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Status Replies posted by RarityDash

  1. One more thing that needs to be said about the new episode: DID YOU SEE RARITY IN THOSE COWBOY BOOTS?!?!? *dies*

  2. I don't see what the big deal is. I thought Rarity's fake accent was cute and funny. And OH MY CELESTIA she looked so adorable in cowboy boots.

  3. It's very possible that today's episode may have boosted Rarity to best pony for me.

  4. Apparantly it's a cardinal sin in the MLP Fandom for your favorite episode to be A Canterlot Wedding. Sorry guys, but it's too amazing for words.

  5. One day, Applejack will see the light of truly engaging writing. Until then, she's as much grounded as Fluttershy.

  6. Wind Walker and her very favorite(st) princess (By Pixel-Prism) http://www.deviantart.com/art/Wind-Walker-431914698

  7. Melodic death metal is the greatest music in existance. All who disagree are wrong.

  8. Hello everypony~ nice to meet you all! <3

  9. Who is the best character in MLP? Go!

  10. Talked to mom on the phone today; leaned my nephew is a huge brony.


  12. Reading bronies rage on EQD over Flash Sentry making a cameo makes my day. Yes, yes, feed me your tears of butthurt. They better use him more now for the lutz. :D

  13. Massive Brohoof chain? /)

  14. Massive Brohoof chain? /)

  15. New to Canterlot.com, but definitely not new to ponies. =)

  16. Bleh. That's all I can pony today. Might have time to get to even more of my threads tomorrow though.

  17. Just in case it's been overlooked by some ponies, the Fantastic Field Trip to Canterlot Castle is underway! Drop by the OOC Thread to sign up, or the RP Thread to take part if you already have signed.

  18. Quick question to the SRP and Lore-Builders: Who do I PM for info about the REA?

  19. This Seahawks-Saints game is getting ugly. I want to see somebody get punched!

  20. The Canterlot Events Team is taking a break after several great RP events. What kind of events would you like to see next?

  21. Hey you know how I said I was going to watch Madoka Magicka and Attack on Titan over break? Yeah, I forgot :I

  22. WOrking on a new app! get ready for Presteza's mom!

  23. My alicorn has graphing powers. What can you do but listen to her lecture?

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