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Everything posted by MidnightBlackhorn

  1. Hello there Tech. I was wondering when you'd join us (I know this guy in RL)
  2. Yes. As i said my favorite song by them is Do it now remember it later
  3. Yes, a frying pan to the head. Speaking of frying pans, who plays TF2?
  4. Yeah, Aloe. Speaking of Aloe, who is exited for season 3?
  5. So every month or so, post here (necro this thread) Have Fun everypony!
  6. Mine is a mustang. An excellent breed of horse. Speaking of horses, who likes apples?
  7. Yes. My favorite song by them is Do it Now, Remember it Later Do you know A Day To Remember?
  8. Epic. Simply epic. If you like BVB you should look up Fit For Rivals. Here's their song Damage-
  9. I apologize for the slight necro here but I lol'ed
  10. Or perhaps he was just an ass XD
  11. Not really, although I have a lot of people who disagree with me. What about you guys? Do you like the colour Blue?
  12. I tweeted a pic about this actually: https://twitter.com/midnightAKAEric/status/252629963143004160/photo/1/large Not necessarily about a friend per say but meh
  13. Rainbow Dash X Pinkie Pie has always been one of my favorites. Also, Vinyl Scratch X Octavia
  14. My pitch drop of Slendermane: http://soundcloud.com/midnightblackhorn/slendermane-slendermane-lost
  15. Not normally my kind of music, but you've hooked me. I have officially downloaded all the songs on this topic
  16. Applied for a couple jobs today

    1. SkyshotSwift
    2. MidnightBlackhorn


      Just some fast food resturants. I need a job because i need a car XD

    3. SkyshotSwift


      Cool, same here. I also want a new computer. oneaathemnewfangeleddeelyes

  17. ........................ I have finally met my intellectual match. I admit defeat. I do however fully support Luna, as zealotus (?) as it sounds, but I respect your opinion. Long life to you friend
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