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Everything posted by ping111

  1. Great job! I've been in the local news a couple times, but NBC? Whoosh! It sucks how young I am - my voice makes me sound illegitimate and childish. (Sorry I put this in here, this is your moment and all, but I just thought it contributed) It's hard to put my experience of the fandom into words. But the most important thing I can think of right now is how this fandom has allowed me to truly express myself. When I log online, I become a totally different person, and I much prefer Ping111 to [MY NAME]. Ping is friendly, interesting, and funny, with just a subtle hint of that loveable nerdery. But besides that, this fandom has introduced me to my talents. For the longest time, I felt that my peers simply saw me as a supplier of answers to undone schoolwork. But now, in this whole new dimension that has opened my borders and allowed me to learn to have friends, I realize I have more than a mind. I've learned how to write creative stories, and it's thanks to the likes of shortskirtsandexplosions that taught me how. I'm hoping to publish a (non-pony) book one day. I've realized my voice can be put to use for more than a Bar Mitzvah or a school Yiddish folk choir. I'm currently preparing a list of covers, which will truly put me out on the Internet once and for all. I haven't revised or looked this over at all since I wrote it, so it's probably horribly out of flow, but I'd just like to show everyone that My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has helped this little boy prove his worth, in words and lyrics.
  2. Well, as the only player of a sea serpent, I guess it's kind of up to me to decide their physiology. So, I'll claim that they can in fact breathe overwater, but cannot move. So, I suppose if you just gave Steven a workstation from which he wouldn't have to leave for the duration of the contest, we can do something. Or, we could, I dunno, just flood the room with an inch or so of water so he can slip around...? XD
  3. I've been developing an Aubrey Jean OC...
  4. WHAT THE aubergine, ARTAX. WHY. BTW CanterlotGuard is now SandCatGuard.
  5. Great! But how? Is the contest going to take place riverside? You see, he is a fish, and fish can't leave the water.
  6. Umm.... Can sea serpents sign up? I'm sure Steven would love to participate, but, y'know, he can't leave the water.
  7. These are some really cool results, guys! I wonder what would happen if you tried to answer the test in terms of a FiM character or your OC... It would be too hard for me to do anyone but Flutters or Twi because I don't even understand what it's like to be extroverted.
  8. ping111


    I've been interested in Tulpas for a very long time. My psychologist family member agrees with the Freudian model, and there would appear to be no reason why the exist. Personally, I practice hypnotherapy, so mental phenomena are not out of the norm for our family. It also opens up a whole new realm of explanations for me - deities (prayer gives you plenty of time to imagine what your deity would say back), seeing ghosts of loved ones (you just want them back that badly), and more.
  9. This could stem into a big psychology discussion, but I'd make a new thread for that. Basic Jung (Four-Letter) Test here. Show your Jung personality test results here. [colour=#000000]Jung Test Results[/colour] Introverted (I) 76.47% Extroverted (E) 23.53% Intuitive (N) 55.81% Sensing (S) 44.19% Thinking (T) 62.16% Feeling (F) 37.84% Judging (J) 61.76% Perceiving (P) 38.24% [colour=#000000]Your type is: [/colour]INTJ [colour=#000000] [colour=black]INTJ - "Mastermind". Introverted intellectual with a preference for finding certainty. A builder of systems and the applier of theoretical models. 2.1% of total population.[/colour] [/colour]
  10. You have really classy friends. My friends, if they knew I was a brony, would just call me "fag" or something. Or, maybe, just maybe, they may try and play me up by saying they're wanted to get in the show, and ask for all these details and whatever, before getting up and leaving. It would be especially effective because I tend to cling on to friends for the one or two attributes we share, before slowly opening the horizons to see more "friendable" aspects, so if I thought one of my acquaintances was a brony, I wouldn't shut up about it to them.
  11. Question - what race would you think a blacksmith should be? Earth ponies are more inclined into the production of goods for other ponies (food, obviously, and others), but they would certainly burn their hooves off somehow. Unicorns are more posh and likely wouldn't like to get their hooves dirty, but they could definitely do the job a lot easier.
  12. SWIIIIIIIIRL Why did you have to bring science into this? This is a world where a self-containing glass of chocolate milk which emerged from the sky can be explosive. THERE ARE NO THERMODYNAMICS. STAHP. EDIT: Though you did use the ol' indestructible-energy-entropy on me. Well played on that.
