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Everything posted by Ciraxis

  1. And now, I will conquer the world, with my OATMEAL MACHINE!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ciraxis


      Such impudence! When would you all learn that I am not crazy?! I AM GENIUS! Now DROWN in this flood of groat! <pulls leaver>

    3. TemplarFrost


      Maple Sugar, for added carnage.

    4. tacobob


      Nooo! You cannot handle the powers that Wilford Brimley bestowed upon yourself!

  2. Hmmm so there was a time skip? Let's say it's a week later shall we? I will post next if that wouldn't be trouble.
  3. Swift hasty entry to the beach restroom had accompaniment of the loud door slam. Sworstallion didn't really felt the need to use the toilet. What he really sough was a place to cool down. He walked slowly - but more stably on his legs - to the sink and turned on the water. Putting his glasses aside he stared to wash his face. [colour=green]"Fire kissed me. Does she like me....in that way?"[/colour] he asked himself in his mind. He stared washing his cheeks with his left hoof. He could both feel and see in the mirror that they were still burning. [colour=green]"She seemed rather...clingy. It's true that she was through a lot and all yet it didn't felt right...Yes I desire her but....it..it's seem too soon! I should earn her feelings first." [/colour] he rubbed his eyes and washed the eye bags. [colour=green]"I mean...yes I want to help her....too make her happy. Horseapples...can't even think straight."[/colour] Squall angrily slammed the wall with his right hoof. Unicorn leaned on sink and stared blankly at his reflection trying to sort everything in his head. [colour=green]"Maybe Fire really likes me. She said that she was comfortable and all. Or does she subconsciously looks for some stallion to comfort her?"[/colour] he asked himself. Unicorn founded Fire attractive in all sense of the word, but did it was the same from her side? [colour=green]"There is only one way to find out....I will ask her to go with me at this theater premiere that Dad asked me to write review off. Essentially ask her for a date. A first date."[/colour] Swift pulled his head under running water to wash his mane, lots of sand got into it. [colour=green]"Come to think of it, would it really be the first one?"[/colour] he stopped his front legs with this sudden realization. [colour=green]"We hanged out a lot - just the two of us - already if I remember. That time when we first meet, at that pit. Or that day in the Canterlot. Two times in Fillydelphia. After the wedding, when she put Wind to sleep and I showed her some kung fu at midnight. In the Itaily...wait..that time we where chased by the thugs. That doesn't count."[/colour] unicorn face hoofed at his own silliness, splashing water around with a gesture. [colour=green]"And now today...even if by accident. Oh snap! I left her alone! Fire probably thinks she did something wrong, and feel horrible about herself right now. I should go back."[/colour] he brushed off water from his mane. Now that Squall saw himself in the mirror...he wasn't half bad chunk off stallion. If not for those scars, one could say that he was rather hoovesome. Somewhat between pretty colt and the macho kind of look. Squall shook his head to get rid of unnecessary thoughts. Sometimes he thinks too much. Unicorn cheeked the pockets of his trunks. Normal swimming gear didn't had those, but Squall liked to be prepared. As expected he found a pouch filled with bits. He better buy Fire something as an apology. He left restroom, much calmer then when he entered. [colour=green]"Ackk! Forgot too turn off the water! And glasses!"[/colour]
  4. As much as I hate to write this, I confess that I could use help for this one. Preferably with PM.
  5. She was too close. Muuuch too close. Not that it was unpleasant in any way. It...it just was happening way too fast! He wasn't ready for this! And the way that she was saying about being 'comfortable' and 'less worried'. To be honest, Swift started panicking a little! Not that he was coward in any way. He used to stand against unfair odds and dangers that would make most other ponies blood freeze in the veins. Ninja warriors, beast of the Unyasi wildness, pirates and many others threats was not enough to make him blink. In fact, Squall was the calmest when at hair's breadth from doom. It was a bit silly, but sitting and being hugged by mare that he had a crush for, terrified a sworstallion! And then she kissed him... Never mind that it was kiss on the cheek. It was enough to make Swift as red as tomato. Especially after all that talk from her. He could feel his face burning and his head filled with embarrassment, excitement and....happiness? Did she noticed him blushing? Of course she noticed! Unless she suffered sudden case of temporary blindness. Could...could it be that Fire was teasing him? [colour=green]"I-is that s-s-s-strange? A-after a-all it's what f-friends are f-for, haha?"[/colour] he spoke, stuttering like a total dork. Not being able to stand it anymore unicorn rised up to his still shaking legs. [colour=green]"I-I-I-I-I need to u-use the r-restroom. Yes, t-thats it! R-restroom!"[/colour] he 'explained' before making a temporary retreat, as fast as his wobbling legs allowed him to go.
