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Everything posted by Autumn

  1. Hello and welcome to the Brony Cookbook thread! Ok, I'll start the show with a vegetable curry. This recipe's passed down throughout my family. Follow the easy to follow instructions and you too can create the stunning meal for one shown below. Check the Spoiler below! Below is the SECRET recipe. Please add your own recipes. HOWEVER, include photos so you can put your money where your mouth is. No fakers here! This is srs business!!1!!one!!
  2. Good work! Dampen some of that reverb and play with whatever mastering tools you have, in whatever program you're using, to make it about 20% punchier. Then you've got some winners!
  3. Slow day at work. Enjoying the weather though.

  4. Watching Planet Dinosaur on BBC1. Dissapointed with the animation. Dinos seem cheap & weightless when moving. Bit of a let-down. :(

  5. If you're experiencing timeouts, please provide tracert information. There's VERY little we can do without such information. It's the first thing and webhosting company will ask for. Note: DO NOT use a website offering tracert. It needs to come from YOUR connection, not someone elses. This is because only relatively few people are experiencing this. Instructions: Go to your command prompt. (either Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt or in windows vista/7 simply type cmd in the start > search-bar) At the command prompt please type: tracert canterlot.com Wait till it's done. Copy and paste me a copy of the results (right click in command prompt then ctrl+c). You can use a PM if you want. Only send me information collected during a timeout or a 5+ second lag. If the results aren't showing significant slow-downs it's pretty useless. In the mean time, it's been reported that these 'spikes' only last a few mins or so. If it feels longer, don't forget that a watched pot never boils... so go make a cup of tea and come back in a few mins.
  6. Autumn


    Your art's great! You should add your DA account to the Member's Links directory!
  7. Hi, for a better way to show off your gallery, when making a post/editing/replying, click the 'My Media' button (next to the smilies button). From there you can add (you own) galleries, images, blogs and more!
  8. I'm using #Audible for #Android, so should you. Get the app free: www.audible.co.uk/wireless @audibleuk

  9. Okie dokie... that's the Links and URL formatting sorted out on http://canterlot.com

  10. Autumn


    Not for YOU! Won't be shown in the UK for some time after... Unless... no... you're not openly admitting you're resorting to the criminal act of piracy are you... in public? *grins* :grin: Welcome to Canterlot!
  11. Don't worry about it ponies. The facts: * NO ONE else can see your 'warn status' besides yourself and Staff. * You don't need to keep checking it, a little 'progress bar' will increase under the words 'Warn Status' if any notes have been added. * You would have been contacted by a member of staff in some fashion about whatever it is you goofed on if you had a warning.
  12. RT @Queen_UK First the Falklands, now the rugby. It's a difficult life as an Argentinian.

  13. Thanks for donating. You can now change your display name (once per month) and you won't see ads on the site for 3 months! Thanks again for supporting canterlot.com and we'll let you know of more perks we add later.

  14. Uh oh, Bezel's baking a cake!

  15. You're awesome! Thanks for donating. You can now change your display name (once per month) and you won't see ads on the site for half a year! Thanks again for supporting canterlot.com and we'll let you know of more perks we add later.

  16. ...It's a pony... slurping coffee. EVERYONE Also note: In the Drawfriends Album there is a Sept 2011 sub-album. Make sure your images are in the Sub-Album. Other wise, separating different month's challenges will be a pain in the rump. I HIGHLY recommend you don't create more albums in this sub-album... for the most part, you only have a limited amount of albums you can create!
  17. Autumn

    Coffee Slurp.

    Here you go... Pony slurping a coffee. (very quick Oekaki doodle) What more can you ask for?

    © ArtaxUK

  18. Just a note; this steam group is not authorised or affiliated with Canterlot.com or it's staff.
  19. RT @CaraFennec I threw my cat into a swimming pool filled with milk...He did a few laps.

  20. Autumn


    Looks like brianblackberry's found the problem.
  21. Autumn


    Despite ignoring the format for reporting bugs, I had a look. It's just that particular video. Other videos tested work fine. This could be a number of reasons, all to do with youtube/country permissions/uploader options. No fault found.
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