that the princess wouldn't like such establishments in such a place, but she wasn't sure. Princess Twilight was a different pony than Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. Not that she knew them any better. Truth be told she hadn't met a single pony that held any major power. At least outside of the ponies that were on the Las Pegasus City Council. As to why the mare was here? Well, mostly she was here to explore and visit some of the sites. However, she wouldn't be lying if she said that she wasn't also looking for fellow musicians, dancers, performers, or ponies that were good with decor to help with an event that her and Sky Sailing were planning at home. She figured that she could help do some of the leg work outside of the city why Sky continued to work on his newest album. There was a few of the songs that they would be using in an upcoming show. They were doing a Hearth's Warming show in Ponyville in a couple weeks so he wanted to make sure everything was recorded properly and ready to go for their performance. She couldn't wait for that night herself as there was more than one reason that she was looking forward to it. Right now, the lilac pegasus mare stood on the platform of the train station looking at a map. Celestia's sun was currently providing the light that she would need to read it, and the high mountain altitude meant it was quite brisk. A contrast to the weather in Las Pegasus, but it was starting to get into more of their colder season. It was a desert after all and at night it could get down right cold there. A pony would have to be made of ice to be able to stay outside for any length of time after dark in Las Pegasus in the winter. "Hmm... There are a lot of sights to see here... the question is... what do I want to go and look at first? What would Sky wanna do if he were here?" she asked to herself aloud not really paying attention to her surroundings. Thankfully after living in Las Pegasus for so long she knew to stand still when she wasn't paying attention. That was the easiest way to accidentally bump into somepony. She knew! she'd met quite a few of her friends from that exact happenstance!
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