  6. I...I believe I will accept the change....eventually. The problem is...the change on such scale require at least a two parter, or even the movie! I agree completely with brian in this one...although I can't say that I quite...okay with this development. Now excuse me...I need to turn off my civility for the moment....
  7. MMMmmmm...ok then, another question. We continue just as the topic was left off, or do things from the scratch? To be honest the latter would be favorable. DuskBreeze passed away and Valence is gone for two weeks already. Not to mention that RP begun to walk into two different directions as well - with one group (Team Nature?) in pub and other (Team Passion?) running around.
  8. Count me in too. But I have a one question, Will the time peroid that RP used to be, will be retconned or kept the same?
  9. Swift Squall wasn't even attempting to have a say in the conversation. For once, stallion settled with just listening to others. This was only partially true, however. Deep down unicorn was worried about Fire. She was kind of...nervous and more quite then usual. It could be the fact that was the wedding of her...ex-coltfriend? Sworstallion clutched his teeth for a second. Even after he and Dunder resolved this case between themselves during their trip too Itaily, Swift couldn't help but to feel a small surge of envy and anger. Yet somehow, he knew that wasn't the case this time. Something happened between their last meeting. Fillydelphia Count never was an expert with social skills, but Squall had a feeling that it would be best if he didn't ask for anything and just be nearby. Yes, simply being the company for the red mare would suffice...at least for now. He will ask her to loiter around the Ponyville after the ceremony. Dunder voice pulled Squall out from his thoughts. Unicorn just smirked when brown pegasus introduced him too Muggo. Silly Dunder was so nervous that he forgot that Swift and Muggo knew themselves well already. Of course it wasn't strange at all - hard to bee stoic when you are getting married. What pined Swift attention was this 'Midnight' mare. From the first sight of her, swordstallion was sure that she seemed familiar...Swift was sure that he heard a story or two about mare that was named such.... That few lines from the mare was enough for Swift to realize who she was. After all, one of her former subordinate was one of his instructors. Even after all these years, tales about 'Midnight the Dreaded' still flew around between REA soldiers. The fact that Dunder knew such pony as her was a shock for a swordstallion. Swift made a quick glance at the earth pony flank. The Cutie Mark matched perfectly, there was no mistaking it. Swift quickly excused himself and trotted to Fire direction. When he walked beside Midnight he gave her a careful, studious look. He didn't told her anything but his eye spoke for him - 'I know who you are.' they clearly said, hidden behind green sunglasses. As he made his way to Fire, now pondering which of the tasty sandwiches. Unicorn tapped mare shoulder to get her attention and whispered to her ear. [colour=green]"Fire...did you ever heard about Midnight Brand? The one called 'Midnight the Dreaded'? Well...I believe she is one of the guests."[/colour]
  10. [colour=green]"You know Fire, this was the point of this sneaking part - too gain the proof of the crew illegal activities, present them to REA officials in the city and let them handle the rest. And I don't oppose them! I donated them much needed equipment few times already."[/colour] Swift protested before taking the first sip [colour=green]"And your pops is completely right about Fillydelphia Garrison leadership. I just hope they will go away quickly. They are few cool younger officers there but...a drop in the bucket. I wish more REA ponies would choose Filly for their allocation. A few with a elastic approach like yourself, and all would be easier. That reminds me...why you are still living with your parents?"[/colour] [colour=green]"You too nice. After all, I am the last heir of only remaining Founding Family. It's my...obligation, I think."[/colour] with a slight effort, Swift managed to sit [colour=green]"I don't know...I just can't turn a blind eye when something unjust happens. I know it's puts me into a trouble...like this recent one - smugglers, pirates, sharks, killer whales and kraken - yet I can't do simply nothing!"[/colour] said the unicorn with sudden outburst of emotion, but his face became gloomy immediately after [colour=green]"I just hope that it's enough to make a difference."[/colour] swordstallion added mumbling, and sighted. [colour=green]"You know that griffon, right? I can be wrong...but he didn't made a positive first impression on me."[/colour] Swift glared at, now distant Razor [colour=green]"Speaking of past...you still do that tai-chi sessions that I showed you after the wedding?"[/colour]
  11. Hiding in shadows....

