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Everything posted by Dessa

  1. Yeah, Cinnamon Twist is a such fun design! And I love how you poni, Clockwise.
  2. Dessa

    luna dream

    I do believe Ginger has found her defining series. These are lovely, Gingi!
  3. Yeah, this sketch is plain /awesome/
  4. Dessa


    Yeah, that captures Sunny fairly well in that respect.
  5. Pinkie's Family. Also, all y'all Gilda haters need to step.
  6. Dessa

    Spirit Trinity

    The head doesn't have to be so strict to the circle. Pony heads are sometimes drawn narrower from the front, like real life pony heads, and the bridge of the nose and the forehead are often drawn a little bit flatter. This looks pretty great for a week in though. I'm sure you've done other art-type-things before, yes?
  7. Yeah, I like these. The expressions grab me.
  8. 3 is COOL lookin' man. She aint takin' no guff from nopony.
  9. Dessa


    SO MUCH LOVE. So much.
  10. So, what is your favorite TF2 class then? <---- Pyro Fan.
  11. Dessa

    New Here

    Party of One! Bam!
  12. So, how did you find us, Ms. Moon?
  13. Dessa


    Errr, yeah, I guess if you broke enough of them... But don't let this guy persuade you that we're ban-happy or anything. Also, killing people is not within our jurisdiction. I offer a warmer welcome instead: "Hi! Welcome to Canterlot! It's awesome here, and you're going to love it!"
  14. Dessa

    hi there

    Ooh! I never get to ask this: "How did you find our site!" Also: "Who is best pony?"
  15. Sooooo... It's okay if I call you Deline then? Welcome to Canterlot!
  16. TWO HUNDRED TWENTY PONIES! Wow. My faves are the G1 ponies, by far. Welcome to Canterlot!
  17. Welcome to Canterlot! Wow, so this pony RPG, I dont suppose it's posted or published somewhere? That sounds like it could be ineteresting. Huh, I hear about TVTropes RP for the first time, and suddenly we have 2 of ya. Cool!
  18. The Los Pegasus debate rages on. I, for one, believe it's Los Angeles that spoofs. TV Tropes has RP? Welcome to canterlot!
  19. Also, faust describes Celestia as a combination of the three races.
  20. The font is /fantastic/, Ginger.
  21. Dessa


    I agree that this one isn't as evocative, but it's still very pleasant in its own right. Your knack for color and line is evident, as always, the anatomy is great, and her face is really expressive.
  22. Oh? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOZLoWu4BHM You're welcome.
  23. Theres one thing we're overlooking: When you're friends with a moderator, there's that sense that you're being "watched." What if you say something that upsets them, does that mean you have to worry about being modded? When you're in personal conversations with them, can you swear and make bawdy jokes? On the flip side, there are some places where mods will let their friends get away with more than non-friends. Being friends with a mod DOES involve factors that just arent there with peers. As mods here at Canterlot, we stress professionalism. We avoid playing favorites, or picking on folks. Friendships should be seperate from duties after all. Nonetheless, being fronds with someone who isn't your peer has its own difficulties, and its own upsides too. It's just something you have to explore and negotiate. Every friendship has its own quirks that must be navigated, but ultimately, friendship is friendship.
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