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Status Replies posted by DreamySunday

  1. Yay, birthday day today for meeee!

  2. OMG why am I sick now?! It almost Halloween for goodness sake! DX

  3. Okay, i just started playing dark souls 1. Im a rouge, but can't even beat the skeletons after you exit the undead asylim for the first time...... Anyone got any tips? Please, if you do, i need help :(

  4. Not single, but totally ready to mingle!

  5. Thinking of making a new OC, or could I edit an OC who already has been accepted into CC and WoE?

  6. Who should I choose for the Character Lore thread: Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, or Princess Luna? Due to schedule restraints I can only do one.

  7. hey im jenny and im new to this website

  8. If you love dogs please reply

  9. If you love dogs please reply

  10. If you love dogs please reply

  11. If you love dogs please reply

  12. If you love dogs please reply

  13. If you love dogs please reply

  14. If you love dogs please reply

  15. So I go to the Renassiance Faire in my Celestia cosplay (yay alot of people knew who I was!) and a little girl runs up to me to give me a picture she drew of Princess Celestia! Im keeping it forever! >w<

  16. Fire is back y'all! But it's temporary :3

  17. Fire is back y'all! But it's temporary :3

  18. Fire is back y'all! But it's temporary :3

  19. What do the stars in my profile mean? The ones under my "Online Last Active Today"

  20. I'm thinking of doing a blog series where I come to the defense of commonly disliked episodes and characters, any suggestions?

  21. Can anyone here reccomend a good image sharing site? A site I can link images from? The one I normally use is a slow, buggy ad-filled mess now. #:|

  22. Playing KH HD Remix makes me want to participate in an MLP:FiM/Pony KH RP. >_>

  23. Can we all just agree that when everyone has Pokemon GO, home invasions are going to skyrocket?

  24. Drawing a humanized oc of mine... I wonder who it shall be

  25. Tired, Not a Rock Farmer...

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