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Everything posted by Bellosh

  1. That still doesn't solve the issue of me being a cheapskate at heart. But perhaps I will consider buying it digitally...... :!:
  2. I would, but then I'd feel guilty since I haven't quite planned on buying the comics yet. I hardly ever buy any sort of merchandise for anything I'm a fan of.
  3. Or maybe they'll make an official announcement about that suspected straight-to-DVD movie project we heard about a while back.
  4. No need to apologize. At any rate, it's kinda hard to get an objective measure on how "healthy" the fandom is by means other than sales figures for merchandise and convention tickets (which we still both totally dominate at, by the way). Too bad there isn't a way to find out how many MLP communities are founded or abandoned per month, or something like that.
  5. I don't think it's quite fair to compare an unfavorable article or two about MLP to a witch hunt where actual people got killed, eh?
  6. Ingrid Marie grinned somewhat too-earnestly as Professor Krashkop offered to give career advice to Fire Heart; [colour=#008080]“Good, good! Perhaps you and Miss Heart can head on down and talk things over. Let me know how everything works out!”[/colour] At the very least, Clyde wouldn’t be around to crash into walls or wind up in bathtubs. Turning towards the apologetic Misty Magic, who dodged the question of why she was around to catch Clyde’s glasses in the first place, Ingrid gently asked;[colour=#008080] “And you, Miss Magic; since it doesn’t appear you have any pressing engagements, you don’t mind chatting with me for a little bit, do you? No other students are here right now, so feel welcome to come into my office if you want.”[/colour] Maybe with enough prompting, Misty could be encouraged to once again work on her extraordinary gifts…
  7. [colour=#ff6666]“No worries miss,”[/colour] Spin Tale assured the embarrassed mare when she mentioned her reading difficulties; [colour=#ff6666]“In all honesty, I always find it more fun explaining all the exhibits to visitors than having them only read from placards.”[/colour] An awkward moment passed as the mare used an opportunity to inspect the museum curator. Catching Dr. Tale off guard, the visitor then took his forehoof with both of hers and shook it fervently. Upon mentioning that she had many questions to ask, Spin Tale, still caught in the mare’s excited hoofshake, replied back; [colour=#ff6666]“Feeeel freee to asssk meeee annnnythiiing.”[/colour] Dr. Tale tried freeing his hoof, but the mare’s grip proved stronger than anticipated. Maintaining an overly-beaming but polite smile throughout the ordeal, the stallion let out a small [colour=#ff6666]“Ahem?”[/colour] and gazed in the direction of his hoof, hoping the mare would take the hint.
  8. Hi there! Just wondering, but you don't happen to have a favorite pony besides the Mane 6, do you?
  9. Meh; it's just a large passionate fandom acting like any other fandom out there, bad eggs and all. That's just how life works.
  10. High above in the sky over Sweet Apple Acres, a certain light purple pegasus lazily glided about looking over the party below. She may have been a tad late, but Sugar Apple never ever failed to arrive at a party she was invited to; especially if said party happened to be a gathering of her beloved Apple family relatives. A few weeks ago, Sugar Apple took her first vacation to the land of Germaney. Absolutely enjoying her experiences touring Hoofenheim and the surrounding countryside, the pegasus hoped Grandpa Strudel and all her other cousins got a kick out of her photo album. That, and a small camera just in case, were all safely packed in her left saddlebag. No visit by Sugar Apple would be complete without an offering of her homemade sugar apple confectionaries, all jammed-pack in her right saddlebag. To her satisfaction, the pegasus had managed to avoid snacking on a single sugar apple on her entire trip. Well… except for two of them… and not counting the one she was gobbling up right now. On the positive side, Sugar Apple acknowledged that normally she would have had eaten half of her treats by now. Clearly all that time spent at Candyholics Anonymous meetings was paying off. Flying to the point where she’d be directly between Celestia’s sun and the gathering below, Sugar Apple dove down at a 90 degree angle to commence her standard Party Arrival Procedure. Extending her forehooves in front of her to pick up speed, Sugar Apple may not have the capability to break the sound barrier unlike someone like Rainbow Dash, but the wailing siren-like drone emitted by her near-vertical dive was no less exciting than a Sonic Rainboom… at least to the pegasus. This drone got louder and louder until Sugar Apple dove within a few hundred feet above the ground, at which point the mare pulled up and nosily buzzed past the orchard’s barn and right over all the guests and livestock. [colour=#800080]“YEEEEEEEE-HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!”[/colour] Sugar Apple may have nearly blacked out from her maneuver, but she never grew tired of her Party Arrival Procedure. It always served as a handy way to let her Apple family relatives know of her arrivals, even it usually caused a commotion in the process. Slowing down, the pegasus turned around and flew back towards the barn, bringing herself down to land in front of it. [colour=#800080]“Sorry ah’m late, everypony!”[/colour] Sugar Apple cried out to everypony around; [colour=#800080]“Mah shift over at th’ weather factory ran a bit long today. So, where can ah put mah homemade sugar apples?”[/colour]
