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Status Updates posted by ping111

  1. So excited! Yesterday was a long day of connecting flights from home to Vancouver, BC to Seattle, WA, and walking up and down a billion flights of stairs to the waterfront (Seattleites, I salute you!) on tours and whatnot. However, I'm not staying for long - I'm out on a cruise to Alaska! I weesh I could meet you there...

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Waaattt! But I live so close to Seattle! D:

    2. ping111


      Aww, I could have met you yesterday! :C

  2. So for some, alcohol melts the mental filter; apparently, Mountain Dew does the same for me. (OH GOD I'M SO SPASTIC TYPING SO FAST WAHAHAHAHAHAHAH)

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Yep, caffeine does that to some folks.

  3. So I've got a friend with this incredibly baritone voice. I asked him if he sounded like Morgan Freeman when he had a cold. He then proceeded to ask his mother to sneeze on him. >.>

  4. So... I was doing a presentation today on my laptop... I forgot to turn off Ponify! So Princess Carter and the Ponies' Republic of China? I'm out.

  5. Stayed up till six this morning building a LEGO Technic set... I feel proud of myself.

  6. STEVEN MAGNET IS OFFICIAL LICENSED MLP TOY WANT WANT WANT. I will personally hug anyone who sends me one, and by DWEIQ it'll be the best hug of your life.

    1. Mellorious


      lol, I had to look this up. That is way past cool. XD

    2. MyLittlePonyTales
  7. The Neighbors, what are you doing? The Neighbours? STAHP. (Psst... pony references in latest episode! Not positive, but funny.)

  8. There's a rapidly-increasing chance that I can make it to BronyCon!!! If you're coming, be sure to check out the Pony-Powered Productions panel!

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Woo woo!


      Too bad I'm on the West coast.

    2. tacobob
  9. Today I learned that Iron Will is also a Chinese company that sells gloves and computer mice. Huh.

    1. Halide


      Silly Vegeta. The only thing Iron Will sells is merchandise!

  10. Today, I almost (accidentally) fooled my friend into eating apple seeds, because I thought he meant "go to sleep" as a euphemism...

  11. True Canadian Fact: A "Timmy Run" is when one person goes to Tim Horton's, a very famous Canadian coffee franchise, to pick up coffee and pastries (such as TimBits, AKA donut holes), for a group.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MyLittlePonyTales


      And they ride moose and have pet penguins!

    3. ping111


      Umm... Penguins live in the south pole... And as I've already told Tenkan, MOOSEN are too knobbly to ride!

    4. MyLittlePonyTales


      It's okay. You don't have to lie to try to make people not jealous.

  12. Ummm... WHY WASN'T FLUTTERSHY'S BOWTIE A KEY!? This would have been a perfect opportunity!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Corsair


      I'm guessing Fluttershy's key may come from this week's episode, but can't say more to avoid spoilers.

    3. ping111


      Okay, I see. But, perhaps I'm overanalyzing so I get what I want, but Fluttershy could have refused to sing backstage for Big Mac because of her fears, meaning that the animals, the girl, etc. wouldn't have gotten the performance they needed/wanted. If it weren't for her kindness towards the animals, she would not have sung.

    4. QuickLime


      Yeah, overanalyzing, this wasn't about kindness, it was about overcoming fears (Again) and she sung because she secretly wanted to.

  13. We can save the cosmic ponies with SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE

  14. We're procrastinating, we all just sit here waiting, for just the perfect moment to begin~

  15. Well, that's a first... Bit my tongue so hard it bled, while eating a TEMPURA FRIED CUCUMBER

    1. SongHeart


      i dont think i've tried that

    2. RainbowFoxxy


      ouch! that sounds painful!

  16. Welp, I totally forgot the FotD for a bit. Anyways... Fact of the Day: 111,111,111*111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321.

  17. Welp, the word "Alicorn" is now official.

  18. Whenever I first approach an online acquaintance (hereby known as "my friends") on an instant-messaging service, one of my first messages is: "To avoid any offensive remarks or otherwise awkward situations in the future, would you please state your gender, skin colour, and sexual orientation?"

  19. WOOOOOOOO! CANterlot 2013 (First Edition!) was a complete and utter SUCCESS!!!!

  20. An interesting experiment for temperamental computer addicts: Remap your capslock key to a backspace key. It makes you think about who you were about to insult and why.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Wait... capslock is required for insulting people?!

  21. Happy Winter Wrap-Up, everypony! I just wish it wasn't snowing here.

  22. I did it I did it I did it! My bronydom is no longer a burden on me!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ping111


      Oh, just hiding it from my classmates, and me just telling all to my friend fixed it. I can now be a brony in peace, knowing that my one True True Friend has my back!

    3. Tenkan


      Horay for Friendship!

      And...keeping secrets?

    4. ping111


      Meh. You know kids and their undeveloped opinions towards males acting femininely...

  23. I did it I did it I did it! My bronydom is no longer a burden on me!

  24. I slumber a child... and awake an adult.

  25. My hobby: convincing people I am actually older than they are, and a different gender than they expect; I just have a congenital pituitary disorder.

    1. tacobob


      You're not actually two kids in one long trenchcoat, are you?

    2. MyLittlePonyTales
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