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Everything posted by Autumn

  1. To add to what Tales said, showing this kind of initiative and being active in the ways you're suggesting is a good way to gain Admin attention in a positive way. Of course, we can't make any promises, but generally if/when a staff position were to open up, we'd of course be looking to see who's actively using their noodle to improve the board.
  2. No idea. Very difficult for us to diagnose if only a single individual is having a specific problem, I'm sure you'll agree. Only things I can think of is to go download the latest version of Java here: http://www.java.com/en/download/ And disable any of those silly 'NoScript' things careless web users are convinced will protect them from the Gmorks of the Internet. Good luck!
  3. Autumn


    None of those are bugs involving Canterlot.com. Not appropriate to post here. However, try a different port. http://www.esper.net/servers.php
  4. Welcome to Canterlot.com! You're released from the Intro paddock.
  5. At the Basingstoke fur meet. Full of bronies here. XD

  6. I'm declaring this resolved. As you may or may not know, I bought a new server and moved the board across. Things seem better now.
  7. Autumn


    Should be fixed now. resolved. ...it only took buying a new server.
  8. Thanks for donating! You're a star! Your perks (listed in the Donate page) last for 3 months!

  9. We're aware of the problem with gallery and image uploads above 130kb(ish). We've taken the gallery down temporarily till we get the bottom of the errors generated, however, be advised this error is also affecting thread image uploads/attachments also. Will keep you posted here. Feel free to subscribe to this thread.
  10. Perhaps you can say something about your hobbies, how you found Canterlot.com and a little about yourself?
  11. Thanks for donating! You won't see adverts on the site and can change your username once for month for 3 months now! Again, thanks for supporting Canterlot.com!

  12. I work for Canon... so I'm gonna be rather bias on what I think what brand you should buy. :wink:
  13. Autumn


    Click 'Show all'. There are no plans. Preparation for other things.
  14. Look in their profile. They may have other contact details.
  15. Sooo... you want me to create a system of automatically pruning your PM posts (some you may want to keep) because you can't be bothered to delete some?
  16. Unfortunately, no. Whilst a nice idea, it's not something we'd implement as a 'front page' item where space is becoming an increasingly difficult asset to manage. flutterscotch is welcome to use this thread and the ability to edit the original post to their advantage to show a 'tally' if they should choose to keep such a thing.
  17. There's no reason for the 'bronita' thing. Someone is just messing around. There's no official female version of 'brony' recognised by canterlot.com or Hasbro. Bronita is also not considered an 'accepted term' by either parties.
  18. Nope. A video is a different media to 'photographs'. Isn't your own work. Try again.
  19. We're currently writing a list of rules for the community gallery. We've had some discussion about this today and the Gallery moderators and I have agreed to not allow non-pony items on the gallery. The complete list of rules should be up soon. To sum up though... You can post your own artwork depicting official or your own made up characters from any generation of My Little Pony. The galleries will be cleaned up soon to reflect the new rules/guidelines we're building.
  20. Ok, just watched the episode. Can't help feeling I've just watched an episode of Star Trek. With John De Lancie voicing, and even the mannerisms and character traits of Discord are all... Q. This isn't to say I didn't like it. I'm assuming it's simply perhaps another nod to the more mature/nerdier audience member. Other observations: * Different camera angles are being used in this episodes. Looks like Animators are experimenting more. * Some CGI-ish effects used, like the pan from left to right of Discord in the window. The in-set window and the wall surrounding it rotated with the camera panning in a more 3D style. My prediction for ep2: Rainbow dash has been deliberately sent away as a plot mechanism. Something will happen to Twilight then RD will have a revelation (or knock to the head or something) and come back to save the day. I've a sneaky feeling that Luna won't even play a part in any of this story arc. Just my views.
  21. Did you know you can add your away-times into the calendar?
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