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Everything posted by DreamySunday

  1. Bluemoon was not enjoying this, she could barely see or walk, but worst of all she was starting tio feel sick. So when Shade asked her [colour=#EE82EE]"Are you okay, Blue moon? Its kind of hard to see in here.. If you need a pony to lean on, I'm right here." [/colour]You can bet that Bluemoon answered <<[colour=#40E0D0] Nah I'm fine, Never been better actually[/colour] >> Bluemoon Kept "walking" Wondering when they were going to find something interesting. Right as she finished that thought They had arrived at a Waterfall pond thing << [colour=#40E0D0]Oh Wow![/colour] >> [colour=#EE82EE]"We should TOTALLY go night swimming!!" [/colour]<< [colour=#40E0D0]Oh Yah tottally! Lets go! We'll probabl;y find some kind of cave behind the wall of falling water!...thing![/colour] >> Bluemoon began Wabbling/Running for the swiming hole as fast as she could go without falling over
  2. WELCOME! And please enjoy your stay at Canterlot!
  3. WELCOME! And plaese enjoy your stay at Canterlot!
  4. (Don't worry Starstorm! Bluemoon has an awesome sense of direction! unfortunatly she's impairred at the moment...) Bluemoon was feeling really sick, but unfortunatly her judgment was impairred, so when she heard the calling of Adventure(!) She flew out of the window at tops speeds And joined the group << [colour=#40e0d0]H-Hey guys, can I come too? I'm coming too! this is going to be super1 exciting! [/colour] >> She said with slurr in her speech. Bluemoon began following Shadeand Violet, Bumbling and stumbling about, sometimes knocing into Shade and Violet,some times triping over nothing. It was very clear that she was not herself at this moment but no matter what happened she would adventure
  5. DreamySunday


    WELCOME! And please enjoy your stay at Canterlot!
  6. WELCOME! And please Enjoy your stay at Canterlot!
  7. WELCOME! And please enjoy your stay at Canterot!
  8. WELCOME! And please enjoy your stay at Canterlot!
  9. WELCOME! And please enjoy your stay at Canterlot!
  10. WELCOME! And please enjoy your stay at Canterlot!
  11. D'aww Bothh Drawings Are Super adorable and Super lovely
  12. Bluemoon was greatly intrigued by this drink but then Pocket said [colour=#800080]"Sssure, Iva, Iva *hic* be glad to share my Spirits with *Hic* ya" [/colour]Now Bluemoon didn't know Pocket that well but she knew that she certainly was not baligerant, so When she pushed the container into Mooneys hooves she became very curious! << [colour=#40E0D0]Why are you acting like this, and*smells liquid*What is this stuff? it smells really strong [/colour]>> [colour=#000000] [/colour][colour=#800080]"Bottomz ups *hic*." [/colour]at that point Pocket had raised the container to Mooney lips and was tilting it to pretty much force Bluemoon to drink it, And drink it she did(-+) Bluemoon had taken quite the sip and was getting quite the head ache from it << [colour=#40E0D0]Ah. Seriously What is that stuff? It's making me all dizzy[/colour] >> Bluemoon was not really enjoying this new feeling, she was stammering about when suddenly she heard Shade say [colour=#EE82EE]"Hey girls!! The colts are here!! Who wants to sneak?" [/colour]<< [colour=#40E0D0]Huh? Oh yay the Colts! Wait How is that a good thing? [/colour]>>[colour=#40E0D0] [/colour]She said with a slurred Speech[colour=#40E0D0] [/colour]<<[colour=#40E0D0] but whatever I'm in[/colour] >> Bluemoon wabled over to Shade as Shade tried to jumped out of the window...And got stuck[colour=#ee82ee] "............A little help, somepony...? Please.....?"[/colour] << [colour=#40E0D0]I got it [/colour]>> Bluemoon walked behind Shade and gave her butt and gut HeadButt (Get it? Head? Butt? Get it!?) << [colour=#40E0D0]Better?[/colour] >> ((-+) Neo I hope you don't mind I thought it would make things more interesting)
  13. WELCOME! And please enjoy your stay at Canterlot!
  14. WELCOME! And please enjoy your stay at Canterlot!
  15. WELCOME! And please enjoy your stay at Canterlot!
  16. WELCOME! And please enjoy your stay at Canterlot Fellow Canadian Brony!
  17. Bluemoon was eagerly awaiting Shades reveal. At this point she was So curious She could Barely sit still [colour=#800080]"I KISSED HIM!!!!" [/colour]<< [colour=#40e0d0]That's great, that's Fantastic!...Wait...who?[/colour] >> Mooney was Curious as to Who Shade was talking about when out of nowhere Teacher answerd the Question [colour=#008080]"You and Slick make a cute couple!!" [/colour]<<[colour=#40E0D0]That answers that question[/colour] >>[colour=#afeeee] [/colour]Bluemoon turned around to, again, get ready for bed when she noticed Pocket Drinking something from a suspisious container. She made her way over to poket and asked << [colour=#40e0d0]Hey what's that? Can I have some please?[/colour] >>
  18. WELCOME! And please enjoy your stay at Canterlot!
  19. WELCOME! And please enjoy your stay at Camterlot!
  20. WELCOME! And please enjoy your stay at Canterlot!
  21. WELCOME! And please enjoy your stay at Canterlot!
  22. WELCOME! And please enjoy your stay at Canterlot
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