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Hey! This is my hiding spot!

    2. StarStorm


      I like to hide in broad daylight!

      Haha, they never suspect a thing.. most of the time they don't even know I'm hiding ;3

    3. TemplarFrost


      Hiya there pal! It's a bit dark in here. Would you like a flashlight?

  12. Oh Linkhopper, did you forgot about Conservation of Ninjutsu rule? And he dealt with, many, many ninjas before. EDIT:Speaking of ninjas...Taco ninjed me....well in that case....oh wait. This is Batman. He wins against ANYTHING.
  13. [colour=green]"It was my doing. When I was heading to the sea, I send similar packages to the shops I am benefactor off all over the coast - along with photos off ponies who should receive such packages if spotted. It's pure luck that I ended here thought <cough, cough>"[/colour] swordstallion explained while pulling on swim-trunks with his magic. Then, he just sit on the towel listening to Fire story with calm, yet curious expression. Although he gulped once when mare got down beside him. She was...warm, just as her name would suggest. His serene face soon shifted into one torn between concern and anger, even more as the pegasus story progressed. And then when she finally thanked him, he hugged her. Tightly. [colour=green]"If I would know...."[/colour] Squall whispered to her ear [colour=green]"And don't let the things he said get to you. He was the being of greed and envy, but now he's gone, blown to pieces."[/colour] he said, displaying surprising knowledge about Fire tormentor. [colour=green]"The guy you encountered is known in Unyasi as Kivuli Mfalme, and I heard about him from zebra shamans. He was an unicorn millennium ago..."[/colour] Swift started talking about usurper of the Crystal Kingdom, his unspeakable crimes, first defeat by the hooves of the Princesses, and finally his demise - about which he learned through reporters and journalists who worked for his father. [colour=green]"...so as you see he's gone, and for good. Although now I wish I got piece of a ******* for myself, to beat loving daylight out of him."[/colour] swordstallion sunglasses shined in the 'sinister' way. [colour=green]"And now I guess now it comes a moment when I tell you how did I got here? It all started when I learned about a ship, that supposed to transport contraband to Aquelia, has docked in my city. My...informers aren't exactly...trusted by the law department - they are orphans and pickpockets. I pay for there excesses and in turn, they are my eyes and ears in Fillydelphia. Nevertheless...hearing that some ship crew are the smugglers, and proving it are two different things. I sneaked aboard the ship to gain evidence and indeed I have found it. Yet, on my way out, ship boatswain dropped a piano on me using riparian crane. I was to slow and got hit, and immediately after that smugglers ganged up against me. Normally I would give them their rumps but I was all woozy from the earlier impact. One of them hit me in the back of the my head and everything blacked out...<cough,cough>"[/colour] stallion paused for a moment, to catch his breath before resuming [colour=green]"When I woke up, I was locked in small cabin and the ship was already on the sea. My single possession was my duster, I got restriction ring on my horn and weapons and equipment I had with myself previous night were taken...with one little exception. I had hidden small file in my mane, ideal to take on bars or other metal parts. Unfortunately the doors were wooden, there was no window and the guard was sitting outside. I was forced to focus on the massive door hinges. It took me three uptight nights to wear them enough while the warden was napping, all the time they were feeding me poorly, with only bread and little water. Now I wonder why they kept me around, guess they wished to get