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Everything posted by ShadowWalking18

  1. I guess Razor, my griffon, can join this. He is a survival expert. Not sure where I can go. Anyone that wants a griffon guess
  2. I suppose I can think of something.....any particular desirse? Haunted mansion? Wild animal chase and fight? Psychotic stalker? Dark magics?
  3. Okay we have waited a long time and the person playing Fluttershy doesn't seem to be active. Im sure its real life stuff but I've waited long enough. Anyone that wants to join should let me know now as we are going to start. So make a post in the RP and I will set you in the edited posting order then we can offically get started. Fim cast is open to use, save Twilight who is taken. OC's are allowed. Just follow the rules in my first post of who can be rped and who can't.
  4. *Yip* A small high ptiched yippinng sound would be heard, but nowhere to be seen...until you looked down. Then there before you would be a small red and black coloured fur fox, with the biggest blue eyes you had ever seen. A large puffy tail wags up and down slowly as it stares up at you. "Yip." The fox yips before rolling onto its back, tummy up.
  5. Lets get to the rest of the stuff I got kids ta teach survival and a colt to scare into a quivering mass for flirting with glimmer I got action portions of rp to create in the survival class from wild boars to a show down with a big bear. Exciting stuff. Snipe hunts and ghost stories
  6. The only right any one being has is that of Liberty, Life and the pursuit of happiness. Everything else is but a law to see that those rights are granted. As well the rights of the individual does not outweight the rights of the community.

  7. Razor blinked and then blushed a bit. Oh....thats what the waitress had meant. Now he felt....uncomfortable. [colour=#FF0000]"Oh...uh....oh....ahahaha." [/colour]He laughed a bit uncomfortably, [colour=#FF0000]"well it was just a mistake."[/colour] Razor felt really pathetic right now. He was probably looking a fool now. He decided to quickly change the topic to save face. [colour=#FF0000]"Uh hey yeah the Thunder Crag is potentially life threatening, but thats granted since it was founded by ancient griffon warriors to weed out weak indivduals from their ranks. It is more of a test of strength then just speed alone."[/colour] He said, pausing to take a drink [colour=#FF0000]"Anyway the prize has differed from race to race. The most common is a cash prize of one million bits. Though most griffons join for the honor and prestige that is gained from completing the race. Like me. I can get money from my job, but what I want the most is the honor to be gained by proving myself in the race. It might seem silly to be willing to risk my life for honor and pride, but for me its one of the most important foundations of being a griffon."[/colour] Razor ate some more before asking, [colour=#FF0000]"So uh...anything else you want to talk abut?" [/colour]
  8. Razor was a bit confused of the waitresses comment, but he didn't focus on it. He took his drink and took another sip, taking Musica's nod that hers was good. Still the air felt a bit off now. Razor figured some conversation might ease it. [colour=#FF0000]"Well the Thunder Crag Race is the single greatest, most life threatening race that the race commity in Aquilla can possibly host. They only ever do it once ever one hundred years, and I plan to join in the one coming up soon."[/colour] Razor said. Razor explained the workings of the race, the many dangerous paths and risks that was involved from being fried in wild thunder storms, getting eaten by quarry eels, and other possibly dangerous creatures in a 800,000 mile race in which the odds of never coming back were many. And how once during the race half the contestants just vanished without a trace. It was so exciting he could feel adrenaline pumping in him just talking about it. [colour=#FF0000]"Oh I just can't wait. I just need to raise up the needed funds to purcahse registration. Its a costly price I will tell you that. And while it is mostly griffons that partake, we have seen a few pegasi and other flying creatures take part." [/colour]He said as he finished, The waitress returned with their food and set it down for them before heading back to work. Razor looked at his meal and licked his beak. [colour=#FF0000]"Mmm now that does smell good."[/colour] He said, [colour=#FF0000]"hey uh....was what the waitress said got you a bit twitchy? I'm not really seeing the meaing behind it, but I guess I'm missing something right?"[/colour] Razor wasn't sure if he should ask this, but he was a bit curious....and he was part cat. Still focused on his meal as he ate, letting Muscia decide if she wanted to answer or not. He didn't really care in the end.
  9. You can join you can be your oc if you want. It's all up to you. We will give Hinata another day or two to post . If not we will progress without her.
