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Everything posted by abc

  1. wow this thread took off while i was gone... could i still participate even after a (semi) long absence? if you dont want me too than i understand..
  2. Okai, im actually back and active again, my problems ended rather quicker than i expected

  3. ok...so im not getting banned or something crazy like that (yet) but i am having trouble in school and i have to pay the conseqences, now im leaving canterlot for an amount of time in which im not exactly sure of, but school work comes before ponies sadly. id like to say im sorry due to the neglection of the rps im in/pending to be in and well thats about it..... Now im not leaving for good, consider it an.....extended getaway, i do not want to leave...nor do i want to do this, but it must be done... So farewell, at least until another time.... i may be on every now and then but i wont befully back until my schoolwork comes back up to a sufficiant grade. So, yeah, see you guys later
  4. easy, get them from where ever they live and teach them how to aim and pull a trigger
  5. an army of peguins armed with ak47s and a giant matis from halo 4
  6. (that was direct lol ) Broken stood up "well i guess its my turn" he stood infront of the class, "Im from a small town known as ponyville, its not too far from here, i enjoy making music, playing games and just being a nerd" Broken said with a grin "now i can be kind of a prankster, but not too much, the reson im here is i wanted to get a higher education, and my mum said i couldent be a musician full time, but what does she know, shes just being mum" Broken looked upon the silent classroom and bowed "oh my names broken chords by the way, you can call me chords" Broken then grabbed a peice of chalk and wrote in big bold letters: NERD POWER Broken, winked and went to his seat.
  7. idk, really i just found sheens idiocy to be amusing
  8. Broken looks up at the teacher, and is slightly annoyed at the fact that he was woken up, he sighs and looks over at silver "Watcha, drawing over there?" he wispered.
  9. i just came up with a perfect idea for some artwork based off the new episode! it could be scootaloo and rainbow dash next to each other with a blnket over them reading a daring doo book in the candlelight!!! this is why i wish i could draw....(if anypony wants to use this idea feel free!)

    1. aFlatmajor


      Browneh....You 're awesome....I've had artist block all day and this is perfect!! I shall draw it. (in the future and prepare to be disappointed)

    2. StarStorm


      Id like to see this when you finish Silver. :D

      Browneh, that idea is BEAUTIMOUS!! C:

  10. hmmm tough choice, but id have to say jimmy neutron
  11. well it all comes down to personal preference really
  12. *sees luna* *has stroke* i really like how they FINALLY gave my favorite cmc some character development, and GOOD LORD this episode was full of cancer causeing adorableness. i loved it, the episodes are really only getting better! "I said headless not brainless"
  13. im jelly because of his charmingness and dashing good looks Definately the device im using to view all my pony related shows, and tlk to you guys, my xbox it was....interesting to say the least...
  14. "no problemo dude, if you need anything else just give me a call" Broken said with a smile. broken then goes over to his desk and once again begins to sleep.
  15. very brave soul, i mean heck, everypony deserves to be loved, right??? right?? Right?
  16. ^ this is best explanation i still hate the opener -_-
  17. if you like romantic comedies than yes, otherwise your in for about a page of action and 623 pages of unadulterated romance madness
  18. i....have no idea.... Weesh you and your rat bunny thing confuse me so....
  19. oh. my. god. troll doll+GAK+play-doh the horror..... THE HORROR!! THE HORROR!!!! THE HORROR!!!$@#@# this will never be unseen
  20. Broken looks at the scedule, "hmmm so we just got out of homeroom, so now its time for history, just follow me to the class, and we should be there soon enough, and what are you here for?"
  21. have you ever let burger king sit in the fridge overnight then microwave it and try to eat it? if you havent, dont. seriously.

    1. MidnightBlackhorn


      Half tempted to link a you dont say face

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