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Status Updates posted by Autumn

  1. Imma just going to throw this out there; do what you will with it: https://t.co/2LnsNgAt

  2. Sorry to those at the convention that were confused about my appearance change. Thanks for the support and beautiful comments! *snugs*

  3. Happy Friday everyone! Don't forget it's a bank holiday this weekend. WooHoo!

    1. tacobob


      wonders where banks go when they're on vacation...

  4. Made some original phone Ringtones... will release them soon. :)

    1. Rosewind


      They're quite awesome, Horsie!

  5. Just noticed that ASIO4ALL drivers use the ♀ (female) symbol to indicate a device giving erratic behaviour. #notsureifsexistorfunny

  6. Boss is sat right next me right now... Having a nervous breakdown. Mwahahaha! #maybeishouldprotectmytweetsnow

  7. I now have a 240gb iPod 5G !!! It's working perfectly. :D

  8. Dear Hollywood. Please stop using pump-action shotgun cocking sound effects when ever someone holds up a rifle in a movie.

    1. Dessa


      And while they're at it, they could stop having them "cock" the gun after it's been fired, unless it's a revolver.

  9. Just been to crematorium to see my little sister's... Been just over a year. It still hurts just as much.

  10. RT @BezelFolf: @ArtaxUK is now taking photos of a pizza he's just had delivered #obsession #shouldibeworried

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      I still have a picture of your pizza order from June of last year.

  11. If you work in a restaraunt please don't stand over me whilst you wait for me to finish a mouthful for me to only lie any "yeah it's fine".

    1. Hippo


      I just do what dogs do. Growl at whoever dares come near me while I'm eating.

  12. I can't decide if I want Retro City Rampage @RetroCR on Steam (or GOG) or wait till it's on EggBox360. :(

    1. Hippo


      When in doubt, get both.

  13. More baby Wookie-Otter! http://t.co/1xTdoYLr

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      That doesn't look like a Wookie or an Otter...

  14. Ooh.. tingly sensitive skin, shoulders ache... Migraine time imminent. Woo! :-P

    1. Rosewind


      That's too bad -- I hope you feel better!

  15. Horse Friday! - Snuggle a Sarcidano today!

    1. Dessa


      But I dont know any Sarcidanos!

  16. Watching 'Deliverance' & learning all about American culture from it. ;-)

    1. Hippo


      Oh yeah, that's the perfect movie to illustrate American culture... *pokerface*

  17. Like a moron, I've just shouted "Xbox pause" at my PC and looking confused when iPlayer continued playing. Gotten a bit Kinect complacent :(

    1. Hippo


      technology has and will make fools of us all.

  18. Lesbian Gay Bi and Transgender sandwich anyone? Delicious! http://t.co/uMocEjol

    1. Kudalyn


      Such a cute little trotting pegasus! *Pokes your icon*

  19. In Delhi one more night. Visited Lodi garden/temples & the Delhi gate (picture). Off to Pushker early in the morning. http://t.co/UtmPOrrN

    1. Tenkan


      Looks pretty awesome.

  20. Thanks for donating! You're a star! Your perks (listed in the Donate page) last for 3 months!

  21. Nice smoggy morning in Delhi. On the balcony of the photography studio where I slept. http://t.co/IZrFnN4k

  22. Arrived safely in Delhi! Chilling at my Aunt's house.

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