  10. Zelda's smiled quickly faded from her beak as Razor groaned and moaned, "Oh for pony's sake, you're going to have to admit to yourself, that you are short. Or anatomically compact as they would say. Nothing wrong with that!", she gave the male a wink, "You're in good shape and I'm going to assume you're probably a decent flyer and being lighter than the rest of us, you can probably fly circles around even miss 'Snatchy-beak' over here, so be itty-bitty and be proud of the fact! I'm sure all of us have our issues and handicaps, but I would like to believe at our current stages in our own lives, we've all manage to overcome these little problems. So while you might not be able to ride all the really fun rides in a typical amusement park, it doesn't mean you're weak or useless." -------- Razor twitched when Zelda said short. He opened his mouth to say something but got silent when she started complimenting him. He wasn't use to that....it was a bit....embaressing and it had him a bit flusttered. [colour=#FF0000]"Oh...um...well yeah I could fly circles around any of you and not even break a sweat. Especially around her." [/colour]Razor said with a smirk, now feeling less flustered. [colour=#FF0000]"No way am I weak. I whacked about a Kraken during a beach trip."[/colour] Razor said with a look of pride. Then he blinked and tapped his beak thinking for a moment. [colour=#FF0000]"Hey wait...Zelda? You're not the Zelda that filly Wind told me about right?"[/colour] He asked, pointing a claw at the hoodie wearing Griffoness.
  11. All the Mane Six can appear if they want. Did you want to join? And they are babies like Pumpkin and Pound are, so no talking but completely mobile. Figured babies would be more difficult for Twilight.
  12. We will wait for hinata to post. If she does. Also a posting order to avid confusion Posting Order by char: 1. Twilight. 2. Razor. 3. Care 4.FLuttershy. Seem okay?
  13. Glimmer gasped as Wind suffered a brain freeze, [colour=#EE82EE]"Oh no Wind. Are you okay?"[/colour] She said as she rushed over, rubbing the poor filly's head, [colour=#EE82EE]"You shouldn't do that. Why did you do that anyway?"[/colour] She looked over at Tekton, [colour=#EE82EE]"Did you do this? Why did you make Wind get brain freeze? That is really mean."[/colour] She looked at the pony with big puppy eyes that looked ready to cry. She hugged Wind close to her, doing all in her power of cuteness to make the pony repent for giving Wind brain freeze. --------------------------------------------------- Razor dodged a tentacle as he flew about the Kraken, waiting for whatever it was that Squall was going to do. He dodged a few throw pieces, and managed to grab a hotdog from a stand that had been thrown. [colour=#FF0000]"Hey free lunch."[/colour] He said as he chowed down real fast as he dodged another tentacle. Shame there hadn't been any mustard. Oh well. He then noticed some ponies arriving, Fire speaking to them and he flew up through the clouds to get out of the Krakens sight before joining them. He got there just as Fire was introducing him. [colour=#FF0000]"Hi, nice ta meet ya. So any ideas how to get the walking piece of calamari out of here? Maybe we can have a big sea food fry?"[/colour] He said jokingly. But did lick his beak a bit at the thought of some fried calamari. It had been awhile since he had some of that.
  14. Glimmer giggled at Whirligig's compliment,[colour=#EE82EE] "Thanks. I made it with my mama." [/colour]She adjusted her bow and gave a smile to everyone around. She jumped off of Razor's back to stand beside him. She looked a Flashbomb with a smile,[colour=#EE82EE] "Oh don't worry about our claws. Well...maybe not mine. But between you and me, Razor is the one you got to watch out for."[/colour] She giggled as she dodged a swipe from Razor's tail. [colour=#FF0000]"Hey, hey, hey. I haven't made any threats in years. It was just the one time at that camp." [/colour]Razor said. Glimmer rolled her eyes, [colour=#EE82EE]"Yeah yeah. And you said that the last time back in Aquilla when you left those three griffon boys tied up and hanging from a cliff."[/colour] [colour=#FF0000]"I didn't leave them there. I was just keeping them there long enough to learn a lesson. Don't mess with my sister. it was minor childhood trauma at best." [/colour]Razor said with a wave of his claw. Glimmer sighed and shook her head. Razor just grumbled. Glimmer noticed this and hugged him, [colour=#EE82EE]"Oh come on. You know I'm just pulling your feathers."[/colour] Razor smiled and hugged hsi sister back, [colour=#FF0000]"Yeah sure. Now go play some more, we will be leaving soon."[/colour] [colour=#000000]Glimmer nodded and ran back to play, Razor smiled as he watched her go. He looked over when a new arrival showed up.[/colour] [colour=#FF0000]"At times I wished more griffons lived in cities like these. Then I probably wouldn't feel ganged up on." [/colour][colour=#000000]Razor chuckled a bit as he sat down and pulled a bottle of water from his bag and took a drink.[/colour]
  15. Okay started the post. Twilight, Fluttershy and Derpy's oc will already be in the library when you make your posts. But Razor came in after to avoid the rain so he is the new guy to introduce himself Any questions just ask me here. This is the url: http://www.canterlot.com/topic/14756-twilight-princess-alicorn-babysitter-for-a-day-ooc-applied-please/
  16. It was a normal day in Ponyville, though dark storm clouds were being moved in preperation for a big storm. While on this preparation was beginning. Twilight Sparkle, the newly crowned Princess of Magic, was busy in her library. She had acquired some scrolls from the Star Swirl the Bearded wing at the Canterlot Archives and was deep in seeing what else the great unicorn mage had created. She had just found an interesting spell she wished to try and had invited some friends over. Who arrived soon before the storm hit. However one more addition would be added to this little venture show. ----------------------- [colour=#FF0000]"Nononononononononono!"[/colour] Razor said as he flew fast to avoid the falling rain. He hated getting wet as any griffon did. [colour=#FF0000]"Shelter! Need shelter!" [/colour]He said and burst through the door of a big tree with a sign with a book on it. He closed the door and breathed a sigh of relief as thunder clashed and rain began pouring in sheets outside. It was then that he noticed...he was being stared at. [colour=#FF0000]"Oh...umm...sorry to intrude....but I didn't realize there was a storm in this town.....umm....sorry."[/colour] He said a bit embaressed.
