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Everything posted by Kryptchild

  1. I beseech thee LovinMoonlight! Draw me Sweetie Belle nibbling on Scootaloo's ear!
  2. My head cannon surrounding them is that although Scootaloo is the most outgoing and tomboyish of the bunch, romantically she's pretty shy and naive. Sweetie Belle is much more up front with the romance and affection, as she's learned a thing or two from Rarity. She's first to kiss, first to hold hooves, first to nip, and first to whisper romanticies. Meanwhile Scootaloo gets embarrassed and doesn't know what to make of it all. Sketch I'll never color:
  3. So I sorta just realized I don't actually have an art thread per say. I've got a livestream announcement thread and that project thing I probably won't go back to for a while, but not an everything art thread! I think I'll just post stuff here, since the general gallery tends to flood just after I post something and I end up at the bottom of the pile. I'll post rough works, sketches, and lots of shipping here. Oh yeah about that, have some! Scootabelle Shipping flood! Some wigs I drew to practice High Quality hair (have yet to go further with that) Hairless Manequins I used. Feel free to draw on them (if you need the .sai file, just ask!) Rough Luna says 'hi' Since this thread doesn't follow a specific theme or project, expect it to not be dropped randomly (I suck at sticking to projects). ♥Cheers♥
  4. Best. Game. Ever. I still need to get DLCs for it though! Money is an issue. My favorite character Cassady (old RP character) was a very mean girl Class: NCR Interrogator. High charisma and gun skills with minor emphasis on sneak. I also made Pharm! He's a medic with an offensive focus on explosives. Hardest character I've ever played, because explosive ammo is so rare and expensive.
  5. Oh oh oh! I love the elder beings of the Lovecraft Mythos! I think my favorite is Yog-Sothoth the All in One (also known as the Gate and the Key). Yog-Sothoth is the gatekeeper to time and space, yet exists outside of both. His name is evoked when you are attempting to reverse the actions of progression such as death. The most commonly known creature from Lovecraft is Cthulhu, though really he's just a shaman of Dagon despite his godly stature. I also like Nidhogg, he's a continent sized dragon that's trapped under the world tree Yggdrasil. But that's Norse mythos
  6. From the album: Cast

    "More ScootaBelle from Kryptchild? How original..." Shut up I've been sick.
  7. ...I'd have no problem naming my daughter Sweetie Belle. Just saying.
  8. I can totally get behind interesting names, but Petal Blossom Rainbow? That's like THREE WORDS! Come ON! That's going to be SO annoying writing checks or signing bank statements later in life. Don't get me started on name tags. Applejack, Firefly, or Lickedy Split would have been less of a hassle (I could see a pretty tough highschool life for a girl named Lickedy though).
  9. It's one of those ships that fanon content (specifically some really good art) made me partial to. Actually I don't even look at canon at all when it comes to ships and why I ship them. It's entirely fanon based. I love ScootaBelle because they're both my favorite characters, their colors mesh well, and quite frankly I have the most fun drawing them together. I know there's no canon explanation, nor would I really want there to be as it'd change the dynamics of the show. I openly support all shipping for 2 reasons. 1) The very premise behind shipping is love. Two characters however different or unlikely they are loving each other as friends, lovers, etc. The world needs more love, even in the pretend world. 2) Shipping is one of (if not the) most popular rout taken in visual art and writing in this fandom. Art is SO important to me, and anything that inspires others to create gets my support. I can understand lots of people don't like shipping or think it's silly or gross or dumb (I get the suspicion Shadow doesn't like it very much). That's fine! Power to you! I for one love it.
  10. You're very clearly reading far too into this shadow. Have you never heard of an innocent school yard crush? The d'aaaw factor registers on the rector scale! Passing little love notes, sneaking quick nose kisses, holding hooves when nopony is looking, sharing lunch, taking naps snuggled together~ Honestly Shadow, why you gotta try and make it weird? They're adorable fictional characters and I can make them kiss if I wana ♥ I'm liking the cut of your gem Leo! Twidash is by far my favorite Dash related ship. But Applebloom has spike! D:
  11. Hi- er, wait. This isn't the introduction section! And this is only your first post! How'd you post here?! What's going on?!?!
  12. I'd like to take this moment to point out that Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle is best ship... Just saying. You know, in case anyone didn't know already :V
  13. You absolutely must do a becoming popular cover. It's a right of passage.
  14. Funny thing, when I saw that my first thought wasn't "Clearly fake" it was "Faust be trollen". Either way, she's been out of the loop since season 2 started. Bless her heart, she's sowed the seeds of greatness and left to carefully create another wonderful universe.
  15. Mirrors is an interesting one! Care to elaborate?
  16. Come watch Krypt play pony hair stylist on livestream while listening to the Repo! The Genetic Opera sound track! Today at 3:30 CST (2 hours from this post). www.livestream.com/pharmparty Just grabbed a bunch of tutorials on DA, going to try them and learn lots and lots of stuff. I’ll be practicing on these two. If anyone wants the .Sai or a PNG of these two manequins let me know. Hope to see a few of you there! ♥Kisses!♥
  17. ScooooooooootaBelle! Do I even have to say it at this point? XD But yeah! Draw Scootaloo tenatively giving Sweetie Belle a flower. It's cause she knows Sweetie likes flowers! Not like she likes her or anything, nope. Not in a million years. nuh-uh. Nooo-siree.
  18. Baby you know you can't go without writing up some ScootaBelle. Best ship freaking EVER! Go on, you know you wana.
  19. Draw Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle romantically leaning against each other, with Sweetie's head on Scoots shoulder!
  20. You musta had some bad 5 guys then. The one in my town is pretty good!
  21. OMG you poor thing! D: My town has like, 2 JJs. They're freaking fast too! They usually have my sand witch ready by the time I get my change. Gotta watch out for the delivery cars though...
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