ransom or something, and they wanted to soften me up with thirst and hunger....Anyway, on the fourth morning when my jailer was bringing me breakfast, I bucked the door and it's weight pinned the poor sap down. Before he could scream for help I knocked him out with hoof to the face. From him, I got key to my horn rings. Using my average magical skills I repaired the cabin door and put mine jailer inside. I also took his clothes and wrapped them around my hooves to silence the steps. I managed to sneak into the vessel hold, where I retrieved all my stuff. I also took a decent meal. When I got out of the hold, I found out that smugglers were already armed and alerted...which was strange, for they shouldn't know about my escape yet. I knocked out all off the captors I came across, on my way to the main deck. When I got to the sun, for first time in four day I realized why they were so livid. The smugglers got ambushed by the pirates and I just emerged into the massive rumble ensuing on two clenched ships..."[/colour] Swift stopped right there, with his voice a little worn out from this talking [colour=green]"Something to drink please?"[/colour]
  14. [colour=green]"Fire? It's not your turn yet. I should have a nightmare today..."[/colour] unicorn said, still a little delusional. And then he noticed that something was off. First, where was his duster? And why he is on the beach? Everything? What everything? Then few gears in his head started spinning as crimson mare gave him a couple gulps of water. Everythin got clear, at last in his mind. By the starts, did he said that aloud!? Sweet Celestia he did! And she landed the kiss on his muzzle. His face turned red even before he opened his mouth. [colour=green]"I-I mean...usually I d-dream about our group h-hanging up together a-and all, hahaha. Ugghhh...everything too bright...I lost my sunglasses."[/colour] he added, but somehow knew that it didn't seemed very convincing. He sighted and then coughed couple of times. The salt in seawater burned his throat a little, making his voice a little husky. He looked at Fire, with a apologizing expression. Pegasus didn't liked his scars apparently. [colour=green]"Not...exactly a pretty look, isn't it? Sorry, I didn't intended to ever show you this 'collection'. I could remove those...but I kept them, to remind me about my mistakes..and how stupid I can be at times..."[/colour] Swift Squall confessed. [colour=green]"You want to know how I ended here? Where should I start?"[/colour] sworstallion pondered for a moment, but then got an idea [colour=green]"I will tell you...but only if have to tell me what happened during your last mission in return.[/colour] Swift make a slight smile.
  15. Stiiiiil working on it. Just very slooowly. I am just bumping so it's not get erased.
  16. I would be careful in underestimating Valve project. Remember that people labeled the X-Box as the "PC in console clothes"? Well I thoughts so too...Until Bill Gates machine showed me a thing or two. That's true that there was spectacular failures in the past, but thats precisely the reason why Valve heave the bigger chances with succeeding - they can learn from mistake of others. But in the end, it matters little if they hit a jackpot or not. If they fail, "Sure, whatever". And if they succeed? That will mean that a rivalry between the systems on the market will flare up even more. The companies will be forced to invent a new ways to please us and give us better exclusives (because they will still be there, I assure you). In the end we can only gain from this, as we have nothing to lose.
  17. Gatecrash....soon...SOON! MuehehahahahHAHAHAH!

    1. StarStorm


      ...Should I be concerned, Cira?! O//o

    2. Ciraxis


      <gives a crazy look> Start playing the Magic and you will understand! Long live Nicol Bolas!...Need...more...BOOSTERS!