  17. Razor rolled his eyes, [colour=#FF0000]"Of course. Some wealthy pony doesn't want to get his hoof dirty so they hire us. This guy better pay good and not give us any lip."[/colour] Razor lounged back on his seat, taking the whole thing for himself, [colour=#FF0000]"So is there anything else we need to know? Cause to me this seems like an easy job, whats the catch? For once I'll be in agreement with Gilda here, something seems fishy."[/colour] Razor stretched his wings and claws and shifted his posistion on his seat to get more comfortable, rolling his eyes a bit as he noticed the anatgonism in the group already. This was going to be a rather short trip if it continued. He gave it an hour tops before Gilda said something to have her thrown out the train. [colour=#FF0000]'Calling me short. I'm not short.'[/colour] He thought. He hated being called short!
  18. I can make the starting post and then you can run things from there Jane I'd you want.
  19. Razor dodged flying projectiles and tentacles, while Squall said something about being able to do something or some such. Frankly Razor wasn't really listening as he was trying to avoid being killed, [colour=#FF0000]"Huh? Yeah sure why not. What do you need me to do?"[/colour] Razor flew past a swinging tentacle, [colour=#FF0000]"For petes peppers, where are those blasted ponies! Hurry up sword pony, what do you need me to do?"[/colour] ---------------------------- "It's Fast Track, and yes, I'm Wind's friend..oh..wait..", he started to blush, "She thinks we're colt-friends, but most of the grownups think we're too young for a such a thing, and I got to agree with them, but she is one of my best friends, and it's never boring when she's about..But, what do you mean about life-mates? As in arranged weddings? I don't think ponies have done that in a long time. Is that something common in griffon societies?" Glimmer giggled, [colour=#EE82EE]"Oh sorry, I guess you don't do that. My bad."[/colour] She giggled again and ruffled Fast Track's mane, [colour=#EE82EE]"Still its you two look cute together. But no a life-mate isn't an arranged marriage, its the griffon or in your case pony that you vow to spend the rest of your life with. But I guess its something only we griffons do. Still I guess thats for the best, it be really odd and scarey to see two earth ponies try to do the ritual dive."[/colour] Glimmer looked to Wind and went over to see what the wierd ballons were, [colour=#EE82EE]"What are these? Mister,"[/colour] She said to Tekton, [colour=#EE82EE]"do you know what they are?"[/colour]
  20. [colour=#FF0000]"I've been to Ponyville. I tend to pass through there alot on business. Its nice enough I guess."[/colour] Razor said absently as he glanced over to the playground to keep an eye on Glimmer, who was no where to be seen. Razor jumped from the bench, [colour=#FF0000]"Glimmer! Where are you!?!"[/colour] [colour=#EE82EE]"Here I am. Weee!"[/colour] Glimmer shouted as she dived from the small cloud she had hid in and landed ontop of Razor, laughing as she wrapped her claws around his neck into a hug. Razor jumped in surprise by this, but sighed in relief. [colour=#FF0000]"Don't do that sis. Nearly gave me a heart attack." [/colour]Razor said as he walked back to the bench. Glimmer just giggled and waved to the ponies as they approached. [colour=#EE82EE]"Oh it was funny Razor. Who are these ponies?" [/colour]She asked as she looked at Muscia, Whirligig, and Flash, [colour=#EE82EE]"Hi! I'm Glimmer."[/colour]
  21. Razor nodded,[colour=#FF0000] "Cool. I'm a delivery griffon. My own business actually. I deliver parcels, letters, anything really to places griffons or ponies need them. Though I grant both speedy delivery and the item in good condition. I also am willing to go through whatever dangerous routes must be taken to make sure the package reaches the client on time, if not earlier.....which is why Im kinda hungry right now. Still its all good practice for the Thunder Crag race 9000."[/colour] The waitress returned a bit, with their drinks to start, "Your food is almost ready. But here are your drinks to start. You two just look darling together." With that the waitress set their drinks down and walked off. Razor blinked a bit confused but shrugged and took his glass in his claw and took a sip, [colour=#FF0000]"Mmm. Pretty good. How's yours?"[/colour]
  22. Works for me we got Twilight now. We can either start now or do you want to wait for one more person to join?
  23. Flip a coin. Glad to see more interested. I want to get at least two more people in this before we start.
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