  13. I'm a creepazoid, I know, but my fave is probably TwiTwi. Mainly because of the science or runes or whatever that goes into creating the clone. And also, because the ship is so tricky to pull off, the writing quality tends to be good, and the ship not "HEY YOU'RE ME, LET'S KISS", but instead more gradual. More realistically, I like CelesTwi, TwiDash, and FlutterDash, not in any particular order.
  14. I have to disagree. Did you hear about that 7.6 earthquake far off the coast of Iceland yesterday? No, because it didn't affect anyone. The same with Discord - chaos is only "fun" when there's someone there to react from it - therefore making him a pathological bully. Sure, bullies could steal lunch money from a mannequin's pocket or punch a punching bag, but it's no use without the reaction.Note: There wasn't actually an earthquake - it was just an example to prove that natural disasters happen all the time, and if there's no-one there to suffer from it, it's not really a "disaster".
  15. Nuh-uh, TwiTwi! ... I'm really creepy. More realistically, TwiDash! Much better. Also, I'm in a love/hate relationship with "just their nature". It's so true, and I personally love the Chang-a-langs (as my non-brony brother calls them), but wouldn't a sentient parasite eventually realize their error, become self-aware, and attempt to adapt (or just die)?
  16. Don't worry, Bellosh - my ponysona there for sure. Ooh - and we need more shopkeepers. Where is Twilight supposed to get her quills and sofas?
  17. *reserved*Decided to be awesome and divide the opening scene into two parts. This roleplay will be up and running sooner than you can say "Semolina"! EDIT: The second half won't be as big as the first, I promise. But for now, a teaser! I'm so sorry for the idiotic wait. Life is fun. [colour=green]”Ah, don’t mention it,”[/colour] White Pine beamed. [colour=green]”You deserve it after doing so well with all those lessons.”[/colour] Then, with a devilish smirk, he began to rattle off questions to his daughter. [colour=green]”What’s twenty-five plus two?”[/colour] [colour=red]”Twenty-seven!”[/colour] [colour=green]”What’s eight minus six?”[/colour] [colour=red]”Two!”[/colour] [colour=green]”If a cup of syrup costs two bits, and I want five cups, how much do I owe you?”[/colour] Maple had to stop and think for a moment, counting on her hooves. [colour=red]”Gimme a sec... two, four, six... eight... ten! Ten bits!”[/colour] [colour=green]”Atta’ girl!”[/colour] White Pine exclaimed proudly. His daughter was truly ready to do commerce. He had taught that filly to read and write, too. He slapped a mighty hoof onto his filly’s back, making her jump a little. [colour=green]”Remember when we had just started, and you had trouble even understanding the concept of numbers? Look how far you’ve come!”[/colour] It was true, though. As if it were yesterday, Maple could vividly remember blinking raptly at the charts of numbers and letters splayed out before her, as if they were an alien language. But now, she was reading on a level just like anypony her age would in school, and could do math just fine! Besides, who needs to know how to divide an integer into prime numbers and all that mumbo-jumbo when you’re just selling something? The secret was a daily dose of hardcore, nonstop learning. This young mare had to catch up if she wanted to set up shop in the markets before the days got too short. [colour=red]”Hee-hee, I guess you’re right, Dad.”[/colour] Maple smiled at her father through the reflection of the window she was gazing out of, and he grinned back. Turning to the two of her parents, she stated a basic thought: [colour=red]”Why did you decide to let me go?”[/colour] The two adults in the room had only caught each other’s glance for a moment, but even in that one glimpse, all was understood. In the many years Samara had known her White Pine, they had grown a special, magical bond only married couples could know. It had started with “suddenly” finding mutual interests in everything, anywhere from which foods they liked to eat to which colours they wanted to paint the house’s walls with. But, raging with the flames of fresh, young love, it had very quickly progressed to the famously uncanny ability for two ponies to finish each other’s sentences, and then to the utter removal of vocalization. Somehow, the magic of adoration must have forged on forwards from the traditional “old married couple”, and allowed White Pine and Samara to somehow communicate with nothing but eye contact. What were Maple’s parents saying in that tiny gander? Nopony except the two involved will ever know, but it probably went along the lines of “You ready?” based on the super-subtle, half-lidded nod mutually delivered. Apparently, also included in that... err, conversation, was who was going to explain their reasoning. Thusly, only Samara opened her mouth and continued, her voice still as soft as a floating feather, but her eyes gently blinked back the grievous potential that her daughter may march out the door and never return.