  18. And I thought that Tacobob Wind Walker (app still in work) was a kid terror. Now I know the true fear...<shivers> What was read, cannot be unread!
  19. Just when the Black Knight was ready to rip out the answers from the laying Bel'Rahmane he heard the voice of the Prince of Ravens. The black clad warrior turned his head toward approaching Rubyn but he didn't lowered his spear. Even if Prince called reinforcements, unicorn had to be at least crippled - just in case. Before General had a chance to explain this to Rubyn through, future Emperor, closed the distance gave Black Knight an angry look and started again. For a few seconds both ponies stood there, glaring at each other - even if Prince had to look up to gaze into oculars in Black Knight helm. And suddenly, a metal clanking was heard. The Great General was apparently shaking in fury...or so one would think until a deep chuckle was heard. He tuned away completely to face the Prince, exposing his back to Dusk. He couldn't penetrate his armor anyway. "Ahahaha....Ohohohoh!...Goodwin was completely right! Great spirit indeed. Very well my Prince...I obey - In face of such confidence, how could I not?" Black Knight asked the rhetorical question before lowering his spear. But he did not put it back on place, one couldn't be too careful. The General wanted to ask Rubyn for his motivation of such...mildness but before he could, the Bel'Rahmane opened his mouth, unasked and interrupted the armor clad stallion. "The dog without fangs barks the loudest. Now be silent or I will make you so! You before the heir of the Empire." he scolded him, not even bothering to look at Dusk. The next moment happened very quickly, a sound of a galloping hooves and a loud crash. The Black Knight spun around far faster then a pony of his size should be capable too. A single "What?" escaped his lips. He readied his weapon for thrust but didn't risk a strike. He could hit a EVA soldier and besides unauthorized entry he didn't do anything that should be awarded with death....yet. Fortunately, Prince of Ravens somehow managed to split both ponies apart. But then Vereane did something completely unexpected... "What?" once again said the Black Knight. Then he turned his head towards the Prince and started speaking in amused tone. "Now isn't that interesting Young Prince? He wishes to became a tool. And he made blood oath on top of this. This is first such occurrence I seen or heard from the male unicorn." the General paused to ponder something before he resumed "The magic of the blood oath is extremely strong,so who knows? Maybe it will even ward off the taint. And this Bel'Rahmane doesn't seem to be broken too much anyway, he had enough cleverness to save his life with such a plan. If I were you, You Highness I would take him as an experiment. He can't hurt you now anyway, even if he wished too. Care to rename you new toy?" Black Knight teased the prince with a question. Then he turned to face Chainmail. "Attention, soldier! That was pretty... reasonable thing you did. But it doesn't tell why you were away from your post. Explain." General ordered in harsh, but not angry tone.
  20. Not so far from them, a single pony dragged himself out of the water. This stallion wasn't in exactly the good shape. The bruises and cuts were all over his body, his trench coat was in rags, scabbard and hilt of his sword was covered with clamps and on his head was bunch of seaweed - making him look like a rock star from the bottom of the sea. The unicorn pulled forward with his hooves a few inches more before he decided to give up and just lay at the border of the sea. [colour=green]"Note to self....never cut ship bottom ever again. No matter what."[/colour] Swift Squall weakly muttered before he begun to throw up a seawater from his stomach. [colour=green]"Now...just some mud drinks...and then I will....wrestle a train to Filly...I want broccoli."[/colour] exhausted stallion spat even more nonsense in the delusion. At that moment, a crab small crab walked out of the seaweed and apparently having enough of this ridiculousness, gnawed at his ear with its pincer. [colour=green]"ARGGHHHH! Cut it out! I mean n-no! Don't cut in any deepe...! Ayyiiieeee! Abomination! Stop! STOP! You sick monster![/colour] a pony trashed around weakly, but swordstallion was too weak to throw crustacean from his head.
  21. Yes, yes! I got a little busy with other things but I will work on it now. Why, it can be Ready by the end of the day!
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