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Everything posted by abc

  1. "thats cool, what do you enjoy to draw?" Broken said
  2. "Well" Broken said "i usually do my homework, if its a school day, and if i dont have any, i usually just start or continue working on a song if im having a type of block, then i just play xbox and try to think of a good beat or how the next part of the song would sound, then i make it happen" Broken smiled "so its generally a day of fun"
  3. meh, i did nothing special today, really happy (late) Hearts and hooves day!
  4. (oh, god, maybe you should start asking questions Queen ) "oh, did i? Hmm sorry, ive kinda got a bad memory,and im kind of an idiot if you havent already noticed, so anything you wanna know about me?" Broken smiled
  5. "alrighty" Broken stood up, Darknesses hand still in his, and led her to the hallway "alright, so, What games to you like?" as Broken aimlessly walks down the hallway (mother of celestia, this thread used to bustling with characters!, and now theres just 5-6 active peeps on hur )
  6. Broken smiled "Yeah, i dont like country either" Broken said as he saw two people leave the cafeteria "So, you wanna go to next class, or stay here?"
  7. SO MUCH LOVEEEEE ;___________________________________________;

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. DreamySunday


      Nighty Night **disapears in a mist**

    3. StarStorm


      Haha!! Aaaawwwwhhhh I wuv you guys :D

    4. abc


      *stands up* I wuv u too!


  8. Well, i guess all good things end sometime, heck, even FiM is bound to end eventually (lol jk, this show will go on long after were dead ) But anyways i wish all of you luck, in your, um... busy-ness and hope that this gives you the extra time that you guys need for IRL stuffs
  9. Tomorrow is the most painful day for forever alones like me.............. Valentines Day ;__;

  10. Broken blushed and smiled "uh..um...so...you said you like m..music? W..What kind? I personally like electro or d..dubstep
  11. kick out with hind-legs, <--- Silly admins are silly, changing short words to long words :P

  12. "hmm, okay, then...i guess we will just wait until everyone else gets up" Broken said as he saw her hand slowly slide halfway to him Oh god...is she trying to hold my hand? Or is she just stretching? Ahh, umm lets see.. Broken looked at her hand then back into darknesses eyes, he then fixed his beanie with his right hand and put it slightly next to hers, seeing if she would notice.
  13. awesome episode, 1 2 rainbow dash moments, rainbow dash moments everywhere! and 3, the mare on the left, when we saw dashie with her father, could that be her mother? im just drawing that because she has the same eye colour as her, and her fathers are a sort of yellow, unless magenta-ish eye colour is a dominant trait? meh, maybe, but i really dont feel like listing the possiblities of recessive and dominant traits, i'd be here for a while (not that thats a bad thing c: ) but yeah, 9/10, the episode was hilarious and was overall awesome. EDIT: No, nevermind, i disproved my on theory, the mares eyes are a brighter colour pink, while dashies eyes are more of, like i said a magenta colour.
  14. Broken blushed as he looked into darknesses eyes "Great, so its a dat- er a hang out, um...do you know when lunch ends?" Broken said as he held back saying the word "date" so he doesnt freak freak her out.
  15. (lol i fail so hard, so, deleated)
  16. (0.0 ninja queen is ninja) Brokens ears perked up "Black ops 2? i love that game! u wanna....h-hang out, today? Well, after school?" Broken said with a large smile swallowing his pizza.
  17. lol, its a good thing i missed this like, 4 days ago, ill repost :3
  18. i'd be confused and stay away.....one does not simply walk up to a kiddy anakin maybe.....will you find and murder me if i dont?
  19. Do you ever feel like copying someone else's status just to see if they notice?

  20. welp, its been fun guys, but im calling it. Time of death:Sunday, Febuary 3rd 10:04AM
  21. im predicting about 5~6 seasons till the show starts running itself into the ground, i mean, all good things must come to an end i think it will also have to do with Studio B running dry on ideas and and losing the huge creative momentum they have for the show, thus causing major declines in the episode quality and .... Poof, our favorite show is gone.
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