  11. If I'm a little late, then I hope you had a good birthday today, Davroth.
  12. Upon Spirit’s request, Ingrid Marie led the two fillies up a spacious stairwell up towards the top floor. As they trotted upwards, Ingrid made a brief note of the orderliness and cleanliness of the library shelves; truly a testament to the skill and dedication of the library staff. Overhearing Fire Heart discuss rare books, the counselor piped in with a hushed voice; [colour=#008080]“Actually, we don’t keep our oldest and rarest books in general circulation. For those, you’ll have to go down to Special Collections in the basement, and you need permission from the librarian to do that.”[/colour] Only two more floors to go before the group reached the top level…
  13. Today was just an average day for Dr. Spin Tale so far. The usual modest number of visitors had showed up, most of those had made donations, and within the central work and storage room surrounded by a ring of exhibit halls, an intern was busy working on the Society’s quarterly publication. As per his self-appointed duties, Dr. Tale escorted patrons when he could and elaborated upon what was on display. Making his rounds through the museum, the curator heard from a couple halls away an inquisitive mare reading the manticore display at the entrance… or trying to, at any rate. Dr. Tale took great pride in that introductory display. It served very well as a hook for patrons to get them more curious to learn more. It also served as a tribute to his father, Corporal Little Horn, who lost the use of his limbs baiting a wayward manticore back into the Everfree Forest. Little Horn’s tale was one that Spin Tale always took great pride reciting. Reaching the entry hall, the curator found the oddly-dressed mare stuck trying to read the plaque (not that he thought it was excessively weird; her hat was actually quite creative). Dr. Tale chimed in to assist her; [colour=#008080]“…creatures are led back to the Everfree Forest without harm to either the creature or the population.”[/colour] Smiling, the stallion extended his forehoof for a hoofshake; [colour=#008080]“Hello; my name is Dr. Spin Tale, and I’m the president and curator-in-chief of the Canterlot Army Historical Society. Who might you be?”[/colour]
  14. And here's a Borderlands 2 thread. Welcome to Canterlot!
  15. And here we have another cover, so that the wait is less rougher:
  16. Counselor Marie didn’t see fit to acknowledge Spirit’s question about library voices, since the filly already showed great skill at keeping her voice down… perhaps too much so. Ingrid momentarily forgot all about Spirit’s quirkiness as the group walked into the Library Tower; if the young pony had indeed never been in a library before, it was a good thing that she was receiving a special treat for her eyes today. Judging by Spirit’s smile, she had indeed enjoyed what she saw. Asking how many books the library had, Fire Heart guessed about 250,000. [colour=#008080]“I… actually don’t know the precise number of books in our collection,” [/colour]Ingrid quietly responded; [colour=#008080]“However, a quarter-million books is about typical for a library of this size. If you want an actual answer, feel free to ask the librarian on duty. In the meantime Miss Spirit, I can lead you up the higher floors if you’re up to it.”[/colour]
  17. [colour=#008080]“The young lady beside me is Miss Fire Heart.”[/colour] Ingrid stated matter-of-factually; [colour=#008080]“And yes Clyde, I’m already well acquainted with Miss Magic. She’s only my magic assistant at the orphanage that all three of us volunteer at, remember?”[/colour] The professor may have been one of Ingrid Marie’s dearest friends, but that didn’t stop her from rolling her eyes over Krashkop’s memory lapse. After taking a moment to calm down, Ingrid continued onwards; [colour=#008080]“Anyway professor, Miss Heart here shows interest in becoming a magic professor. I know you don’t teach magic, but I figured that since you’ve taught classes, you could give the student advice on how she can explore a teaching career, right?”[/colour] [colour=#008080]“As for you, Miss Magic,”[/colour] Ingrid cautiously turned her attention to the yellow unicorn; [colour=#008080]“What brings you to Princess Celestia’s School, today?”[/colour] Despite Misty Magic’s less-than-impressive control over her magic, the counselor admitted that the young mare displayed an amazing level of raw power. After Ingrid’s first day of volunteering at the orphanage, the counselor took the liberty of sorting through the School’s rejected application files searching for anything about Misty. Sure enough, one of the files had Misty’s name on it; apparently, she had flunked her series of entrance assessments after disastrously failing to hatch a dragon egg during the final test (the great majority of prospective students don’t possess the raw power necessary to warrant the dragon hatching test). According to the files, Counselor Marie was the sole proctor that day to recommend enrolling Misty as a student. As she wrote in her dissenting opinion back then, why bother running a school for gifted unicorns if it couldn’t be bothered to teach them how to actually control their gifts? To Misty’s misfortune, the other proctors didn’t see things Ingrid’s way. According to the School’s records, it didn’t appear that Misty Magic made another attempt to enroll there. Thus, Ingrid couldn’t bring herself anymore to get too mad over Miss Magic’s accidents. Still, the counselor figured that the young mare could at least use some magic tutoring. To Ingrid, it would be a gigantic shame if Misty never got the chance to ever make use of her exceptional magic aptitude.
  18. Got the same issue too, and I use Firefox.
  19. EDIT: Forgot to read OP first before making post. Consider this request withdrawn.
  20. I got a better idea; you play as Jaws, and I play as Odd Job.
  21. [colour=#ff6666]“Nope… I think that’ll just about do it for today.”[/colour] Spin Tale figured this was as good a point as any to end the session, which didn’t last as long as he thought it would. In fact, the curator still had most of the day to keep his museum open. Satisfied with Heart Healer’s service, Dr. Tale proceeded to thank her; [colour=#ff6666]“You’ve done a wondrous job today, Ms. Healer. I assume I pay over at the reception desk?”[/colour]
  22. Hello there! You made the right choice picking Twilight Sparkle as Best Pony.
  23. Got a question: what does a Private RP actually entail if it's not conducted through PM?
  24. I'm also very interested in this idea... and I know just who to use. I'd like to set up a RP (any type other than PM, I have no real preference) where my curator OC Dr. Spin Tale takes Swan Dive on a tour through the Canterlot Army Historical Museum. In other words, I can finally RP my OC doing his job for the first time!
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