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Everything posted by MidnightBlackhorn

  1. Yup, and make sure to shamelessly promote your showcase thread in your sig, as LM and I do
  2. It occurs to me that you all have nothing to sample my work by, so I am now posting a link to Lunar Love, my passion mostly unedited coming straight from my brain hyped up on too much caffeine at 7:00 AM. Enjoy! http://www.fimfiction.net/story/36544/Lunar-Love
  3. Midnight was starting to feel dizzy from his overexertion. He looked in the direction of the exit, and at that moment, his light started rapidly fading. He sprinted towards it, and with one final effort, caught up to Page and Fantasy
  4. As the shadows crept in, Midnight used his magic to make as much light as possible, driving off the shadows
  5. [colour=#ffa500]Thanks! You are too! So, where did you learn to play?[/colour]
  6. Midnight heard the knock. It startled him, causing him to fall off of a ladder. [colour=blue] Blasted gravity![/colour] he said to nopony in particular. He trotted over to the door, and opened it up, and grinned at the pony behind it. [colour=blue]Hey! You made it! Sorry 'bout the house, you would not believe how easy it is to break these walls[/colour] Midnight said with a nervous laugh
  7. Stardust: -laughs; looks at TechBrush- [colour=orange]Enjoy your trip?[/colour]
  8. [colour=orange]I know that song![/colour] Stardust starts playing the lead guitar tab along with Tipper.
  9. [colour=orange]Yup, eyes are a good thing to NOT have gouged out. I would think that would be......unpleasent to say the least[/colour]
  10. Stardust smiled. This colt is pretty cool she thought to herself
  11. Yeah, but only cuz link cyanided it How many times has Linkhopper got you with cyanide?
  12. Stardust nods in approval. [colour=orange]I like that one. Definately one of the best basses I've seen[/colour]
  13. [colour=orange]Yup! It's a Strat I got from my uncle. When he gave it to me, it was broken, something he got from a friend and never fixed. He told me if I could fix it, I could have it. Just needed the strings and pickups replaced, so it wasn't that hard[/colour] She plays the intro riff from Pearl Jam's Evenflow
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