  18. Exactly - which is why the "magical" aspect of the material compels the creator to share it with other ponies. You see, in the metaphysical laws of the show, "sharing is caring" is likely a compulsion the characters feel due to the consistency of their universe. So, when a pony has something extraordinary, they likely feel an urge to share as much of the "good thing" as possible. So, in the example of Maple, when she first tasted her maple syrup, she had all the opportunities in the world to keep this fact silenced, and simply consume the maple syrup on her own. But, deep inside her, she felt what was almost like a compulsion to spread around the joy the syrup brought as much as possible.But, on your proposition regarding the Cutie Mark Crusaders, that is true, for sometimes people (or ponies) decide to choose quantity over quality when looking for talents. For example, I knew someone who, when young, was jealous of the other children's artistic abilities, both visual-spatial and musical. So, for about two hours, he romped about his house, slamming on a keyboard, plucking mercilessly on a guitar, or simply throwing paint to paper, only to come out more frustrated with the lack of quality of his handiwork. The same goes for the Crusaders. They attempt to find their talent once, and, not finding an extreme aptitude for it, abandon it entirely. So let's say that in the distant future, Apple Bloom has a tennis cutie mark. But, as a Crusader, she only picks up a racquet once, and swings it at a single tennis ball, which flies wildly off course, before saying "mah Cutie Mark ain't in tennis". So, in her urge to complete as many tasks as possible, with the least effort or time consumed, ignored the deep pleasure the sound of the racquet hitting a ball gave her, instead focusing on the general skill she demonstrated. However, I'm sure that if the Crusaders spent at least a week at Cutie Marks that seemed plausible for them (not ziplining, but maybe comedy or music), they would come to a definite decision wether they wanted to pursue that action in hopes of finding the CM's or not. (Sorry, I was feeling really poetic and sciencey)
  19. I might add to this list later; it looks like fun. But for now, I want to reply to the above conversation. As a personal point of reference, Cutie Marks represent something physical and something intangible. So, let's take Diamond Tiara, and assume she got her Cutie Mark when she realized how good the, err, tiara looked on her, thus making her materialistic/capitalistic. Here we have our physical element, the tiara, and our mental element, her constant desire for something more. That aside, a crown is a sign of leadership, and you can see how well she leads. The Foal Free Press and Silver Spoon thrived under her, but she of course perverted them into snivelling hob-nobs who, made fun of others for personal gain. But, that's for a realization, such as how much physical wealth means to DT. What if it's an aptitude? Let's say I'm good at math, but my Cutie Mark is in painting. Why isn't it in math, when I showed such an early aptitude for it? Because when your Cutie Mark is an implied item (such as a paintbrush for painting, or a pen for writing), it shows that your special talent has a magical quality to it. For another example, my OC Maple, whose special talent is making maple syrup. Now, why doesn't she teach a blank-flank to make maple syrup, and if they enjoy making it, get their cutie marks? Because her syrup is special, and literally has a slightly magical mood-lifting quality. It's like the old saying that something homemade always tastes better. So, going back to the pony with the paintbrush Cutie Mark, there are probably a lot of artist ponies with different Cutie Marks. Why? Because their art may or may not look pretty, but it doesn't have a magical quality to it. But, if a great pony artist with a painting CM made an identical painting, the observers will probably be able to feel an emotion the painting conveys. This was probably very difficult to read, so let me give you a whittled-down version of what I said: If your pony has a Cutie Mark in a skill, they don't have to be the best, but it does have to have a special aspect to it.
  20. Recently, Robikku decided to be awesome and approve my Cast app, no questions asked. What character? Who else but everypony's favourite, flamboyant sea serpent, Steven Magnet? Now, whose ponies live in the Everfree? ...right. Do any of you have ideas of what to do with Steven?
  21. Very well, I'll play... Rarity in AJ's body, but it sucks that it's not vice versa.
  22. AJ in RD's body would be hilarious. I can do basically anypony, but my TA (text acting) forte is in Flutters, and AJ is my weakspot. So you can just tell me what's open, and I can play her.
  23. 3. I'll take a chocolate chip.
  24. ping111

    Pen name

    I could help you with a pseudonym transliterated from another language if you wish.
  25. How tough am I? HOW TOUGH AM I??????? I read Cupcakes, Sweet Apple Massacre, Rainbow Factory and Cheerilee's Garden in one sitting. Yeah, so? No nightmares, best sleep I'd had in a week, and I had the appetite to not only eat dinner, but a cupcake afterwards. A cupcake with a yellowy-orange (vanilla) bottom and rainbow icing. Better yet, I can get people arrested by working for them because it's called child labour. SUCK. MY. aubergine.
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